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HELLO! this is my new channel as i lost my other one at 112k subs!

so on this channel i will be showing you everything to do with fifa 23 & fifa 23,
i will be showing trading methods, how to make coins on fifa 21 quickly, how to trade fast, and how to make coins on fut 23 with no efforts at all, so this time round i will be changing loads of methods and showing how to make from 1k to 1 million coins or how to trade with 1k.50k.100, all the way up t0 a million coins on fifa 23 ultimate team! my videos will include, trading, trading methods, trading from scratch, trading to 1 million coins & everything you need to know about fifa 23!insane sniping filters,fifa 23 20k every 5 mins,fifa 23 best low budget methods,fifa 23 high budget methods,fifa 23 ultimate team,fifa 23,fifa 23 make 100k an hour,sniping filters,huge trading method,fifa 23 best sniping filters to use,best sniping filters fifa 23,fifa 23 sniping filters,fifa 23 trading method,best way to make coins in fifa 23,fifa easiest trading method,fifa 23
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What’s up everyone welcome back to Another FIFA 23 video and yes in today’s Video guys I’m going to be talking about How you can make easy coins throughout The Black Friday promo if you want the Cheapest FIFA 23 coins make sure you Check out you can buy Coins and at the same time guys if you Fancy selling your FIFA 23 coins you can Go again and sell them to them as well And at the same time guys the first part Of this video is going to be how you can Make coins easy coins tonight so yes Tonight is going to be probably the best Uh time to actually make coins guys There’s a new loading screen there’s a New World Cup promo coming out today as Well So there’s going to be loads of Opportunity guys for you to make coins It’s Black Friday as well guys which Means there’s going to be loads of packs Loads of spcs loads of Supply onto the Market so you’ll be able to invest snipe Mass bid everything like that but like I Said in today’s video we’re going to be Explaining everything but anyway guys if You want to see a second video of me uh Uploading today make sure we smash 25 Likes before seven o’clock and I’ll Upload another video Let’s smash 25 Likes and like I said I’ll be uploading another video so yes Into this video guys like I said let’s


Get in and let’s do it so the first hour Guys tonight what you could be doing is A sniping so the first hour as the promo Does come out again sniping is Potentially one of the best ways to make Coins that’s gonna be the easiest way to Make coins and you’re probably asking Why that is Because tonight people are what they’re Going to be doing pretty much as soon as The program comes out the new players Aren’t packed people are going to be Opening packs people love opening packs Everyone loves open impact so what People will be doing they’ll be going Through and like I said they’re going to Be going ahead and opening loads of These packs Which they’re gonna get nothing kid but They’re still going to be opening loads And loads and loads of these packs so This is why people uh this is why their Supply is going to be on the market this Is why everything will be happening at Once and what’s happening the first hour Guys is people list players up so the First hour like I said before you go Ahead and you snipe players because People will be listing them up so you’re Probably asking how do I find the best Place to snipe what do you do so I’m Going to show you a few filters and a Few decent players to snipe right now And how you can be finding these kind of

Players So in the methods that I do to find a Few players again I go gold Go Go real Whatever you want to do you can go ahead And like I said snipe loads of different Ones but how I find them I try to get Anything which is sort of uh between That sort of price range right now it That is sort of like the better price Range for me that I’ll be looking at Myself again it’s completely up to you Which price ranges you’ll be looking at But again like I said uh for me it is They’re sort of like the better price Ranges to look at say for example 84s Are pretty good right now to snipe of Course and they will be pretty good to Snipe Um For example like James right there that He’s he’s like 3K Verna let’s have a Look Verner isn’t going for too much so Again you want to find a player that is Sort of like going for a pretty decent Price for example let’s just go for like I don’t know how much game is going for Gomez is pretty low foden was pretty Decent for example like Sancho and let’s Go for like Sancho and let’s go for These kind of players like that so this Is what you will want to do in the first Half is for example uh Asked about Sancho uh completely wrong Uh let’s have a look where he is so

There is 84 rated so there you go so we Found Sancho for example to snipe all You want to be doing is having a look at His max nail price again prices will be Pretty low today because again people Will be opening perks so uh but all you Want to do is calculate the tax and of Course you want to go ahead and snipe Under the asking price uh that is one of The like I said the better ways to Actually make coins they go 2.6k we just Missed him but he did pop up right there We will tell him for free to get 1.6 There you go see so what I mean about These players they will be popping up Loads and loads on the market so you Want to be doing this hey guys tonight And pretty much like every other night As well uh you want to just be sniping Whenever the supply the first hour you Snipe the second hour you must been so For example the second hour comes along So it’s seven o’clock right now uh what People do when they open packs they just List and list players up for sale so What you want to do the second hour guys You want to go to for example Sancho is Going for 3K you want to go for like 2.5 500 coins under and you want to go ahead And bid on every single one and you just Bid and bid and bid and bid and you’ll Just bid on this whole page but the Thing is where you can see is 25 minutes That 25 minutes will be like 25 seconds

CHECK THIS OUT:  What Does $10,000 Get You On FIFA 23?

