Division Rivals w/ 89 Petit, 92 Salah, 88 Sterling

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Yo guys what is going on welcome back to Another video on the channel so today Guys we're trying out a bunch of new Players again yesterday we tried out a Ton of Icon moments so check that out on The channel if you would like to we've Got a sterling once the watch upgrade he Got a little bit of a cheeky upgrade so We're gonna give him a go I completed His SPC he's actually played over 100 Games now on my club and uh his Dribbling was looking crazy right 96 Agility is just nuts Um we've picked up World Cup moments Petite I'm very interested in petite Because PT was very very good a couple Fifas ago and he's very fast now so Petite always has that presence in game He does unfortunately have 3-3 but he's Got high high Um he can play a couple positions he's Got good passing so I want to try him Out we've also got Mo Salah now I've Been wanting to try this car for a while Because pulse patch now that it's Explosive he has been nuts against me I've had a lot of trouble playing Against him in this game so I wanted to Give him a go I picked him up for 3 30. I also am investing him a little bit I Picked two up because I think he's gonna Rise with best of going out of packs and Uh We've also got Darwin in the team as Well we've picked up dog I want to try


Out really fast nice card been giving me Some problems now I started with a 4312 Today we're going to shift to a 424 as Well so we're going to kind of test a Couple formations and we're trying to Get a Rivals wins in so we get some Rewards this week hopefully you enjoy The video guys we'll have a little bit Of review at the end oh I just took a 44 Pin game oh no bro Dino this guy's got Anthony too best Formation at the moment I don't know man I'm trying a bunch of formations man I've just kind of been changing it up Like four two four and four three one Two I'm trying at the moment everybody's Been saying like 4231 is the formation Right now but I just think that's so Boring It's so fast though bro wow so fast Oh nice move Oh [ __ ] man I can't defend anymore man Nice goal Almost busty oh Sterling Oh Sterling Anthony wins the upgrade battle this Dude is a demon bro every person I play Is a demon it's kind of crazy I mean I I Know I kind of fell off because I've Been playing as much but most players And Rivals are just insane huh that's a Great ball Come on Sala come on Salah Bro postpatch Salah is insane

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Bro one Earth is at PACE Holy crap yeah I really want to try Smaller wreck we'll try him soon for Sure looking for the answer oh petite Almost Nice loud drop tell you something man You want a cheap player that fights for The badge loud drop is your guy man this Dude is so passionate it's crazy No Sterling Darwin let's go Darwin Darwin bro you know what we should do Chat we should get like jerogba up top With Darwin and who else has like a Player switch you guys said like Pele is Like a pro clubs player right you have The most generic front three ever with Everybody's like uh in-game stuff messed Up Oh my God I just got cooked What that's so BS That's crazy I don't know how that Didn't get saved my courtois has been Selling me a bit bro I think I also just Put Donna room on an SBC Oh that's terrible nice petite nice Isaka Sterling Paula All right him with the keeper dude Salah Is so good really liking this card right Now Oh that was trash man for me Oh dude he scored oh Dude my games are crazy now because I Just my defending is so Rusty every game

I'm playing is like 11 goals man it's Insane mad fun though to be honest Even though I lost a couple it's more Fun man for sure I feel like a casual in This game for the first time in a while Says that in player locks but by Defending it so bad Come on petite oh what a tackle What a tackle petite No See on he's on too huh Bro n a is just crazy man this week I Don't know bro this guy's sick diff two Man maybe maybe I'm matching people in Elite division or some [ __ ] bro this is Crazy man ggs I don't think Schweinsteiger's worth it bro he's a Little too slow That's a joke bro that's a joke man I Shot near pulse bro and Darwin [ __ ] Shanks it like that Musty that's the worst pass I've ever Seen in my life wide open top of the box Bro what a bad pass Nice petite well done God man Can't stand this card gotta take Schweinsteiger out of the lineup bro This card is so bad truck in the Midfield truck yeah he's more of a DM But he just can't move regardless man he Kills my build up I've shot it man I've shot it in your Post man what is this like this Auto

