Division Rivals w/ 88 Figo, 88 Rashford, 90 Bruno Fernandes

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Yo guys what is going on welcome back to Another video on the channel so today Guys we've changed up the team we packed Figo from our icon pack don't be Figo EA Don't be Figo I lost man we lost and yeah so I said we Throw them in the team I always have a Meme for Figo uh because I really have An amazing record playing against Vigo Uh but yeah we're going to slot him in The team he's got a nice car we put an Engine on him I mean nice I mean kind of Average but we'll see how he is he's Actually quite expensive on the market He's like two to 300K I believe so one Of the best players ever in real life he Was so good uh and yeah we've got Rabiola still in team he was really good A lot of you guys saw in the video Yesterday I love him I think he's Incredible we picked up Bruno today we Splurged on Bruno 500 000 coins high High for Bruno four star four star 95 Reactions great shot power a nice Midfielder a nice Pace boost as well With the 83 acceleration should be a Really good card rashford is kind of Like the huge card we bought today 950k For rashford guys it's a huge price tag Five Star skills we only played three Matches so we'll get a bit of an initial Test with him Um but I love the rashford's like foot Fantasy last year I loved him in the


Winter and the spring I think he had Like another car that got upgraded might Have been the fantasy just getting Upgrades I loved that card I thought he Was one of the best cards in the game so Yes guys we're going to be testing that Out we're trying a lot of formations Guys because I'm kind of getting back Into playing a little bit more FIFA I Tried to four Triple Two to start then We went to the 442 but I think tomorrow When we jump on we're gonna try a narrow I really want to try 402 and too narrow I think it could be really good so we're Gonna line up like this tactics wise Nothing too crazy we got stay back cover Center I need to put cover Center on Bruno got Come back and then get into the box four Crosses for both the Y players we got Stay back we're both the fullbacks we Have one Striker actually both on get in Behind but if I were to do it again I Would just do balance for Ribery because The point of having two Strikers on Getting behind is to push the defensive Line back but I think having both of Them ends up with too much space in the Midfield and it just it's not really That good so yeah guys enjoy the video We'll talk at the end of how everybody Was bro we packed him we gotta try him Man I every time I pack a player unless They're literally unusable I try them

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Which he's probably unusable but that's Besides the point I got this kit from uh objectives I Completed all the naughty objectives And I got a naughty kit you naughty boy Thanks Chad I'm stuck I can't get the ball It's bad this is really bad Let's go Figo No what division is this uh two but it's In N A so it's like EU It's like EU 800 skill rating basically Pen That is a penalty ref Oh my God bro his Rivals just like this Now like it's crazy sweaty Is that just what it's you know it's Kind of been sweaty all year but man my Only real passion is in Rivals now Now it wasn't this bad bro this guy is Sweating dude I'm just in D2 I don't Even get it Red thank you I I can't understand how hard this is Come on It's too hard to chat I can't play this Man I think I have to retire No way rippery I have to retire chat Just kidding Oh Rashford old Jen is even worse the four Triple Two is two defensive for your Play style I agree I think we need to Change it up what do you want to go to

Like maybe just the 442 that could be a W a 442 could be good because I agree I Think it's too defensive For the ball Yo it's the formation all right I'm Gonna try it out because this this Formation is a little defensive I agree Like No pico man Let's go Let's go man what a ball from Figo ego The difference dude that ball is crazy Nice Dude what a call another service from Fecal out wide Rage Quit wow raise quit 442 huh you Should give your old narrow a shot it Feels pretty good I know but I just Switched that 442 and it was crazy man I was just frying right there oh my God It's codex codex you've been playing FIFA bro Oh codex oh who's ready for the rapple Baby nah rabiotes is good like for that Price I think he's very good but bro I Was also comparing raviota like when Those you just generally don't you think It's like similar Like generally or no Like with the stats not even just like The price bro like stats wise as well That passion worked man This the one thing about FIFA that's Been very annoying on next gen so when

