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#fifa #fifa23 #rtg

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video Team of the year has fully officially Started with EA putting the team of the Year nominees in pack the 12th man in Pack and the full Team of the Year Impact we're just waiting for some more Icons to get dropped to be fair but Today we're gonna be opening some more Share play packs most specifically as Many of those 500 000 coin packs as we Can possibly get they are in store and With so many really nice players Available I am hoping that we can see some nice Packs they are 3 000 FIFA points they Are 500 000 coins Are they going to be any value Whatsoever ah Obviously it's the hero isn't it Obviously the hero comes first yeah an 89 Collier good for fodder What else we got here Oh dear oh dear I mean good father right A 90 an 89 an 88 387 strength Theory Maybe the nominees hit the back maybe The nominee see the back They don't oh dear Well that is a really unfortunate first Pack I would have expected at least one of The deadbeat team with here nominees man Cool that all honorable mentions of Becky pardon

Right account number two Account number two It's got 22 packs saved but it's the Store pack saved with the most Interested in one foot Hero player to be Raid 87 or higher 75 rated gold players 80 or higher with five guaranteed to be 80 was 86 or higher come on It's a hero again It's a German hero again it's Striker This time it's Gomez it's bad It's bad 88 racktage 88 Crews Some 86s you could probably complete Like A good good Fair chunk of uh the new Sbcs with that But my God Maybe they do sit the back seal though No we do Get Saucy Pedro oh dear EA how Can this packway be so bad 33 for a nominee oh via oh I love it I Love it they are still past and present What a hero yeah we Yeah wacker We are gonna pack My cycle right here right now 3000 feet For points he wants this store pack only And uh Yeah let's check right Let's check Team of the Year 6.3 Team of the Year Honorable mentions 33 you know what that Means don't you

That means But because the first who didn't have One This one is guaranteed A Team of the Year nominee And well all French left mids try car Papa hey I still stand by the fact that He's sick in game He's so nice where else we're going here Informed Bowen and Vasquez lots of Fodder here 488 387s 286 is a whole bunch of 85s Oh maybe they just didn't put them in Packs yet oh 89 kante as well that is a Law could fodder but that is still Absolutely atrocious that's three right That's 99 if we add up 33 for each of Them I know that's not how percentages Work but that's 99 which means the next Pack is literally guaranteed All right my guy's got a full icon team Do you know what I don't mind packing Him an icon we could probably see Ourselves just like a regular 98 Pele Coming out of the pack right here We could indeed I will say this though Look how many FIFA points a year just Banking right here 3 000 more in the bank that's 12 000 Altogether this one's guaranteed A Team Of the Year nominee It's just a hero again Oh oh it's Joe called thank God I Thought it was going to be peer crowd I

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Would have cried maybe he might be uh A6 Raid though so he gets eradicated right Wow Event Theory What are these dupes they have to be big Oh dear okay That might be the worst one That might actually be the worst the Worst one what a team that is A bit of SBC City in here isn't it Pogba SPC Ramos SBC Joe Xenia SBC was this creature in SPC I Think it was Maldini was Di Maria was But still a really nice team oh yeah Gareth Bale is a left wing by there he Loves to see it the Richer wasn't An SPC okay All right this is number five we're 132 This is now you know 165 guaranteed Guaranteed Oh it's gonna be a Betty Pele I don't Even know if that's good anymore these Days I know he's been good in game like way Early oh yes it was guaranteed let's go Bam that's a tasty pack It's got all three star 88 rated informs He has got cheeky little effect here Chilling in there Four star four-star lovely lovely And in general really really clean Starts And he got a Betty Pele icon well sorry

Hero Now that how much is a fecky on the Market Oh my days it's like 400k at the moment Maybe a little bit less over 200k That's a nice pack this man has been Niced What do we call as dupes oh Trent Theory You know it Trend Theory let's go Let's go all right oh my day is another Absolute Icon Centric team just looks like Everyone's leaning towards icons all These Promos in FIFA right all of these Mad promos these really cool cards these Really cool sbcs and people still tend To Trend towards icons and I just don't Understand why Um Me personally we've got 85 Plus Defenders pack these could be nice these Could be nice No Oh yay Why Why Do you have to do this to us Cheeky Kayla Navas And my nan Not your nan Oh he's already under 100K hey still you Don't mind that though do you for uh for An 85 rated Squad It's it could be worse all right next up

This guy's got zidane Jersey And Di Maria Let's see If we And get ourselves the big Team of the Year how many of these have We opened with no Team of the Year Let's go Big virtual fact though I'm calling Three Monster cards in this pack I am calling three Monster cards in this Pack TV and Van Dyke what a beast oh we Could even have like I'm telling you man Tara Hernandez in here as well Is in here as well 100 You ready are you ready I'm calling it I Was on the phone to EA boom oh oh that's Mad That's mad Virgil Van Dyke 1.6 million Coins Though Virgil Van Dyke team of the moaned Inmate we moaned it in hell yeah Hell yeah we did Was he called 88 86 84 in the dupes oh That's a lovely pack let's go man Let's go Hey this Van Dyke is just decent isn't He six foot four medium-high two star Three star Defending amazing physical amazing Dribbling amazing passing amazing Pace With Pace split but overall amazing Superb card love that

