20x 83×10 Packs!!

20x 83×10 Packs!

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys and the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video EA Have released the uh 83 by 10 upgrade Pack and we're gonna open like I don't Know 20 or 30 of those today and see if They are good value coming in about 70 000 coins right now and see if we can Get any fantasy FIFA Ultimate Team Players in these packs number one Contains a walkout it is cheeky very Very cheeky the only thing that would be Cheekier is you're not gonna actually Walk out there he is Wait what key is this guy gone the only Thing that would be cheekier Is if there was a hidden Angler Yes that is an awful pack isn't it 88 Navas 86 romelu Kaku Or 84s 483s number one was an L let's Move on to number two all right this Guy's got a pretty nice team there Matt What is with these color palettes today Everyone's got the 4K holy smokes All right number two here we go Here we go Mix play everyone's got the mixed Players pack left as well this one's got 1.1 million coins come on special card Inform now I don't know if the fantasy Foot sit behind the informs it is going To be Javi Galan had another good Weekend this weekend didn't he And alongside him

Oh that is awful You can't even redo the SBC tomorrow With this 583s 584 is one of them being An inform God damn that's crazy that's Crazy two L's in a row Oh this is a nice team two centurions Two Team of the years Five icons two of the uh well these Winter wild cards that's all right in There That's all right can we can we can we Get like I just want the first fantasy FIFA Ultimate Team player That's it Informed walkout now I have a feeling That gross usually is it's gearheart Um I have a feeling that we could have a Special car behind Now that's the best pack so far Three informs an 88 and 285s this is Probably no not even probably this is Definitely worth more than the SPC in Terms of other 20K Like maybe 15K and 12K or whatever so There's like you know 40 50k's worth of Informs Yeah 13 14 15 k385s yeah that's a dog Pack that's a double pack it's still not What you want but it's a dub hack that's All right all right so everybody's got Matt obviously so easy to build a team In this game this year But it's still I don't know why it still

Shocks me every single time I see a mad team but it does I could Look at a team like that and my mind Where I am within like FIFA world is Like I'm like that's an endgame team But obviously it's only March in it and You could have probably had a team as Good as that in January But because I'm so used to like the Actual grind of this game where it took Time to get a good team rather than just Like a day I still get that whole like Oh my days When a team like that shows up all right We'll go here German goalkeeper it is Mark Andre stegen Gets clean sheet on the weekend then Again that's a terrible pack How can you how how can we have opened Four of these now and not had a single Fantasy FIFA Ultimate Team card yet or Is that five already start a new account Because my team's so stacked and it gets Pretty boring yeah it does it does get Boring and I think the the issue again Yo five safety thanks for the uh four Months brother I think the issue again Comes not from the fact that it's too Easy to get a team I don't really mind That right I think people should have The ability to play with all of the Players in the game right I'm I'm not Opposed to it being Easy to get a good team I think the

Problem is is there's no reason First of all to really have a good team Which is quite interesting in itself and Second of all that's a nice team Um Like let's take this guy's team for Example and vipes let's include all of This chat where I started off right Let's say that we pack a nice uh fantasy Fee for Ultimate Team Center mid is he Really gonna be better than locatelli Autoram if not the answer is probably no And so it's going to be a sideway side Grade right so if people are constantly Side grading with the odd occasional Upgrade every two to four weeks and then You know we get the odd power curve Promo team of the season will definitely Be one of those yeah we're still just Playing in the same game modes and so to To go back to my initial point of I Don't mind in general that it's actually Really easy to get a good team I I do Think people should be able to play with All of the players in the game I think That's a whole part of Ultimate Team Right I think the journey to get them should Maybe be a little bit more challenging Or you know instead of people having Like clubs with hundreds of special Cards you should have the sacrifice We've got a toast again as the walk out There you should have to sacrifice

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For the better players and the upgrades Right so it's like okay if you want to Go from that 88 right back to the 91 Right back you're gonna have to trade in A lot so like you know although I Complain about the prices of spcs And this is going to sound really uh Hypocritical that's not bad as a pack But maybe like having a reason for People to give in their other special Cards so that people actually have to Make conscious decisions as to whether Or not it's worth it right so So that that's on the one hand on the Other hand if if that sort of thing just Doesn't exist and doesn't come I'm also Fine with that the other thing that I Would like to see is It's all well and good people having the Ability to get a team very easily and Upgrade their team very easily and have Hundreds of special cards very easily Just give us fun places to play with Them that's all it needs well that's not All it needs that's just not true either That would be a good step in the right Direction if there was a reason to use Some of these Fun Cards you know like That new card that just came out Angel Gomez why would anyone use him over like Let's let's take our our boys team here As well let's see what Matey's got As you go on that left-hand side right It's Dimitri payet it's a French league

