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FIFA 23 ULTIMATE TEAM GAMEPLAY! https://youtu.be/fbwgqdtXmcQ

FIFA 23 TED LASSO GAMEPLAY! https://youtu.be/NAx1yh1efJw

FIFA 23 BEST PACK OPENING! https://youtu.be/a0k4A99GaY4

HOW TO PLAY FIFA 23 WITH NO MONEY! https://youtu.be/inaMU-dPHHg


Welcome to the best FIFA 23 road to glory episode 101! In this FIFA 23 RTG ep 101 I will show you the best way to start fifa 23 ultimate team with no money! Today I complete the 89 rated winter wildcards payet sbc and also i packed a winter wildcard in the 85+ double SBC!


Hello what’s up ladies and gentlemen how Are you doing it is me lastly here Welcome today to a brand new episode of The FIFA 23 Ultimate Team Road to Glory The star of the second century of Uploads this is episode number 101. now I hope you all enjoy and uh let’s hope That this this second century has well Even more action than the first one did If you want to see basically uh a Highlight uh if you’ve got like a spare Hour and you want to chill and basically Catch up maybe you’re new to the channel And you want to see exactly what we’ve Done on the RTG so far this series on FIFA 23 then uh check in the top Corner There’ll be a link to that video it went Up yesterday right It’s a long one so uh get yourself a Snack sit back relax and enjoy and as we Enter today’s video All you gotta do is drop me a little Like just you know help support the Channel by leaving a thumbs up on the Vid that’d be absolutely amazing thank You for your awesome support let’s go For 2 000 likes on this video subscribe As well why not if you’re new around Here Um so today today is going to be Essentially I mean we go back a few days Actually and and we pretty much catch up By the end of the episode because this Is the first video I’ve made since

Having a couple of days off for Christmas so uh I think This is uh some of the content from like The evening of Christmas Eve Christmas Day itself boxing day and well yesterday So uh yeah we are we’re basically Catching ourselves up and the only time I was really logging in on Christmas day Was literally so I could get that daily Part of the SBC done uh and to maybe you Know do like a little 85 Plus or Something like that and then I logged Off and went back and enjoyed some uh Like family time I guess so um Yeah in yesterday’s video well in the in The in the last episode episode 100 we Did give away all of our wins in the Weekend League apart from two that were Gifted to us so we went 2 and 18 and Actually got really quite good rewards For what is finishing that low down the Pecking order Um so I’m I’m hoping that we can just Continue to get some nice packs Throughout the winter wild cards promo The best of players are impacts as well So if we could just you know Stop seeing gold come out of packs and Start seeing lots of different promo Card colors that would be very good it Means that we’re gonna get you know Hopefully what I want to see is some Just really really nice High rated players that maybe I can’t

Afford and would really love to add to My collection add to my squad of players Over the next week or so Now I may have messed up a touch when it Comes to the winter Wild Card swaps now What I mean by that is that when it First came out I’m pretty sure it said That there were going to be 30 tokens to Work for work towards everybody else I Keep hearing on people’s streams and my Mates are saying there’s going to be 25. I’ve already spent seven of them the Plan was that I was gonna then save up 20. to get the 83 by 75 SBC well you Know the 383 times 25s But if I’ve already spent seven and There’s only going to be 25 then I’ve Already overspent I thought there was going to be 30. have I messed up there if so let me know and Hey you’ll get to see a pack sooner Rather than later because I’ll either do The 83 by 25 or I’ll do the 85 times 10. Um whatever you guys would prefer I Think one of them’s 83 by 25 is 10 Tokens and then 85 by 10 is 15 I believe So let me know maybe it means that There’s going to be 25 that we can earn And then there was going to be some That were in the store packs if so There’s a couple of store packs that I Will buy uh or have bought or whatever It may be you’ll see over this episode The Next Episode

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Um what I buy it one thing I can’t do is Afford like that 500k pack or an icon Pack from the store things like that are Not really in my budget at the moment We’ve spent and sank a lot of our coins Just into the Daily Grind and therefore And I take untradable rewards so a lot Of the time my coin balance gets quite High I get all crazy and like change Teams constantly lose loads on tax buy Some risky promo pack from the store Drop another 100K and you know it goes Like that and eventually I’m down to Like not being worth much but hopefully He would pack something big inexpensive Over the next few days and we’ll be back To being rich again that’s kind of the Hope and the plan anyway Um So if you haven’t been doing it already Make sure you log on and get these daily Uh this daily SPC done it is super worth It not just because you get like a loan Winner wow cards basically the same ones Are popping up for me nearly every day Um it’s more for the fact that the in The background in the objectives area You’re getting stuff completed which is Giving you some really nice gifts Um EA have uh have been Way less than stingy as normal uh to us They’ve been they’ve given us some good Stuff in this winter Wild Card daily Login stuff so um