All right oh my God's already got a TV Here in the bag you know what would go Well with Team of the Year Hakimi A Team Of the Year messy Yes indeed it would can we get the World's first back to back team of the Years It's not even a question that needs Answering We know The answer is yes we can We've got as many team of the years as We've got team of the nominees in these Packs That's all right though Another team of the anomaly nailed on Every time I see the blue Milito cheeky Kayla now ah Oh that's pain oh that oh that's all Right Trend Theory again TV and Normandy Let's move on to the next one all right Man some excitement that was wasn't it Some uh some major excitement Let's uh get this store Ripped open once again anytime say any Reason to say Pax the only reason why You might say Pax right now is because There will be a new set of icons on Sunday I don't know if it's the Alternate reality icons or more TV ear Icons but more icons are coming Effectively more team of the ears are Coming as well it's not it's a French Left mid left mid oh

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Papa Who's saying hey honorable mention why Not throw one in there oh dear 289s 288's 287s and 86 and 85s and Partridge In a pear tree Ah Remini That wasn't awful but also it kind of Was was there more than 500ks worth of Photo in there I don't know oh my God Has already got my nan My nan Oh items to deal with A 75 plus David Silva good for it Good for it and then and then and now And then Or pack we say in finaster Is it the uh the centurions What did you have you had some mad stuff Saved and you had 25 by 25 buys saved didn't you oh yeah Oh yeah you had the the 25 buyers oh Yeah Here we go 2583 plus is EA you know you're gonna Hook it up You know Yes and no and yes yes say yes Yes I thought it was a team of the year That's a big pull though you don't mind That that's one of the best that's not a Team of the year Valverde my guy let's go baby come on

Another one why not ah wait who's the Hero oh no oh no there's no hero in this Pack my bad Just a duplicate Cruise Quick sale recovery now in it Pixel recovery 100 weeks or recovery Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Um right two more of those bad boys Two more of those bad boys I don't even Know what he is I should have checked I'll pack him again hold on I'll pack him for the second time here We go Inform I suppose one million coins for Valverde He's worth more than some team of the Seasons Oh totally close again hey at least There was one good one there Yes there was is this the one I packed Yesterday I think it was wasn't it And three uh interceptions Three thousand FIFA points through all The threes baby All the threes And we're about to pack three incredible Special cards in here including one team Of the year Come on let's let's get hikimi hikimi That means I even kept the bill is Terrible isn't he Oh it's Fernando morientes two in forms Oh dear That's probably the worst one or at

Least in line with the worst ones we've Seen All right next oh beer come big guy he's Got Enzo what a beast his card was I Don't I haven't played FIFA in so long I Wouldn't even be able to say now this Card was legit for a while man I wonder If Enzo gets like a 99 rated card at the Back end of the game cycle Um That'd be quite fun wouldn't it That would be quite fun What else we saying Primer pack team video we've got one we Need we need two Bellingham I feel like would be served Right now Oh it's gonna be JJ or culture That's not bad it's not that great Anymore but it's not bad Cheeky Kayla Navas in there I've changed my opinion that's the worst One so far oh another guy who's already Caught too many Hakimi Hakim of the year There's two people who have got Hakeem Of the Year already and this guy's got The 85 Plus by three a Defenders pack And we know this is a guaranteed Mike my Nan In here for sure what else has he got Uh You just sacrificed him to the pack gods Don't we don't even watch that this is How you get blessed

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This is how you get blessed team of the Anomaly minor and guaranteed oh game What is a walkout these days it's part It's going to be Ruben dish Laurice and should I asked off All right Nice uh nice nice team that bronze Benching Ron's benching for the L Was it is it player picks Oh Joe Webber I don't know We'll do we'll do the player picks but We might not put these in the video Unless we get a team of the year New store pack what's the new store pack In newly Venturian too You've got jazz in here from the 88 So it starts tonight for also doesn't he Winter jumbo pack Is this you blaze this account here Pack of Lies yes you Gotta stop typing in the chat because You make sure that go weird 32 or gold or rare no guarantee for Tradable ah Where It's just 100K pack yeah fair enough What did you say you had pal Let's let's rip something that's going To get you big player Are the centurions Are the centurions I got a feeling this Has got three blues in it not team of

The years maybe one Baby one Oh Let's go It's not even my account But let's go Team of the Year early Holland Oh I want to pack him and play with him For about seven games and then be like FIFA's terrible wow What did I say three blues in here I'm I'm holding to that I reckon we're gonna Have at least when I say blue like a Hero Or and an honorable mention But also maybe a second Team of the Year Have you ever seen two team ideas in one Pack Erling Holland my God let's go Oh who cares who cares man Five million coin player Four star four star ah his stats are so Nice man you gotta give him that engine But he is gonna be a beast man He is gonna be a beast Oh I'm so gassed I'm so happy like it's mine it's not Even mine and yeah I'm still so gassed Oh lovely stuff lovely stuff man all Right oh Tara Hernandez is that first Owner oh you know it is You know it is all right What are we doing here greetings rampal

Is it the store pack for 500 000 coins It's the Defenders pack here we go Here we go No just to walk out again man Damn it let this this also light up is Going to let me know As all timely it bends As we open this last pack this Arsenal Lineup is going to let me know Oh it's not out yet It's not out yet I I did see the holding starting His second team okay so like Mikhail Arteta with that basically says he wants To lose 85 Plus World Cup semi-final Nations Player pack Contains one rare gold player 85 or overall rated We're guaranteed something good here Come on oh I thought his team of the Year France cab Expect here At least it's a blue At least it's a blue and that is going To be the end of the video for today Guys thank you very much for watching And I'll see you next time I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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