30x 82+ x11 UPGRADE PACKS! 🤯 – FIFA 23

30x 82+ x11 UPGRADE PACKS! 🤯 – FIFA 23

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here welcome Back to another FIFA 23 video EA release The 82 plus by 20 players pack SBC And we're going to open a whole bunch of Those today and maybe some 85 Plus Player picks as well if you're enjoying The content feel free to drop a thumbs Up and subscribe to the channel if you Haven't already we are pushing towards Walk out uh 2 million subscribers Unfortunately only brozovic Is this pack is coming in at about 100 000 coins so I would like to see some Future stars in here but as a first one Goes That is awful I would like to see Like you know some of these packs have Three or four specials even if it's just A low rated team of the week still low Rated Future Stars this is going to be a German center-back walkout it's going to Be a rudiger 87 rated we're looking for 100k's worth of fodder as a bare minimum And there you go we actually do get an Informing this one There's only 284s in there though Diallo Is obviously going to be discarded Straight away yes he is indeed 10K only Oh that is tough five is that six eighty Twos 782s Oh damn and then mostly 83s there's only Four cards that are not 83 or 82 rated

That's so poor Let's see the 85 plus three player pick Okay 87 curly Daddy not bad not bad That's probably gonna be higher rate Than anything we get out of the A2 by 20 Pack is an E8 let's just get one future Stars to start Let's get one of future stars to start Here we go eight eighty four I know they Said A4 H2 plus by 20. come on it's not It might be a walkout actually to be Fair Spain left back I told you that Daddy was going to be better than Anything we get in this pack It is so bad this pack so bad All right guys next up let's hope for a Better pack here 82 by 20 number four is This number four Oh that looked like it was gonna walk Out and then it veered off at the end is Going to be a walk out though it's Scrinio this is now 80. 82 plus players two walkouts in there Which is actually half decent and a few A4s a good little bit of fodder but once Again it's 782s 82s in that one oh that's tough All right we go again here you go for it Boom Modric Spain left back Strikers Did someone say Man special card Striker from that club Brings me back brings me back to the ad The Reese days he was one of my favorite

Players back in the day man I used to Love actually playing FIFA with him We're getting 87 songs hey Oh Oh Oh unlucky unlucky we tried our best on That one All right well look at me oh look at my Team I've got team of the ears and TV Honorable mentions and flashback pogbas And informing Backpage and yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah tour raising that Oh look at me my sick team Um all right here we go Here we go Oh We might get a little bit of top fire in This one guys oh yeah play a pick here We go these are the these are the good Ones these are the good ones told you Wait hold on I think level might be the more Expensive player here I tell you listen I'm TR I'm trying to Stay positive right like we got a little Dusky yay But you know this game is down bad when You would rather take a guy for fodder Rating over a brand new promo cards You know It's it like And that's it but hey I told you that Player pick was gonna be good I could Just feel it

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20 by 82. Oh come on Big Boy Never mind Good news is we didn't just take Singo And now we've got cingo Oh Imagine if level was in there as well But no no it's not even room ideas is Just dropped loads of transfer cards as Well why is Joel cancello not got his uh Byron Munchen called I don't know you don't know we don't Know hey that's not a bad pack though Apparently women can't make the uh Machine gun sound with their mouth the Older You know That noise Don't ask if you're there with your Misses right now or something like that God ask them to try and do it That are some struggle they can't Julie try to do it right now next up The lights go goalkeeper big boy I reckon there could be something for You to stars in here right now as well Trent Theory baby that's the best pack So far I think oh that's the best pack So far by far with Neymar This guy's a try hard Damn 511 gold contributions in 796 games That's a lot of golden goals my friend That's a lot of a lot of friendly game

Modes ggs ggs All right next pack come on come on Yeah I'm out Oh how old was 84. that's a good player There That's a good pack of it like loads of Eight fours and eight threes and 82 Isn't it Brilliant all right guys the next pack 20 spieler pack oh we've got a player Pick as well We've got a player pick as well 86 wasrock Chesney easy for you to spell Imagine him going to school and then be Like can you spell your surname please No no I can't It's University already you should be Able to by now Future Stars baby Portugal Cinema goalkeeper Yoga Costa Oh nice Manny in there as well Petri Unfortunately after he's no longer a Team of the Year nominee that wasn't a Bad I don't think cost is worth too much But 89 in there is a half decent as well Isn't it All right fact number like what 25 or Something maybe like 40 or something Uh here we go hey inform Hoiberg Probably worth more than the eight Sevens right or in 86 is just That was a nice picture wasn't it Um and uh Hack number

11 and Oh dear 85 something it's the transferred Byron Summer though So that's at least something isn't it Still is it Just terrible isn't it oh dear The next one playing as a come on let's Get a big future stars or a big walkout Ronaldo's transfer card Manet Fully daddy 87 it's not a bad start Though there could be some other good uh Walkouts oh there is some other good Walkouts in here verata equally Bali Bruno fernange And Pogba any more transferred cards in Here doesn't look like it But that is not a bad pack to be fair All right next up unfortunately this Person has got music so I'm gonna have To talk aloud and fast 20 packs installed damn this guy's Saving for Team of the Year FIFA 24 Isn't he let's go uh what do we got here We go the 10 damn it's actually got some Sick packs here 82 by 20 players pack Here we go go on future stars to walk Out And the walkout is going to be Brazil CDM it's only fabinho you want it to be Casimiro really don't you Um oh dear oh dear another transferred Summer though which is quite nice and Moving on