Will that start like FIFA 21 guys I Don't like the fullbacks Bro the Fullback's like make all these like fake Interceptions you know Oh my God is he gone If Nick loses we blame Figo To be honest bro I'm just getting worked Man I'm as I said I'm very Rusty at this Game I've not been playing a lot I just the Only way we're going to be able to fix That though is just getting back after It you know and like losing the Codex Somehow but that's when you know dude We're getting mudded by codex that's a Problem Oh my God Figo come on man Wow What a goal for pick Yo Donna Ruma is going crazy Bruno what on Earth is that touch man Hmm Look at rashford oh Oh my God rashford and Bruno this game Did we have them on 3km their touches in This game have been horrible first touch Been terrible So stupid how you can do that man oh Bro what is this done aruma Codex man what are you doing That dude the keeper movement is so Funny to watch in this game when it goes Wrong Wow Bruno nice

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No I need a left-footed player there bro Bruno's been really good this game to be Honest raviolt is so fire though I love Him yo figo's actually been good chat I Mean he's not the fastest but his Passing has been nuts Chad one to ten How much does codex have his head in the Monitor right now Oh Missy bro codex to win this in the 90th right now no way Chad Ray Okay he's dribbling No no Ah GG's codex ggs bro you had me pretty Early on there to be honest good game Bro Uh all right that's a good team that's a Good team that's a good team United fan Means we have to win I'm actually really liking Figo I can't Believe I'm saying that Should say he's playing his role really Well if you win this game I'll give five Subs I'm about to sweat bro what a Sellout I'd say the only flaw that I Have or like feeling that I don't like With the 442 is just it does feel a Little static Like there's not really a ton of like Movement I don't know Guys I think robioto is better than Bruno I'm not even joking like Bruno's Good but Raviolence is crazy bro

Beautiful Let's go let's go W sweat W sweat knew he was gonna move The keeper I want to try four one two And two narrow with overlapping Fullbacks really badly because I feel Like what's missing is like Some sort of passing in the Midfield So I feel like right now I'm going very Side to side with my team I don't know Something feels missing Bruno's been great though good job Bruno No take a touch oh Good as well this guy's team name is Foot draft chat No bro Kim and Jay is crazy What a center back Bro look at this card Bingo Oh That's his shiza Oh you gotta be kidding me bro Aaronson On the left foot I couldn't even score a Crossbow shot with this guy it's always Right after you hit the post too right It can't just be from open play or like It's always right after you hit the post I swear post Theory Hahaha Oh my God bro Lucio has just missed a Tackle and the force field alone won the Ball that's crazy What a pass oh I'm done I'm cooked here


No way Oh it's just so like the same attacks Too nice goal that's a bit unfortunate I Feel like I shouldn't this game I feel Like I'm playing really well nah it just Feels like the same thing though right I Mean they get to the line they cup they Bought they either yeah right I feel Like I just gotta know that's coming Because obviously it's what he's gonna Do What does this guy not read bro Yes Man my goat Oh no way I'm shocked that didn't work No no that was it oh I lost bro Ggs bro tough game man honestly This one came down to him just having Calendars bro doing that ball roll scoop Cut back dude I gotta defend that so Honestly guys rashford for me it sucks Because like Rivals are just very sweaty So I just didn't get a lot of chances to Score he didn't score 950k didn't score But he was solid I wouldn't recommend Him for that price but he was solid I Still feel like at this price you're Going with a golden boppy over rashford You're gonna have more responsiveness And more Pace with the golden Bop it's About the same price he wasn't terrible Though I'm probably gonna try to keep Using him a little bit uh so you will Probably see him again tomorrow and you Get a little bit more review today was

Really just the first test out with him Definitely wasn't bad Um but not the greatest I think I'll try Like a hunter or a finisher on him Tomorrow Rabiot for me has just been a standout Him and Blanc have been so good rabiot Reminds me exactly of gwendozi from last Year Figo was solid I actually was Really impressed with his passing Passing was incredible on the card 87 uh Passing then with the engine made him Even better uh and then Bruno was a Really nice Center made really really Nice on the ball no assists or goals but Really nice on the ball definitely felt You were getting your value there with Bruno a nice box to box in game so yeah Thanks for watching guys no one was Really bad in the video today which is Good sometimes we try out players and They're just terrible so try to give you Guys the real opinions here and thanks For watching guys peace

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