Easiest Way to Make Coins on FIFA 23?! 😁 *MAKE 150K FAST*

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Easiest Way to Make Coins on FIFA 23?! 😁 *MAKE 150K FAST*

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Cheap and reliable foot 23 coins head Over to u7buy.com they deliver fast and Reliable foot 23 coins and make sure to Use code mods for five percent off at Checkout links in the description So yeah I’ve just released a brand new World Cup promo it’s actually not too Bad as well especially for making coins So let’s jump into it boys and hopefully Make some good coins so before we start If you guys could drop a like well aim For 100 likes as always so that would be Appreciated and I do record these pretty Regularly so if you would like to Subscribe that would be appreciated okay Let’s jump in to the first World Cup uh Phenom’s uh filter we’re gonna go World Cup phenoms and then we’re gonna go to Camp so start it off nice and easy this Is going to be a bit of a mid-tier Filter so phenoms and cam we don’t need Anything else and the price of these are Gonna be around this 15K Mark I think They’re a little bit up and down at the Minute because obviously they’re impacts Uh and they’re going up and down left Right and center but The main two to pop up is going to be This uh Gio Arena and Kubo Um I think Raina might be a teach less Right now maybe by about a thousand Coins maybe 1.5 K but that’s not massive Um and the occasional time you do get Cuba you’ll obviously make a little bit

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Extra profit which is always nice um Obviously met the most of searching Because you have to retype in the filter Every time which is not not fun at all But uh the tax down is really low as Well like 700 coins or so so probably Snipe for about what 13 probably 13.5 Flip it 14.5 to 15 and as of right now And it’s just getting listed rapid I Mean I messed up right there but uh a Very good filter to start off boys And so that is the World Cup phenoms uh Next up we’re gonna go to another world Cup phenoms however this is a way higher Filter so for you guys on a bigger Budget Uh this got you covered so La Liga basa And the phenoms uh filter so Um that’s all you need you don’t need to Position or anything like that I’m not Going to type in that price right now Because I think they’re just under 300K They’re near enough the same price Um but the thing with these high tail Ones that do go they do fluctuate a lot So sometimes it might be a 5k difference Sometimes there might be no difference At all so we’re going to be slightly Between kunda basically and pedry they Both look absolutely insane and he’s got Five star skills as well Pedro he looks Incredible uh and kunda as well Obviously condo’s been playing right Back for France which has been a bit

Weird but uh in terms of I filter though It looks like they’re both selling for About 295 ish So pretty much the same price it’s going To be roughly about 15K attacks Um it’s not going to get listed as much As the as the mid-tier ones or the lower Tier filters Um but when it does get listed you never Know you could hit a really nice snake Voice and if you do do tweet with them As well so that’s our first higher Turf Filter we’re going to jump back into Another mid tier one we’re gonna go to Similar to one to the one I recommended The other day however We have got an extra Japanese player in Now so we’re gonna go to special and Japanese now around this again around This 15K Mark we have got three players Roughly Uh so we’ve got the Cuba who’s obviously In packs Cuba especially you can get Unreal deals on really good deals on um Kubo uh we’ve got inform commander who Again are on that 15 16 and then Obviously nagatoma he was in last week’s Promo so there’s still a lot of supply Of nagatomas Um so he’ll get listed quite a lot as Well so they’re the main three that are Going to get listed So once again very solid filter Taxi’s Only about 700 coins once again

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Um and yeah away you go Happy Days Right next up okay this filter is insane So this is a filter that works all year Round so if you want to take a Screenshot or remember it uh this filter Will work all year round and it’s Working better than ever because One of the players has come down Massively so we don’t actually need a Quality we’re going to go to Man City Portugal Simple as that and basically before There was only two players that popped Up there was Ruben Diaz and Bernardo Silva uh because they’re both the same Rating however Han Solo has come down Absolutely loads and he’s the exact same Price as Diaz and Bernardo silver now so We’ve now got 388 at the exact same Price I think 88 are about 30k right now I think now about 30k so All same price they’re all impacts I Believe I don’t think any of them are Out packed as well so uh in credit Probably one of the best thoughts on the Game and it’ll it’s gonna work all year Round so Um I highly recommend putting a lot of Time into that boy he’s the taxi is Roughly roughly about 1.5 K attacks I I would love to get some Snipes but it Is so annoying to keep typing it in I Can’t lie yeah doing a good job of Trying to stop us from sniping because

It is boring to open it in but uh Obviously find the uh GPS which it looks Like around 30. uh and then work at the Five percent tax which is about 1.5 K Attacks and Away you go start sniping All right this next one very good one as Well another good mids here one so we’re Gonna go to Syria this time we’re gonna Go to Milan And we’re gonna go to Gold rare French We need a Min band out of 10 250 get rid Of the low rated cards I think that’s Mean like bakayoko Um that that mean by now gets rid of him And I’m not going to type in a match by Now but we’ve got two players to pop up Here Um again these have come down a lot so Taylor Hernandez Um is around 20 to 25 and then mine is The same magnan Uh they’re pretty much the exact same Price right now so incredible filter Once again it’s going to be roughly About 1K attacks Um for the five percent tax Uh and yeah incredible filter once again Boys so I highly recommend putting some Time into that Uh we have got Is it one Muffler all right we’ve got One more filter left One more filter okay um so we did do a Quiz in the other video by the way boys

I asked What did I ask I can’t remember what I asked Oh I said yeah I do remember right it Was this exact question let me quickly Pull up the questions so Uh if I can find an actual question it Was this right who was the youngest Player to start Um at the World Cup and the answer was Uh gavi gavi was the youngest player at 18 years old Uh well since pallet anyways but yeah Gabby was the the youngest at this world Cup anyway that’s that was the question So fair play if you did get it I think a Few of you guys did get it Um so Third player okay I finally we’re gonna Go to the uh same Uh card type that was in packed last Week woke up stories and at this time Nice and simple Defender Um and we’re gonna be sniping between Two players that are pretty much around That’s gonna be a snipe they’re on 15K So nagato mother You can quite easily get deals on to be Fair Um I again Line You just want to like quickly just find The price and stuff and you just have to Retype it in every time

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I’ve typed it in wrong so when you say Bidding wrong and back out you have to Type it in again anyway S actually come down a bit there’s a lot Of Supply at 14. I reckon I could still Sell out about 15. that 13 and a half Will be a snake with a shadow on as well Love that so I’m gonna get these both Listed for 15 sell them slowly Um so yeah they’re the main two that pop Up pops up basically nagatom and Mr Kia From uh from Milan Uh there’s only like a page of them Anyway so yeah I reckon I could sell at 15 I might have to re-list him a little Bit but uh yeah overall hopefully you Guys have Mr Good coins especially some Of these World Cup Venoms some of them Filters should work very very well Um And yeah I think you should make some Good coins um the day is Saturday so Hopefully we can get some good content Uh and if you haven’t made it to the end To let me know your predictions if You’re watching before let me know your Predictions for today’s game Portugal V Morocco England v France some very tough Games to predict to be fair uh I’m gonna Say Portugal are gonna win it Wow As an English person I think it’s gonna go to extra time and I think it could go to uh potluck to be

Honest I think France are going to win It an extra time I think it’s going to Be one all from Twitter next time I hate To say it but I’ve got a feeling I’ve Got a Feeling extra time France uh but Yeah let me know your predictions boys And I’ll catch you guys in the next one Goodbye

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