20x Mixed Campaign Player Picks!

20x Mixed Campaign Player Picks!

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here welcome Back to another FIFA 23 video EA Released the 103 road to the final Future stars all centurions player picks We're gonna open like 20 or 30 of them Here today and give an understanding as To whether or not they're worth it and In from number one hey kudus to this guy Because he has got a very fabioso a Trent Alexander Arnold that was magic Wasn't it I'll count it in everybody's Name there Um I don't think this trend is as uh Valuable as he was last time they did a Campaign bag Um I had Trent in it but I do still Think he's more expensive than the SBC Itself yeah he is quite quite quite Considerably too 300 000 coins ish for This trend very good cards Good Pace 4 star 4 star which is good Loads of good links really good in-game Stats and uh yeah number one is a dub What's a store pack like the premium Pivot pack like all hundred thousand Coins It's not worth it It's not worth it What we got what we got It Worth a bit I'm gonna have to do Little uh Like I know Dave was all right back in Here

63k I mean it's still not even terrible 89 rate of future stars he's 200 000 Coins Then Anderson being a road to the final Is 50 000 coins over tingu the PSG let's Go Let's go Joao can sell a 1119 games what a guy What of oh he's on the bench now never Mind hey at least you play a lot of Games with him At least you played a lot of games with Him What have we got in number three so Number one was a big dub number two was A dub number three Is a fat hell I honestly couldn't even Tell you which one of those would be Worth anything Like 65k Juan is almost definitely not Iago aspass is almost probably Definitely not number four one or three Road to the final well not really road To the final calls is it okay Feel like this Jordy Alba Is very good Based on other Spanish left backs and How expensive they are he should be About 400k he's a hundred thousand coins Um I think Carvalho won't be that Expensive He's 70 000 coins and then gay he as Well won't be like super expensive 50

000 coins so you know what Jordy I was Not bad and much like the Trent called You know not only is Jordy I've got some Good uh links he's got some good stats An anchor or a shadow on him and you've Got yourself a super left back not that You need them really in these games Everybody's got super lift backs in These games but not bad All right yo the Arsenal Dream Team Let's go buddy that's what we like to See when Arsenal win the League this Year I would Um we should get like a full League Winner Squad every player 98 rated and Like soccer 99 rated you know that'd be Pretty cool wearing it right next one All wroted for all my days and kettia I Don't know how much he's worth I promise You he is good I know I am and the fact That this guy's like Arsenal is 160k the Fact this guy's got an Arsenal team yeah You're happy with that Matt let's go man That's actually quite big now the crazy Thing is I think Miranda Possibly the more expensive player oh Wow Miranda's still only 50k is Eddie And kettia man every time I use him in Draft he's just legit four-star Three-star it was like five star five Star Um insane stats with 99 jumping just an Absolutely amazing player you love to See that

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You love to see that Is headings phenomenally Oh my days look At this team how how is my man running With a team of the Year Eder militar Wait hold on you've got lothamateas in Goal I don't know if you know that He's not a very good goalkeeper He's only five nine as well it's not Even like he's tall I'd probably be changing that to be Honest don't worry I'll be able to get You a goalkeeper from one of the from This player pick Right here right now Melia just feels Like they're all Trend theory he loves It he loves it He loves it What did I say what'd I say I gave him a Goalkeeper From this pick Again Luke Anderson we Now know is like 50k Lucas bath Kath is 70k And warjok Chesney Is 50k damn Vasquez is more expensive Who do you want you want the goalkeeper He does want the goalkeeper yeah what a Guy for the value right because who Cares about Anything else in this game really Sorry before before we before we go I've Got to we just gotta go and put them in There haven't we Is he linked to anyone in here

No unfortunately not Oh you got pet checking goal I wouldn't use paycheck There you go boom in you go lovely Jubbly what team that is Oh another Arsenal fan in here Doesn't have a Bloomberg though Hey that's your genio Drogba that's nice That is nice Sanchez is terrible nah Maybe maybe you're terrible you know What I mean Maybe you're terrible right Another one let's have a big one Oh wait didn't he have fofana in his Team Wesley fofana he's got to be the one to Take right yeah 400k cards that's nice That is nice What more expensive than vinting goo Definitely more expensive than uh ass And of course has potential To get some upgrades 85 Pace in general really nice card There as well lovely that's lovely here We go with another one though come on Um John cat's here again I'm like this is Like the third of all time was in Carvalho and the second time now we're Still in kettia I assume and kettia is Still the guy that's gonna be the guy That you take but once again what is he Got 170k was it Yeah 166 170k something like that it's

