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#FIFA23 #FIFA23UltimateTeam #FUT23

Hey guys what’s going on Inception here And welcome to another video ladies and Gentlemen today we have the new mahrez SPC uh to check out we’re taking a look At a card who is five foot ten high Medium work rates left-footed Five Star Skills four star weak foot uh Mario’s Used to be like a media medium back in The day and uh with this card now being A high medium it makes me wonder did They change it this year Because I don’t remember using the Mars Card in the beginning of the year so I Actually have no idea Okay so let’s see here So this smartest card Um high medium the rare gold was how Much what was he okay so they changed His work rate from a media medium to a High medium okay cool yeah because I Remember that being a thing in the past With this card uh but with mahrez in Game guys you know we can give him the Hunter Chemistry Style probably right You want to work with the uh explosive Accelerate as much as possible so Boosting the pace and shooting is Definitely going to be very ideal Um this cards player traits in game he’s Got both the outside foot shot tray Finesse shot Trey Flair flare passes uh Technical dribble long shot taker this Card could genuinely be pretty good for This year’s game I’m not gonna lie to

You okay because With the way that he’s formatted his Dribbling is already in the 90s area for The importance ones reactions yes is That an 87 with an 87 for composure but On a hunter Chemistry Style this card is Going to have a 99 acceleration 93 Sprint speed with very very good Shooting capabilities right so some very Good stuff there When it comes to passing on the card the Passing is also going to be in a very Good area that’s with the four star weak Foot should definitely be very Interesting to take a look at dribbling Will be experimenting with because he’s A 5 foot 10 player with a unique body Type so that unique body type for this Year’s version of FIFA could present to Be very different uh defensive stats he Has none and then for physical Capabilities he’s got an 85 for stamina Um so we are going to be testing that Out so With mahrez in game Okay guys so we uh put a quick little Team together here you know I’m Basically for another saunters with the Uh palinga William Carval a little link Up there Um Okay so Already gave him the shot the uh Hunter Chemistry Style cool Um so just for the sake of the review

Obviously this is a card that I would usually use in the left-sided Attacking areas to be honest right like Left attacking mid left mid uh if I’m Playing like a four one two and two left Striker like that type of thing right But for the sake of the review we try Them up top in the striker position Because we want to try out some of the Shooting animations all that kind of Stuff right so uh we’ll switch that There do I drill to the left side Ronaldo on the right Mara is up top and We’ll keep him on the stay essential Instruction because everything revolves Around you kind of attacking the middle Anyway so yeah we’ll see how he plays Man hopefully he’s a beast de bruyne in The center of the pitch and then Attacked Thierry or replays with Jean-Pierre Papa Okay But I’m on his right foot for that one Too finish good finish He started those two initial runs which Is good I like that Oh that’s a good shooting animation That is a good shooting animation look Can I just I need to watch this Hopefully he doesn’t skip because he Does like this this thing look Never mind I love explosive players they’re like Consistently great for me I’m telling


You guys like I just love them so much Oh and he did a driven one too that was Actually nice Unlucky Oh I try to get the uh outside foot That’s not a good angle to shoot them From but I want to see what would happen Can value Plenty of support here Oh I try to work the finasteride angle Oh that’s a good shooting animation for The Finesse so nothing Yeah that’s actually good you have to Hit like the The bottom and top side of the 18s for That to really come off good though like The looped you know Oh that’s a rough angle to hit it from Me kind of like put it a little bit Higher instead of more direct but Low percentage strike you know 45 facing Upwards not the craziest angle to hit it From this one however that’s a good one It’s a good shot too That’s usually the better one but that’s A direct shot so that’s not going to Come off good Um When I saw the ball bouncing like that I Was like dude a volley would be perfect Nice Borrow into it just so you can get that Looped angle ah You know why I do oh no what is that bro

I just chipped it again and he chipped I’ve never seen that before I was about to say I do the heel to heal To force the animation out of the goalie Which I did and then the game’s like uh This is your Chip Shot like I’ve never Seen that before And Bernardo Silva has it But he compensates nicely though Oh I listened I tackled which is why he Shot afterwards but I honestly thought I Was gonna get the Alaska off there This looks promising that’s the loot one You look for That’s the one And that’s a regular finesse I don’t even have to time that one there No I couldn’t time it man Just a tap shot there we go I still tap shot Soccer starts with Mario That one’s actually really close Okay so I’m gonna play him Where I would just normally play him Right so the left-sided positions Play some regular FIFA and um See what’s up with him there Oh The first touch took a while there Yeah you know what’s funny is that Sometimes I take those shots and I know It’s going to be direct like I’m like I’m about to take it I’m like that’s not Gonna be a looped

