“I Feel So Bad For Anyone Who Passed on This SBC…”

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,


I mean yeah it's a good card but it's Only 50k which is actually not that bad You think it's a free upgrade So why he'll be an 88 if they win should I do it yeah that was really worth it we Had like we had a lot of 83s did they Upgrade Enzo chat is he any good All right now also we have Enzo we want To try Enzo today what's this dribbling I honestly have no idea how we're going To um how we're going to link him though Benfica keeper actually can Enzo play DM Because VR I can't oh my God we've Really got to use this keeper Guys you know my rule man more than 28 And you're blessed Oh my God Enzo 10 000 passion bro I literally can't see I I don't know how people play with These camera angles I can't see the ball Ah I move the keeper there that is Psychotic keeper movement I actually Moved the keeper near post there I don't Even that's one of my best saves ever That's a joke just Rob this guy of a Goal And so Enzo Honestly Enzo is nice with it chat I'm Liking Enzo right now he has that like Icon feel you know feels good Pataro on the other hand I don't know He's got a tree Villa in his locker oh Oh I know a place man that would have

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Been crazy

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About the Author: futhq

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