And you’ll be able to pick up so many Different players But because the supply is going to be Big tonight as well guys investing into Players is gonna be a pretty decent air Thing to do as well so we know Throughout this promo is going to be a Black Friday promo Which we’ll see loads of players go up In prize air loads of small rated Players high rated players there’s gonna Be loads and loads and loads of Different rated players that will Potentially go up in price will go down In price uh but at the same time like I Said because it is an SBC based uh sort Of like promo Black Friday there’s going To be loads of spcs that means there’s Going to be loads of players that do go Up in price as well Which we could be looking at if you sort Of like gold common gold commonplace Let’s have a look at Argentina left box Right now how much are they going for a Gold common let’s have a look so as you Can see here gold common Argentina Players they are going for like 1.5k but They normally go for like 300 coins so Uh during today guys these are the kind Of players that I would recommend you Investing especially with the uh Especially with the World Cup promo if You want to be going out so for example Let’s go for players and this is this

Code of Investments you want to make Tonight again there’s going to be loads Of Supply so invested into these players Is going to be absolutely gold so you Want to go for a gold just just press oh Gold or non non-rare non-rare ones are Better to invest into personally I think So you could go there Now let’s have a look right now and go Back let’s have a look at all gold let’s Get rid of that and then go for none Rare Um Nation let’s just say let’s go for I Don’t know let’s go for France yeah Let’s go for France and as you can see There’s a few there and then for France You want to go for left bucks for Example there you go French left box so If we have a look at that and if we have A look at the main position rather than All positions there’s quite a few but Every single one’s going for 2 000 coins Right now which is absolutely crazy but If I have a look at a few of these Left back start going for 2K as you can See here he was still 1K right now he’s Gone up in price which is a great Example to you guys to show you why you Should always invest into levels right Backs normal rare players so for example Some of these players for example there You go see so they’re pretty low there They go up a little bit they go down but


Then as you can see here 1K right there Going up to 1K then drop down then you Invest into them on their 300 coins and Again they will go up again they will Drop down they will go up there’s loads Of players like that non-rare players From the popular Nations if you can pick Up left box right box right mids left Mids for 300 coins under 500 coins if You pick him up they’re going to be the Best players to invest into so that’s Some of these players I told you guys About before look at that like he was Like 700 coins I said he is the cheapest French left back known he’s 82 rated He’s gonna be in every single SPC Solution when they come out and what What has he done he has come out in SBC So solution so he’s going to be an Amazing player to go ahead trade with uh So again like I said investing wise I Would go for non-rare for that players As well so there’s going to be a lot of Fallout players that will go up in price Because there’s going to be loads of Spcs 85s right now 6K they have dropped down 84s have come up but 85s have dropped Down so so low they’re like 6K right now Uh which again I’m still holding on to Mine uh which is absolutely crazy that You have dropped down so much if I go For the market index there’s going to be Players that have probably dropped down

A bit as well as you can see the market Is down but for example like these Players they’re the players that for Example if you have a look at the market Index you have a look at who has gone up In price the most if you have a look at Him okay he’s gone up in price the most I’m gonna go ahead and snipe him and Then you can make coins on him you can Make loads of coins on loads of Different players so guys I would 100 Guys recommend you uh trading with these Cards having a look War cards there is So for example there you go so we’ve got Him he’s gone up to like what a 2K or Something it’s stupid 2.7 let’s have a Look at 2.7 he’s going for so let’s try To get him for below like the two points Okay 2.5 is quite a few they’re trying To get them for below like 2.2 let’s Have a look what he actually useful and How much we can actually maybe snipe Before they go 1.3 see 1.3 he was going For 1.3 yesterday so I reckon a lot of People that bought them yesterday I’m Gonna sell them for the same price but Again if we have a look how many we can Maybe get for like the 2.2k somewhere Around there that will make us easy Because like I said tonight is going to Be a great time to like I said invest Make calls guys there’s going to be new Promo so everything that you do tonight You must do it with uh

You must just do it quick because There’s going to be loads of different Ways that you can do it so let’s have a Look if we managed to get one or not but Guys like I said tonight is going to be The best time so hope you enjoyed this Make sure to subscribe like peace

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About the Author: futhq

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