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All right next up a two by Twenty Players back Inform Bench right wing La Porte That's too bad isn't it That's too bad greyjo foden ah there's Some more rightful no What is that four eight Nine eighty two's Jesus All right Next up next up come on So this guy's team name is Gecko and hi That's brilliant inform S right wing oh it's La Porte ah maybe It gets 982s in this pack oh two in Forms let's go baby 485s It was only 880s that's not bad as far As a pack goes to be honest I don't know If there's quite 100k's worth of photo Here Although 85s right now Seems to be like 20K there probably is 100ks worth of photo there at this Current moment of market price Next stop I don't know how many we've done now eom Has stopped counting for me this must be About 15. Another though if this is a board again I'm done I'm done I'm done that's back To back to back the boards That's one of those cheeky Kayla Navas Moments is not cheeky you know

Mine in there as well the pie Transferred Oh that's a terrible pack man We are still waiting for a big I think The best pack so far was that one with Uh Neymar in at the back of the dupe if This is a fourth floor board I am oh Thank God thank God I've never been so happy to see an Attorney before in my life Inform asserobee baby let's go Oh Oh moving swiftly on all right 82 by 20 Next up It's a walk out at the very least German goalkeeper oh it's a trap It's not even there's a lot of 84s in There to be fair I don't see any transfer calls on that One though All right we've got the one of three Eighty five plus player pick pack Dave saves baby let's go Man united fans disrespect him He disrespect him so bad I will settle for this one because this Is going to be a special one Walk out love that Spain Well there's two premier league Goalkeepers I suppose yeah it's Mendy Sort of the elbow Tough when there's no dupes as well it's Even worse isn't it all right here we go Next up

Come on here hook me up baby don't hook Me down hey ta more rich not bad not bad Not bad it's gonna be better than Anything we're getting the H2 plus pack Isn't it of course it is What is what color settings does this Guy go on it's pretty funky isn't it Oh is it just the uh player pick my man Didn't even do the 82 plus 20 by 20. I Respect it I do but we we've hit like a Couple Future Stars The single we hit single Twice really we hit like a couple of the Bigger guys you know one Neymar one mod Rich one uh all black Uh I think even all black and Neymar are In the same pack but overall these have Actually been awful Just awful and it is cheaper It's not even Van Dyke it's the licked It's cheaper to build a 20 of the 82 Plus packs than it is to build this pack Well three Barn plays in there that's Pretty cool in it Sprinkle saving pack saving those inform Packs here we go Boom Walk out at least German sentiment Tony crows let's go Informing there or something future Stars in Earl That's it's sad to say that that's all Right but that's all right that's one of

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The better packs we've seen Come on Pac Med 20 Spillers Oh God Brazil Send it back where's you more kinos Let's go What else we got in here Diallo and cuckoo And they were here brilliant I walk out Love that yeah he was actually worth it But you know what sometimes right sorry For yawning worse or saying that but now That Pipes will probably have this been a Video a bit more sense sometimes right Some sbcs are generally bad value but Have some really good players that you Get right you know sometimes like you'll Have an SPC that costs 150k and you'll Get like a whole bunch of players Between 100 and 150k And then you'll get the odd player There's 500 to 1.5 million that's great On Packs like this now that's really nice This is definitely like one of the Better packs you know like Angola kante Himself covers like a good like 45 to 50 Of the value of the pack and the rubbish As well covers uh the rest of it in General If this pack was like if I would say Even if every other pack was giving back More for the value than the actual pack

Was worth I'd say do you know what it's Worth the pump because you'll at least Get the fodder value that you put in Back out I think we've done probably 20 to 25 so Far and I genuinely think only two packs Have had more value of fodder than the Actual pack value itself and that is Horrific so I would definitely say uh I Would definitely say Hey guys got an absolutely insane team Road to Glory go on lad Um I I would definitely say That this is just not worth it in the Slightest it's not Info Portugal that a bit Reminisce I thought it was going to be honaldo Yes I mean again it's just just just Just it's Ronaldo oh it's a duplicate Ronaldo score Lads it was Ronaldo Offroad tradable Cristiano Ronaldo how Have you done that He's only been impact for about four Days His lowest bin is 160 and nobody's Buying it so he's probably not worth 160. that's for sure But hey we packed uh Cristiano Ronaldo Dos Santos aviero baby let's go No drums mate I would assume it was no Dramas yeah because at the end of the Day it's my choice Do I mean if there was drama that'd be a

Real problem like a real problem Okay pal hey walk out Future Stars oh It's this guy again Okay pal he's okay paling me now oh my Days As per probably every share play video That we do Okay that's a sick pack it just goes off At the end doesn't it and like I'm never Actually focused on the packs As well Felix Chelsea card let's go baby Hey that's a nice pack mate well done All right guys the final pack for today Uh to summarize have these been worth it Or not the answer is a resounding Absolutely no it hasn't been worth it But this might be yeah Straight away off the bat but S-i-n-g-o-s-i-n-g-o-s-i-n-g-one arikane That's actually a pretty single packet There's a lot of walkouts in that pack Six walk out seven walkouts in that pack That is a pretty legit uh pack to end Off with thank you guys for watching I'll see you next time about peace

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