Winger Why on Earth would he have Angel Gomez Over this Dimitri payet maybe Angel Gomez has slightly better stats in one Area maybe slightly worse stats in Another area But what motivation would he actually Have to swap the player around right and So obviously Part of the solution is a different game Mode but they could have just like fun Times where it's like hey for every Fantasy FIFA Ultimate Team player you Have in your squad throughout Rivals This week you'll get an extra 500 coins Per game imagine you're just rocking up With 11 of them just playing just Banging out 5500 coins a game Happy Days Right All right another one another one an Interesting discussion point there Anyway guys if you guys agree or Disagree let me know down below let me Know on your thoughts of what you'd like To see from the game Lolly lolly marginos 88 rated PSG player man we're not even Getting like the best golds Uh it's probably just about value for Money but not great is it People are started going to get so gas For foot birthday or what players are They going to give fire stuff either and Then the promo is going to come

And you know what's going to happen All everyone's gonna say is man foot Birthday is dead can't wait for team of The season And then team of the season is going to Come And we're gonna get all these like Jacked up cards and these like change Foot Champs rules and everyone's gonna Get like mad gas to start saving packs For it oh we get Robinson and then team Of The Season's gonna come at like T Like 92 rated team of the season cars Are gonna be like 30 000 coins And everyone's gonna go oh my God team Of season's so dead man can't wait for Like summer heat to come and and Then summer Heat's gonna come and summer Heat is going to have like one or two Like crazy good things you know like a Really good SBC or a really good Objective where people are just like Super super gassed And it's gonna be like everyone's gonna Get legit well happy until that the Endorphin rush like Fades and then it's Gonna be like yeah like when 85 by 10. And then the eight five by tens are Gonna come and people are gonna like Grind them for like three days and then Realize they've got every card in the Game and they're still two months of the Game cycle left and they're gonna be Like Wednesday AFC 24 gonna come man

When's the AFC 24 gonna come because This game's dead there needs to be if Even with what EA have available with Like because one of the things I I used To do which would still be fun to do is Do like uh like What could EA do you know do like Concept ideas like imagine if EA started Out with an 88 dollar rumor and for Every clean sheet you got like 10 Experience points and then 100 Experience points allows you to add one Of you in here and so on and so forth That kind of stuff I'd love but let's Take something into consideration with What the EA actually have within the Purview of what they can do what they've Done already some of the things that Have gone down the best is when they Just give extra rewards for the current Game modes like remember that draft one Where it's like win one you're getting Only gun or social win three games in Draft get this win five now imagine if They did that but instead of using Players that have already been in the Game Finally God was Spain rich Man there's two in here I can I can Smell it too I told you I told for the nose of a god Let's go Christian benteke man What a career step up for him moving Moving to DC United let's go


He's loved and adored and he scores That's all he needs now he's never gonna Get More than three upgrades but he will get Three upgrades He will get three upgrades uh Demarcus Probably definitely two upgrades oh it's A duplicate hold on I didn't even pay Attention Oh Duke Theory Dupe Theory Um as we go into the next one though We'll just keep the conversation rolling Because I'm interested in my own Conversation now right Um But Instead of giving like you know that Thiago silver that they gave and that Only got a social that they gave me Stuff create cards specifically for it Right so it's like you know win three Games in draft and you get like I'm Gonna use an Arsenal player because I'm An Arsenal fan right so let's who hasn't Really had a special card this year Ramsdale he's had an informed maybe but Otherwise no special card right so Imagine like for winning three games in Draft you get like an 85 rated draft Ramsdale but you don't get to collect it Right because it's not one of those Situations where it's like you get him And then you get an 87 and then an A9

It's like the more you do the better you Get right so Win three you get a ramsdale win eight You get an 87 Rams they'll win 15 win 20 And then go to like win 50 games in Draft and you get like a 90 rated Ramsdale now first thing that you come To is the the understanding of oh man We don't want to see everyone have a 90 Ray ramsdale for winning 50 games a Draft right because oh you know 90 rate Cards higher whatever however everybody Already has the most insane players like This guy's got a 91 rated goalkeeper and Then nothing back up because he's just Wasted all of his fodder Um but you know what I mean it's like Would it actually matter to anyone if There was Two hundred thousand ninety rated Ramsdales running around in the game I Don't think it would matter very much Right so I think that within the purview of what They actually have available within the Game They could just offer so much more for People to play and whilst there is Already a lot on the game I think we're Two in a row hey is it 7 P.M yet Argentina left by age you know what I Think taglifico is a good one to get Sure he's definitely gonna get three Upgrades

