50x 83×15 Packs!

50x 83×15 Packs!

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Craig Douglas

Oh look at that team icon Central Brother Straight away Who cares man It's 20K but who cares it's an icon And trinkow as well Love to see it that is a terrible pack Isn't it fair play but An icon You don't mind that you don't mind that All right yo that Bobby Perez man what's His record saying I was gonna say that that was the SBC my Mum's in Grafton but What is it It's a 15 80 15 by 83 to 86 looks like It does doesn't it be fair Um here we go Number two Ah Come on mbappe Okay okay Okay 386 is in there is that a whole Premier League pack oh no 386 is that that's that's decent to be Fair In the history of the world oh Team of The Year Holland in his team When when somebody doesn't need a sick Player they'll get a sick player Oh my god's got two of the packs stacked Up for us First pack is only gonna be Thomas Muller

What else are we gonna have in here That's the first 87 that we've seen Though a couple of 86s as well which is Quite nice And the second pack It's gonna be come on Lights up baby I know centimeters for ratty hey back to Back 87s it's okay The rest of that pack is a bit Unfortunate but Banks back 87 is okay All right Oh damn I I don't know what it is that I Have going wrong in my brain But I constantly Yeah My brain frazzled by Insane teams even Though Everybody has insane teams It's not like the old fifas where like An insane team was like few and far Between and you really had to grind for It And yet every time I see a sick team I'm Like Oh my days that's just not the way It should be my brother I need to Readdress reassess And recalibrate my brain we're gonna get Ourselves Edison 89 the first big Walkout Is there anything else in here A couple of 86s and three eight fives Would you know what That is probably just about value

I also the road esta was 635 games on Keen as well Very nice indeed Let's get him a bit of fodder at the Very least here he come on Good bit of footer Lights up French try Oh yay that's You ask and you receive right what did I Say a good bit of water we didn't get a Good bit of order we got a great bit of Water it's Karen Benzema Very nice And an inform and an 86. Very not very nice What a dead team Oh This guy gets something sick to improve That awful team Here we go Here we go number one What's he got oh Joshua kimmich It's all right nice little 89. And then oh cheeky Kayla Navas you love To see it That's the best pack we've seen so far Only gonna be made by this Del Piero Laughs I'm actually Genuinely genuine Lee Blown Away By the fact we haven't hit more than one Fernando Torres Oh oh dear oh where's that team what do You only start the account today

What is that This guy needs the upgrades yeah look at That only 11 000 coins as well he Definitely only started this count today He needs the upgrade guys Another variety 87s are all right though aren't they Psych oh dear he's still got these uh Footballers in his team Jesus Just a quick one or a quick one tap here We go And a quick one tap This is how you get the good light you Ready That's it Just a quick one tab I mean He did have another one there I suppose Here we go To walk out Hold it down no he said through a little Tap mate Awful All right yo what team man Got Pele in that Nine packs so how did you get nine of Them Foreign CDM Oh it's Joshua kimmich look at that 89 Rated without a single face card stat That is 89 rated And another billing how many in-game Stats does he have above 89 that's an

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Interesting question isn't it Three And one on 89. how has had 89 rated Give one of them something give one of Them something who this guy Oh yeah give one thing one Opened out a small election players pack Won't be this one Oh I thought you got a special card There Oh no Jupe so This is gonna be the one it's gonna be One we'll get one I want to say one I Mean like a good player Hello Levin goldski very nice Whilst we're going this pack guys some More good father Benzema Bape Neymar Messi Oh love that lower Cruz and fabinho and Shiro immobile a lovely lovely lovely However if you do have that sort of Self-control to be able to save it why Not right why not Spain Yo I told you dope hero was coming Del pra yay what's he worth Oh billing in there again I'll tell you what I like about the fact That it's worth only 30k It's like you could just start a brand New account and then have like four Icons in your team instantly That's an all right pack to be fair

Billing again billing is going to be Like You're gonna try and there's been so Many buildings come out of these packs You're gonna try to discard him and he's Gonna no sorry We have too many in the Discord poll we Don't want any more God's Got a Lovely team Mini Like a week old protocol account All three packs in store he's either Saved all three like the two initial Gold ones he didn't open them I already had two you see save them Walk out let's go oh no way Ria Morris Again Oh my days Landon Donovan I was watching This guy the other day right Oh what an idiot he was he packed Donovan right got well gassed like well Gassed thought it was 400k checked his Price 40K So that's why I know because of watching That guy that Donovan's are about 40K Riyad mahrez Donovan and billing that's That's a rainbow pack made that is Thought of as a sick card as well I Don't I genuinely I I don't know how He's so cheap It's a nice card The first trophy Titans hero we've got Let's go And this glass has four four Tauruses up Front that's pretty mad

All right here we go Here we go we're starting to get some uh So oh oh oh my guy he's got two we're Starting to get some uh In them now Yeah now that now that I know we can Actually get them behind Kind of makes me a little bit more Excited there might be some danglers Here do you know what I mean Yeah Cy mean Frederick Lundberg dangler Baby I'm a dangler baby 50k nice That's actually a little bit of a Mid-tier card in it It just really is I'd expect better from EA for Freddie Lindberg he was so good for us All right and another one Oh and another one don't be Spain no Fernando Torres At least now my nan at least now we're Starting to get some spec oh that's Mirror is all nice we're starting to get Some specials in here that's not bad gas For large power that's not bad Two more two more come on big boys now EA big boys now EA come on what did I Say What did I say Duke theory is the realest thing So send me the invite back man I want to See the rest of that pack

