12 x Charles De Ketelaere Player Picks

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Oh Charles Charles Charles Charles Whoa okay so this must be a crazy card Five-star skills and he's six four Super Jammy five-star weak foot damn bro Chat free Ibrahimovic damn which one do You take Center forward this one has More positions this one has crazy Finishing bro this one is faster though That's why it's better dribbling Yo this one has 93 strength with five Star weak foot oh my God man bro that Honestly man that's a crazy SPC that's Actually an insane player man I don't Know man like it's a tough decision for Which one to go with on that one that's What I'm saying that choice is tough man I don't know yet I don't know yet I'm Leaning towards the left wing but I just Don't know I did do the the striker is Way better though I know like he's got What five shooting man three passing bro 10 physical how much less Pace this One's got better dribbling man that's a Thing the striker has 93 strengths what How similar is he to ibra pretty similar Man to be honest I'm about to shoot the Shooting obviously a little bit less Right better passing which is always Nice he's got good passing agility three Less reaction wow seven more dribbling Less composure better defending Obviously And less physical compare the striker Dude I think I'm doing the left wing

Boys you know what I'm saying I'm a rat I need my skills man I kind of feel like There's not really like a wrong choice Though the Striker's sick too man if I If I did the striker I'd probably play Him as an LCM or that physical man god Dude five star weak with that passing Too oh my God so good Wait we're gonna watch him do the player Pick for Charles all right let's see Wait I wonder if this is actually let's See I want to watch who we choose this Imagine you see like a YouTube video Going up 30X Charles player picks You just see who everyone's choosing you Could do like a tally at the end all Right let's see let's see his team chat Oh Perfect for his team though okay Okay now here we go chat first Charles Player pick in the Stream today He's got the five star skill nice the Dynamic is there as well all right let's See what we do man what's he gonna do Striker with five star weak foot left a Wing with Five Star skills He's thinking about it nah he's gotta Choose this one I know it yeah that's Because he's a rat he's in the he's a Part of the Rat Army he's a part of the Rat Army the striker can be lengthy Really if you're taking the striker you Are a bot Adam says in the chat you are A bot he's calling you a bot the left

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Wing is winning the poll I know like It's an interesting comparison because The left wing like you could look at it And be like is he really that much Different than Di Maria number one Di Maria was ahead of his time amazing card Right like but also like yo he's 6'4 man It's a it's a it's a completely Different type of player wait nah look At this pole man left wing because I'm a Sweat Striker because I'm a bot who made This poll Adam made this poll bro I Don't want to choose the the wrong one Man I don't want to like have like Another bad takes man because remember I Chose the wrong Mertens oh I don't want To choose the wrong one bro it's it's Really close that's what I'm saying no I Know the striker is clear man like in Terms of stats but bro I chose Kane over Veron I'm thinking like maybe I actually Would use the maybe I could use the the Striker one that's at left Center mid Oh Oh Wow two two people two left wings Two Five Star skills oh yeah he's is he Old gen yes confirm is square DDA Airlines Chad did aloeiron fall off a Bit I feel like I feel like he's not as Good man and I feel like he's only Really like fast on the Breakaway Because once you like slow him down a Bit he's not as good like side to side

Nah you just fell off all right man all Right Oh Oh this Striker has won all right so the Five-star replay has won two to one Right now for the skills Nice man nice it's sold that's crazy man You think it'd be better than Di Maria I Don't know man Di Maria is a goat I'm Not sure Di Maria is not mid man he's Not he's just not mid bro you're making It up I'm telling you all right boys we Got another pick here we go boys Oh Oh wow two to two Wow two to two all right it's even now That's crazy nah man he is six before With what skills are you doing with him Bro imagine elasticals with someone six Foot four come on man no hardest Decision of my life let's see oh here we Go chat Who is going to take the lead Oh my God bro Striker's up three two Striker five star week but it's up three Two now after being down two nothing Scenes man's absolute scenes a little Bit of a playoff series going on here Yeah oh here we go Back at it here we go Oh what's he gonna choose Bro the Striker's winning 4-2 no way am I selling step overs with 6'4 is crazy Adam dude 4-2 man what's going on right

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Now Neff says the left wing is garbage [Laughter] And that probably put in my CDM Or Mickey mazio knowing how ratty he is He probably took the Five Star skills oh My God I mean I'm a rat dude I'm saying I'm probably taking that I need my Skills man I said Mickey Mazzio dude Ozio is so good at this game what is he Taking He's probably taking the skills 100 That's what I want to take here we go Here we go 4-2 4-2 4-3 Four three here we go four three boys yo The amount of L's right now is crazy Ozzio said cdk he said the striker is Better why what do you say he's gonna Use him as left Center mid we both know What's gonna happen no matter what Version you take you will 100 after one Week go should have taken the other one Chat you sold me bro you know what's so Funny about you saying that bed I was Watching a couple of the clips on the Clips Channel yesterday and like Literally every single clip is just me Saying the chat sold me bro I just Believe the chat on everything dude I'm Just like Chad it's your fault man I Just randomly will say that it's so Funny it's totally true though guys I Will probably blame you by Friday about

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Choosing the wrong version I admit it Man all right boys we've got another Charles pick here we go Four four It is four to four well it's gonna be Five four but was it four four five four All right Striker's up five four oh here We go who do I take Who do I take oh you have mudric already Bro damn you really don't need Charles In your team man uh you have kalula Though and Mike All right here we go Uh uh what's he going with boys what's He going with dude no way man Striker's Up six four chat six to four uh okay It's six to four It's six to five six two five six two Five ladies and gentlemen all right so Let's let's choose the left wing and That was good to me Striker is the way Uh five-star skill moves 192 centimeters Is not it nah chat come on man all right Wait let's see this man hold on let's See this high high this one is high Medium yo Chad I think I'm gonna take This one though because either way like As a LCM if this one is high high as Well like if I want to end up putting Them there same positions right Striker Is actually so clear oh wow the strength And aggression is mad different too oh This one is jumping is not as good Either damn bro he's got that shooting

As well man Foreign Man I need my skills bro You know I need my skills man How am I supposed to do Anthony spins With the striker Come on Chad come on chat respect me man Respect me chat

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