93 Prime Henry is CRAZY!

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Maybe I'll make a draft I have tokens Right 1900 packs oh my God 1900 you said Bro Jesus that's a lot That's a crazy amount Oh let's go oh no man Choose you sebio bye I think ankuku is Better Yeah but I'm just gonna be like not Boring Jose saw Jose saw For some reason I never get captiva's World Cup hero in here I only get his Hero dude they now have World Cup no They do because I got baller so weird Right Renato Salah post patch Sala I'ma just play Cooley on zero I don't really care so Ratty draft you feel like it is I'm Gonna use Renato at right back I think Gorilla was saying this patch is so much Better he already played has he already Been playing the patch bro it's probably Not live for a bit right I feel like Console always takes way longer to come Out hopefully this is not a zoomed out Stadium Holy [ __ ] man Oh Pele man What a player I feel like we just gotta get on re-like Running and just flick the right stick


It seems like the move Now what is this card It's so ratty this game is so stupid Oh I canceled that man I feel like these greens with Henry is Just back at the net no matter what Oh what a ball I can't even defend right now man Wow wait what did he just move that Keeper in the middle of the shot Henry is like low-key crazy bro You've been in this heavy gameplay he's Frying three goals I wanted to finish my Qualities but Henry is sick I kind of Want to keep playing this draft play Squad battles nah come on man don't do That to me Squad battles Squad battles This guy said Squad battles Henry's nuts Nuts he's nuts bro he is flying down the Pitch Oh my God He's got five goals in like 20 minutes Maybe I don't know how much prime Henry Is I feel like nobody uses him but I do Feel like he would be expensive he's Always kind of expensive yeah I wonder What this icon Team of the Year thing Like is it gonna be Icons or is it going to be like players That are like like bail you know like Thiago Silva maybe like Thiago Silva Well it's well it's still playing I had A team here before yeah Ramos Veron

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Neuer Ronaldo that's a thing like we don't Know yet imagine for Ron man Frankie Frankie delict could be anybody even Recently Robertson Trent This card is literally unreal man oh man Dude disgusting Great goal Oh crazy man Oh no way bro Connor what's up man I've red timed that chat Dude Henry is crazy I love on me man I can't believe how Good he is this Prime because he's kind Of like Jammy but he's fast his control Is good he's definitely clunky like you Can't neglect that he's not clunky but If I use the team with Henry and puskas Oh my God Ref that's a pen though Anymore Oh man that would have been nuts It's kind of not a bad shot to be honest Bobby Moore is so good Nice ball Henry No why did you not do a scorpion Oh that was literally perfect I don't Know why he didn't do it I did it Perfectly I pictured it I'd mapped it Out oh How good is Bobby Moore man Oh I sold There we go

There we go Now we can play It's gonna be really ratty Henry's insane man that is just a joke That whole goal is a crazy goal It seems to be the move off Corners like Play it short to the top and then play Like a pass to a fullback because I Scored that like a bunch and we can Leave too That was a little bold that was a little Bold you could say for sure that was a Little bold of me to go for that It's okay though [ __ ] He sold he sold so bad He's gonna choke that what ederson bro You just sold Please celebrate Damn man now he's not leaving now he's Not leaving Hold it up hold it up hold it up Oh I'm popping man what is that Oh this dehe is insane man If you bring out your keeper he's Elites Man I like I've struggled so much You have any special cards Rat to Glory has now sealed Florian pick Deal done and completed 10 mil plus five Mil add-ons fee RTG big signing will be Unveiled soon been told pick will be at Rat headquarters on Wednesday to undergo Medical tests and sign Oh man that's funny the gameplay is so

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Heavy guys so I don't know how this Final is gonna go but I'm gonna try my Best What's up everybody we're in the draft Final right now I uh I was planning on Playing to my rank one on 5-0 So get my 10-0 try to because I need Coins but uh we were like let's warm up With the draft and uh we have like 15 Goals and three games with Henry he's Literally unreal so I was like let's Just play out the draft Because we're playing well and uh we've Got all these tokens too I hope EA for The rest of FIFA leaves that draft token Available how awesome would that be If for the rest of FIFA EA put that Draft token Um in sbc's every day I'm not huge into foot drafts but if They kept it I would always play like I Would try to play a draft a day because I'm not really just recycling into it You know like for me it's free so I need To get a draft with Pele though because He's the best player I've played by far It's so weird man eusebio is so Elite When your gameplay is good but right now My gameplay is not good and he's just Not that good No way you're so lucky bro he just Tackled me from behind I was shooting Near post he's so lucky Bro this gameplay is so heavy

Bro it's so heavy oh my God It's literally so heavy it's crazy Marine and he Shanks it oh All right we should add a gold there That's not good Oh See that's what I'm talking about that's Where we don't want to give the ball up Yeah that's a goal see what I mean so Yeah that's why I was pissed off man Dude dude there's no way man Like two center backs Look at what I'm seeing man this is why This game is just dead man four center Backs Papua Gomez Whatever man two days Papa Gomez just [ __ ] tackled there's Three of my Defenders man bro I had such A bad feeling about this game at Halftime too Oh don't get mad man it's just FIFA it's Just FIFA Oh okay all right so he makes a stupid Pass in his box and what happens the Ball magically goes to a CDM okay yay That's nice no mistakes for him Auto block yeah whatever man whatever Whatever whatever I'm not even mad but You're not even mad That's it on time please please pass it On time is it on time Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh Boy oh boy Oh

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Oh No that's crazy weird man I don't know Man like if you were giving you a win Because they're losing That's crazy weird Behavior anyways I Guess thanks I don't want this window You beat me bro so that's crazy weird In draft final man anyways man thank you Dude I guess I have to say thank you but That's that's weird Take the win man you won the game dude You think he did that to piss me off More like a dominance thing like he's Like I own you man I [ __ ] hate this Game Sorry I'm not gonna be negative

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About the Author: futhq

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