Assistance on the shooting is driving me Crazy bro same thing happened with Darwin in the first half bro I don't get It man they moved their keeper and my Game like Auto assistant I don't Understand bro maybe the keepers move Fast back to the middle I don't know What it is bro That's disgusting by the way holy [ __ ] I've just been absolutely violated right There That's gonna be a goal too oh man lucky Not sure about this formation it just Seems so clustered in the middle man I Feel like you have to use a y formation In this game to get rid of the AI Because I I can't break him down right Now Beauty This guy is an incredible Defender man Fair play So good at defending Come on I'm shooting near Postman I don't know Why it's Auto assisting to that corner It would take it though louder up my Goat Oh my God what did I just see what did I Just see Nah dude this guy's so good at defending Me man ggs what what a player it was bro I think I'm gonna try basti as a DM and Then like put the tactics on petite Right to be on like stay back and then

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Do this I'm gonna try that I also don't Like wambi soccer man can I use walker Instead of bisaka misaka's just Good but I feel like Walker is better Man I don't know you feel like work Rates impact butcher's card I feel like Wear crates aren't even relevant this Year man I don't know it's so weird I Really don't notice them this year I Would not do Schweinsteiger I would do a Third icon pack bro if I was you I think Man Um Bro wait this guy has Pele and Maldini Sala sala's so open no Caught up bro What oh no Darwin with a ball What a ball Darwin Holy [ __ ] man Pele is crazy Let's go let's go let's go let's go Oh what the [ __ ] No man he's gonna score off this too bro Breath man Yo petite let's go petite No what ref oh vvd is still crazy post Patch man Yo Darwin bro what is that man I swear Darwin's got the worst first touch Though Bro Pele is just too good Let's go Paula Oh Four today bro What the hell

That's the weirdest tree Villa That's a red that's a red that's a red Riff that is a red that he's a red ref Yo this Maldini is moving different bro He just read that too What that's the worst pass I've ever Seen that's the worst pass I've ever Seen three guys open bro Three Guys open That's what the pass I got was three Three people wide open 3v1 we had now Highland scores in the 45th great job Now drip another loss another Rivals Lost incoming this falloff is special It's truly special this fall off dude I Am garbage at this game now like Literally garbage I have fun but like Literally I lose every game it's kind of Crazy all right Ribery come on man save Me I think I've got to put quadrado in Too Salah here we go oh dude Ribery sword No Oh that was quadrado Hey That was a glitchy goal Yo on the right Okay Salah Petite oh petite Nice petite well done bro I have questions nice Paula you think Sterling is letting me down I mean Ideally I shouldn't be playing Sterling As a cam so let me see if I can figure Out another formation to use here that

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Was better though we gotta win which is Good if I did this right I have to get Another Striker I don't want to use the Loud trip up top oh actually could I Just use Messi on zero is that crazy Dude I feel like the icon player picked Though is such a fun risk command to Take you know Oh What A Team man wait gold Pogba Zero chem zero problem vamos Bessie Oh it's outside [ __ ] man I thought that was a goal so Happy to go up to nothing What that got saved wow receive Messy is having a game bro We're gonna get him a Hattie he's Playing too well E Ribery what a finish so guys the best Player we tried today out of these new Four players was definitely Mo Salah he Was insane in this game so fast he Scored a crazy right footed shot and Just liked him a lot I feel like he's Way better post patch so I feel like the Value for Salah was really there Sterling I didn't notice a difference I Think Darwin is a player that you'd use For over the top through balls but in Terms of the way I like to play with Close build up he's just not really it Petite was incredible was also very Impressed with how petite was in game I Did really like him as well

Um very very good liked him more than Schweinsteiger and for the price right 400k it's not so bad Um Auto midfielder right won so many Tackles and yeah was really happy with Him so for me Sterling was average Nunes Was a little bit below average although I know he is very good for through balls And then Sala and petite were the strong Players in our team thanks for watching Guys I'll see you guys later peace

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