So the one thing I’m going to say about Mars is card when it comes to his left Stick is that it’s not like crazy Responsive like when you’re using like a Card like um Correa or You know Bernardo Silva car Bernardo Silva’s card it’s not like that he Definitely has like a thing to his Dribble sometimes like it’s his unique Body type that kind of makes him dribble That way but again what compensates for It is the five star skill moves right so But he does have that certain drill we Have to work with a little bit Good movement there oh I just scored a Nice goal and I wasn’t recording because I’m editing at the same time It was a nice goal though I’m gonna I’ll Get the recording afterwards [Applause] I’m gonna be honestly guys he has like Really good shooting animations like Even from lower percentage strikes he Hits the ball very very nicely I I’m a Big fan of those shooting animations [Music] So do you guys see what I’m saying about Like the the left stick dribble kind of Thing like he has that certain like Behavior on the card you know okay so This shot right here guys that we ended Up scoring that I wasn’t recording Because you know obviously editing at The same time


Um this is a run that he ends up making Right and this is a regular white time Shot now in my opinion I don’t know if This could be a thing it may not be to Be honest with you but I like to do it Anyways Um I hit a white time shot right here Which in my opinion might be better than You just hitting the ball normally Without timing at all right so just food For thought but I just want you guys to See you know the Run animation that he Does right so he gets through on goal Here Touch One Touch inside the 18 small Little Dagger of a touch here as well Right to settle the ball for consistency Because if you don’t take this subtle Touch for consistency it’s not going to Come off as good so he hits the ball and He hits it pretty cleanly right like This is a white time shot right here and It’s a great shooting animation again Okay guys so final verdict on the new Riyadh mahrez card so guys in regards to How this card performs in game uh we Gave him the hunter Chemistry Style Right to boost his acceleration Sprint Speed as well as his shooting as much as Possible because this card is working With very good shooting Trace right he’s Got the outside foot shot tray he’s got Finesse shot traits technical dribbler All that kind of stuff so a few things That I have to mention the first thing

That I want to mention is that when it Comes to uh riad’s left stick dribbling Right because of his unique body type Sometimes it doesn’t feel as responsive As you’d like you know obviously with Stats like that and the way that unique Body types could potentially work on Some cards Um it doesn’t move like a Correa or Bernardo Silva which to be fair not a Crazy good comparison to my mate to make Because Bernardo Silva and Korea are Both They’re both uh smaller players right so Bernardo solve this card I mean you take A look at this bad boy he’s got Fantastic dribbling capabilities high High workers five foot eight right so He’s smaller right that little that Little two right there definitely makes A difference uh and then Korea is just One of those like unique situations Where Um obviously he has the average body Type and his dribbling stats are Formatted the way that it is even with The 82 for composure but he’s got Fantastic left stick right uh but he’s Also five foot seven which is Significantly smaller so he does dribble A little bit differently because of the Extra added height at five foot ten but You don’t really care too much about it Because your main focus is obviously

Going to be utilizing the five star Skill moves which both Bernardo Silva And Korea do not have right so obviously In this game when it comes to the L1 Elasticals the flick UPS uh you know Getting into certain positions by doing A moving scoop turn I always tell you Guys this is what people use at the top Tier meta for the top tier meta like I Said for the left stick if you guys like Like crazy lipstick responsiveness it’s Still decent on the card it’s just not As crazy as you think it could Potentially be right so it’s still good No problem there it’s good enough Because of the five-star skills that he Has the thing that impressed me the most Honestly is two things right so Obviously he’s an explosive players I I Love explosive players they’re my Favorite ones they’re always Consistently very nice if ya were to Keep the work rates at a media medium Honestly I wouldn’t have minded because In this year’s game media medium in the Side positions actually move pretty Nicely so I wouldn’t have cared right But the high medium is definitely a Welcome inclusion because it adds a Different variable to the card so that If he gets any sort of card in the Future at least this card is unique in That own uh in his own certain way right But the thing that I noticed the most is


Obviously shooting animations right he’s Got really good shooting animations when It comes to the power strikes across Goal uh hitting the near post going for The Finesse shots right like some of the Shots I didn’t even hit Green Time shots On and he still hit them quite nicely so When it came down to the actually the Actual uh shooting capabilities of the Card I thought it came off really nicely So when it comes to the price of the SBC I’m gonna be honest with you guys I Don’t mind it that much uh reason being For this because of the fact that it is An SBC that you can put fodder towards That is out for basically two weeks Right so if this card was on the market He could potentially be a little bit More expensive if not be around that General area if he was on it right so uh For me personally I don’t mind the price Of the SBC I think it’s very very fairly Priced uh for all the fodder that you Can put into and he obviously provides You very good links as well because guys Listen Just for future references okay you know How he’s Algerian they just changed the Nationality for the hour card so if they Do some sort of concept in the future Where they’re gonna link you with an a Tall and an awar card with Morris you Can kind of do like a league one premier League setup that could be a really cool

Thing that you can work with in the Future because you guys know these guys Always doing a tall outward card every Year but our is not French so he’s Algerian now so that could be something You know to eat to take into Consideration so yeah I don’t mind the Price the SPC the only main thing that You probably have to work with sometimes Is just the left stick right but it’s Not horrible it’s just it’s not as Responsive as you may think right Um because of that unique body type of His but hey he’s got the Five Star Skills shooting animations come off he’s An explosive player still a w card in my Opinion so yeah hopefully you guys enjoy This video today I will catch you guys For the next one peace out dudes love You guys

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About the Author: futhq

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