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Please or just share screen instead of Share play so I can just see what's in It What else is in it I obviously wasn't just alarming it was It The blessings Could have danglers could have danglers Lisa's drink out this time and not Billing it's only gross in there as Always right I am Damn look at that team man Blue Moon Come on come on Come on yes not German Oh it's because yes Let's go that's all right We don't mind that Oh two in a pack two icons one pack have You ever seen anything like in your life The scenes That's a sick packet at that one Um We love to see that next up Inform workout Argent hey What a card what a card Yo what a pack Oh my days no this is the best pack 90 Van Dyke 88 del Piero 90 Acuna 87 Berg house and The Cheeky Kayla Navas What a pack that is

All right oh for birthday best I I will Say this again Ryan I've said this in a Few videos and I've said this a few Times on stream What they've done with the icons this Year instead of having prime moments Icons is way better than anything They've done with the icons full stop Um It's just way better it's just way Better For birthday icons The uh Team of the Year icons the the um World Cup icons and now these you know These uh trophy types and Cyclones just Way better What we've got here Spain fbaniola Oh That was a bit stinky all right are These chilling at the front Yeah well you always have a massive Packs Oh they are let's go Here we go Here we go Just lights up Avid alabar ugh stinky in it Unless don't have an alarm I stinky that is actually a stinky pack To be fair But it was quite nice Wipes when you're making this as well Now obviously let's just get this Walker As you're making this video and you see

This workout as well would be nice if we Could have a couple of these for shorts And tick tocks and stuff like some good Some of the good ones like maybe the Double icon pack or you know Thanks very much Cheeky Kayla Navas 288 love that love That Just packed inform Kemp from the bronze Pack from the trophy Town upgrade nice Man Lights up only on that one German again Free Oh my days now look at the Germans In that pack That's a sick pack Five walkouts including four big Germans And Freddie Lundberg let's go that's a Nice one That's a nice one And then 1583 plus is number two Just lights up again Other German mate That was right good for thought of that I suppose Marl Miller has gone to into Miami oh Look at the team That's like Well I thought a3c Central in it All right 1583 Plus Michael Essien let's go It only took us about 40 packs But we finally got Beast Man

Yes now Wait he's only 300K oh How That's a sick pack that's a sick pack That's worth it in that I don't know I Don't know how I do know how like Obviously my brain has logic in it the Reason why he's so cheap is because There's probably like 50 players are as Good as him you know All right Icon always going down the other side It's a big one it's German it's a Striker it is Mirror's life Two in a pack Not quite That's nice though drink help or not a Silver Obviously you got 20K 100k Four star five star love it Love it All right oh this guy's got Freddie Lindbergh he's got that third player of The month in there as well Here we go Walk out Neymar let's go Nice we get United there Is it unfortunately All right she'll first owned a team like That Three team of the years Big Fernando Torres


Donovan jeanburg Icons for days man Icons for days Five player pixel I guess he ate two Pluses Hey these are genuinely tragic right Genuinely Have the answer involved in the first Two Look at that man the 81 pluses that are Repeatable and cheaper are way better Than these absolute rip-off scam packs Literally unbelievable Gam Central that is You go two more Foreign Never mind Zhang And the next one Walk out Just hero Mobley damn that was just bad Bad pack luck all around on that account Wasn't it Some 85s in there I suppose I've got closer scn from the 80 plus Times two Wait what's the 80 plus times two Inform the last time we had an informed There was icons and uh Heroes behind it Oh they said damn it I did did I just skip over him in the uh Video four star five so I'm Gonna Leave A bit Savage

It looks like it should be a good card But it looks kind of bang average at the Same time doesn't it The crafting baby icons objective thing Still don't even know Foreign What's next just to walk out again Hidden packs in here nope oh it's bad Oh this guy's got a pivot pack yeah Oh damn he wants to upload he wants to Open the 400k pivot pack With coins Oh dear Oh dear O'Day is Joshua kimmich All black kimmich Modric 95 Muller for a loan That's the worst pack I've ever seen man Man fair enough but you did it in there Oh you mean these two packs oh yeah Oh yeah come on Italian sentiment hello in it Boom I just know my icons don't I Buy 85 by 15 no 83 worth 15. Oh it's just a walkout as well Be Ronaldo for a change it's never Ronaldo is it even though he doesn't Play all for the Hashi nice that's a Terrible pack man Here we go I'm not watching the champions league on Stream mates no Inform walk out I don't want to get any Informs first Berg house especially uh because the

Icons and heroes can sit behind them It didn't though oh Right last one oh we got two to end with As well number one oh Apex Yeah come on in yeah bless us Convince us wrong If we can even get three walkouts from These Then the other The other guys have just been bad luck To Ram 87 Oh yeah 987 is Walker number one I'm at least 84s are like even a little Source aren't they Opposed to the 82s Sorry about to move on that's all good Mate As long as you're having fun Next Geez man these are genuinely genuinely Awful 84 is an app popping up but Just way too many times I'll be picking Up 82 rateds Awful Absolutely diabolical All right two of the 83 by 15s to end Off for this one Number one here we go EA bless us on this one come on just to Walk out Early though you don't mind a big 88 do You

Oh 288 that's all right that's all right That was a good pack and last but not Least guys of course thank you very much For watching the video if you did enjoy It be sure to leave a like and comment Subscribe to my channel if you haven't Already And we're ending with The same pain we started with Just the gold And that guys Is that I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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