Really nice it's just nice right it's Good value for the uh Well the price of the SBC that's for Sure That team man Olea Sanchez cantono Fierro you should have a lot of games on This guy 1008 let's go Let's go And we improve the team that's the Question Aim your new items can we improve the Team Yeah hit us with those road to the Finals That's what everybody wants who's the Best future star Oh look at that again man gay he Carvalho and atal What's a tile saying Oh damn he's way more expensive than I Thought All Star five star can you still get Yeah he can still get upgraded It's just such a mid card isn't it for 300K I don't know what the fuss about Him is however it's a good it's a good Card it's a good card I think the uh The share players crashed But hey Ggs ggs what's this red Neymar oh Not bad not bad I'll owe Iran and Bape There's not really much they're gonna Upgrade this team man I can't even lie


When you've already got some of the best Players In your team already You get Melia astoni and bath kef you Might even want to take milia for the Father you know what I mean like that Bath Kev there's no going going nowhere Near your team I remember who you had a Ryback I Promise you it was better than uh Lucas Oh look at this team let me shake your Head at me Um three team of the years he's already Got Trenton now this will be Trent Theory all over the place won't it If he's already got Trent centurions and Then he gets In centurions Dupe theory has actually been confirmed Oh buddy issue Or Fred Abortionist no he's not one of these Cards he's Banning a shield Fred or Hasabi I think is the centurions thread still Worth a lot I think Buddy assured Maybe A shield ASU is 86k maybe Fred's worth a Little bit more Fred's 300K what I know he's four star four star yeah He's dribbling his nice his physical is Really nice as well to be fair Man some of these car prices are just Wild

Overpriced I'd say it's a little bit Overpriced but I do understand it like Being man united as well and Brazilian Like loads of links I was oh this guy's got the Memphis the Pie SBC Or games on him already as well I bet He's a little fun Hunter chem style as Well very nice And uh What do we get from the next one Damn now I don't think Timber's gonna be Worth too much because of League of Nation in spite of the fact that he's Very good and his brother's in the game As well all damn Timber's actually worth 187k I wonder what Marlon's price is 22k is that because Dortmund are out Unlucky pal Yuri and Timber it is Road to the final raspadorian good pull Yeah I think raspador is good Y he's a rated Napoli are obviously in Fine form Genuine gold chance of winning the whole Thing man based on their form in the League you know they could easily easily Go and win uh the whole thing He's worth 300K which is three times More than the SPC itself he's got some Really good stats you can still go Upgraded a whole bunch Produced to this guy but kalulu Is gonna have to be the guy we go for Isn't it

80k on kululu not the best but again 100K SBC and 80k player not awful is it It's not awful all right next up damn Let's just get straight to this one Because this guy legitimately has like 11 pixels on the screen right now and we Might not be able to this might be one Of those like guess the player Situations right all right first up uh It's Spanish I think Uh quite quite a brownish colored cards Uh noi house and tutor in there I mean They're all bad right we're gonna take Miranda my guy you can you can get uh Upgraded But already dram Mario Mr penalty here We go again Lamella biragi and kalulu Feel like lamella Isn't probably the best card It's 43k kalulu is the most expensive Lamella dub can we take lamella here We go with lamella highest rated as well Maybe not the most valuable but Certainly the highest rated Right oh that's a very blue team isn't It um That's 970 coins Bless this man the best pick that we've Seen so far Ah don't say it is Order only all right here we go with the Next one Chaos FC contrast to the other guy that


Had like three coins this guy has almost A million the other guy got nothing This guy gets Lucas Mora I actually feel Like Lucas Morrow is a even though you Know I still feel like he might be all right To be fair No he's 71k this again probably gonna Take lamella here right This guy could just go and buy Lucas More if you wanted the fact that lamella Is still live and upgradeable Gives him that extra potential so we'll Take him what's the best players to get Enzo's future stars is pretty big one Carlos thanks for gifting this up to the Stream man Um there's there's a good few like road To the finals in general as long as They're still live there's like a lot of Like really good ones Um there's a few good future Styles and A few good centurions obviously does a Neymar have a centurions yeah but for Amino row to the final Um there's there's like a good handful Of players are half decent man this is Like everything we've seen just all over Today I think vitengu is probably the The guy to go with maybe Yuri and Timber Um whoever's uh account this is who Would you prefer who would you like what Do you want oh this guy's just straight In there like swimwear we're just

Logging on That's bad in it Agarella is a decent card to play with But that is that might be the worst pick We've seen so far this guy's already got Centurions Fred Future Stars through everything that was An SBC though so it doesn't really Matter so for the last one guys to Answer you know to conclude the question Of is this worth it is it worth putting In yes I think you know 100 000 or so Coins worth of fodder You know we've had one terrible one most Of them have been worth as much or more Um Fabio Carvalho and Lucas again will Take Fabio carvalio As the one just because he's the highest Rated and that is going to be the end of The video for today if you did enjoy it Be sure to leave a like rating comment Subscribe to the channel if you haven't Already and for now guys I'm out peace

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