That's a terrible pack otherwise he has A potential for He's worth about the same as the pack as Well that's all right that's all right Um yeah I think if if they just gave Instead of you know what they're giving Right now which is a lot of quantity but Not a lot of quality if they just gave a Lot of quality with it I think it would Be like just way better for the game Right personally anyway oh we got the The pig Is it going to be good Man I don't think that voice is actually Worth too much is he but that trend is Probably like The one in it Um so I'm gonna take Trent I'm gonna take Trent yeah I'm gonna take Trent Um Yeah so what I'm hoping for ultimately Is when Eafc 24 does drop or or maybe even like Wait is Royce like 300K is he really Ah father There's so many cams like that man now Maybe maybe like 30k Um When EFC 24 comes or when we start Getting the How much is Trent damn that's a bad pack Dead game this year yeah it really Really is really is

And it is and it's not one particular Thing that's kind of like sent the game To the ground either it's like a Culmination of every direction that EA Have taken however Once again From EA's perspective this game is in a Great space They got more users than ever they're Making more money than ever they got More engagement than ever before nice Griezmann that's a good pull though They've got more engagement than ever Before it's uh It like from EA's perspective this game Is in an incredible place Damn house man Griezmann 35k Such a nice card for stats as well do You guys remember Do you guys remember when in-game stats Well let's take I'm gonna go off on a Little tangent here I'm gonna try and be As quick as possible right back in like FIFA 15 And we didn't even know what the in-game Stats were you had to use sites like Foot heads to go and see what the In-game stats were right or you had to Pause it in game and go and have a look Right you didn't know So face card stats were everything That's all the mad if they're good face Card stats they would just sick in game That's all the mad and like FIFA 17 when


Foot Champs came around All of a sudden In-game sets became like super valuable Now in-game stats aren't really that Relevant now it's like you need to know What player traits they've got what Skill moves and weak foot they've got What body type they got what work rates They got what accelerate they got and It's like all of a sudden the actual Stats of the player Mean almost nothing And it's everything else that's valuable And that's weird in it that is just Weird Come on man how many of these things we Packed three Three So right I don't know if they sit behind The walkouts I don't think that they do They don't that's awful Here we go 1083 players pack this is like number 15 Or something the fact that we've only Seen like three or four of those special Cars I got told by somebody in the chat That they do sit behind the walkouts so There is a possibility that we have a Fantasy fee for Ultimate Team player Right now Is there a probability rather than a Possibility EA I know the servers were down all day Oh no

That's just bad again isn't it An 83 plus players pack come on show me The blue baby show me the blue Um Bane cinnamon it is a walk out as Danny parejo And That's it that's terrible All right another one Walk out Tony crows again the daily dose of Toni Gross Maybe there's a special behind him come On prove it Nope Sure look at that for a team man Perfect I won't be playing it today but I will be playing it tomorrow Yeah there's a new WWE game comes out in Four days I think I'll scrap you tomorrow if you're about All right but after that let's play some WWE Inform come on Italiano Center back killini oh no it's Mancini It's Mancini Who else No one that's a terrible pack Oh my God my guy's got the Arsenal Person present on lock There no Bosnian managers Is it isn't a French league manager just Enough no it's not you need another one Buddy oh man you should have got

Uh you should have got um Nuno Tavares shouldn't you just to get That strong link man You need Soul Campbell It was so expensive yeah he was yes all Cap would be all right Talking would be legit maybe we well we Can't get I don't this Pack's terrible Doesn't matter doesn't matter stabbing The hair Yep terrible oh Exhaustal there you go Living the dream All right another one Another one We're answering the question of all These oh It's like 784 I mean make it at least Half worthwhile Thank you thank you You ask you get that's what I'm saying Yo that's a nice team Charles de Kettleer That's a nice card isn't it It sure is It sure is that Gareth Bale as well I Don't know how like who didn't do that Gareth Bale but if you didn't You miss out he's just one of the best Calls on the game Without doubt all right 1083 plus Players pack here we go this guy's got 897 coins he deserves German cdrs Joshua kimmich at least it's

A higher rated car this time And Donna rumor in there as well Oh that's terrible with it all right Guys the last pack for today I think We're about 20 to 25 in I think Ultimately have these been worth it the Answer is no the fact that you can do Them every day Uh even though they're quite expensive If you've got the fodder what I would Suggest is to just open them up save Them up and wait for foot birthday and When for birthday comes just like rip Them and hope that you get some foot Birthday uh cards in them because You know It's just terrible isn't it thank you Very much for watching hope you enjoyed Discussions today and the discussions as Well as well as the discussions and I'll See you next time I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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