I’ve got a few little bits to open here And there uh there are literally so many Different packs from different areas of The game right now I can’t exactly Remember what I’m hoping and where it’s From uh but this is a 50k pack right Here we get lights up we can get a walk Out excuse me I’m gonna take a sip of uh What is a Christmas drink for me a Dr Pepper It may be one of the drinks of the Gods But it’s full of sugar so we stopped Drinking that now that it’s Christmas is Done Um so we got Kayla Navas tradable can’t Complain about that and we get ourselves A little dramatic in the next one uh did We get double 84s in this we do matip And mount and the final pack I believe Is an 85 times two What’s this gonna be it’s gonna be a Walkout well kind of obvious and we get Ourselves an 86 so uh yeah unfortunate I Was just hoping to see a promo card There I’ll be honest Because it whittles out a lot of the Rubbish that you can get on this game And I was just hoping maybe it could Just give me something uh Sun lovely to To put in my squad Um a fabinho that we got in our I guess Weekend League Rewards or something I Ended up selling gonna list up Kayla Navas again for a little bit cheaper

Because he didn’t sell in the first in The first time I listed him up and then We probably move on to what is the next Day Um I can’t remember which day it was for This but yeah yeah again we do the daily SBC like I said I’m catching you guys up On on a few days worth of content Um and I’m just gonna try and take the Loans of players that I don’t already Have uh because yeah otherwise you’re Just gonna be stacking up alone so I Never really use the loans anyway I Don’t know why uh they’re not my Favorite part of the game so In this packet right here we end up Getting ourselves an 84 in Hummels I’m Finding myself getting a decent amount Of like mid-tier fodder that Can go into like an 85 double upgrade You know I’m pretty much finding my way Into doing that every day whereas Normally I’m kind of skinned and don’t Really have much uh in my club to to my Name so um it’s quite enjoyable to be Able to do that basically every day I Should probably save my fodder every now And again though because there are have Been some nice player spcs and we will Get to one in today’s episode it’s Dimitri payet you guys have seen it on The thumbnail right Um another winter wild cards token here See I don’t know where we’re at

I don’t know this might be the fourth or Maybe the fifth one that we’ve attained Now which basically if you add it on top Of the seven that I’ve already spent is Uh is like the 11th or 12th player that I’ve got Um I think there’s like 15 available So I could probably do with having a Look on where to get them because I’ll Get them unlocked for sure time for Another 85 Plus double then do enjoy Doing these spcs Um and we can uh well hopefully What did we get last time in 86 and 85 Can we do better than that today well we Can get a win of wild cards it’s going To be Portuguese right mid from from the Liga NOS I think Um is uh hanani uh he actually does have Five star skills but unfortunately for Me I get 285s in the 85 Plus double Um however one of them being a winner Wild cards means a bit more to me than The last pack we did I’m now gonna waste 75 000 coins on uh on a winter something Packers some sort of pack and I get a Phenom It’s going to be Argentinian left bag From man united is is that little man Martinez And I think to myself you know what I’m going to check his price how much Does he go for and he was over 75k we Also get Reuben Diaz and parejo in the

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Pack now I know it’s untradable we also Get a token so uh that’s decent But Martinez himself is over the 75 000 Coins that I’ve just spent in this pack By a couple okay he was like 77 000 when I did this pack so uh not bad kind of Versatile with the positions that you Can play as well maybe I give him a go Alongside Cordoba although doing that Last time I did that played two short Center backs next to each other because I had cannavaro didn’t really work out Too well but um again I can certainly Give it a go we own him now untradeable Right so we can we can give it a go Now this is the only team that I bought Every single player for for this what is I think people are calling it like the League SBC Um it’s one of those repeatable Sbcs that require certain players from Certain leagues or whatnot uh in order To give you a few untradable packs and Actually if you just complete this over And over again it’s not going to be easy Because you’ll either have to go out and Buy players and they’re at an elevated Price or you need to be the sort of Person that really does have like a Steady stream of players coming in from Whatever whatever area of the game that May be maybe you play a lot of draft you Get a lot of rewards you Uh open loads of hacks with FIFA points

If so then you’re going to be in luck to Get a lot of this done but um I was able to do the premium side of Things which I think is actually give Slightly better packs but is also a bit Easier is that right I don’t know but Either way I had the players to get some Of this done I I wanted to get this done Like once because I knew I was probably Going to end up submitting all of my Golds into like 75 plus player picks Because I want to do like 20 of those or Something maybe for like tomorrow’s Video Um I do enjoy the player picks but yeah If you can complete each one of these so There’s two big group sbcs for the Winter league upgrades If you complete them both five times you Get all sorts of rewards in the Objectives area so might be worth a go Um and again it’s just Pretty much submitting players that you Might already have into an SBC risking Those to try and get stuff back that Might be you know cool promo cards and Players that you don’t already have so Pack myself a little Luke Shaw I think I Just put him into the SBC so uh yeah Some of the packs here are small packs So you might be putting more players Into the SPC than you’re actually Getting back Potentially although you get five packs

Overall back so you might get more than You put in I’m not sure but what you Can’t guarantee is that they’re worth The same value as the players that you Put in I guess but maybe just maybe you Pack yourself something decent uh we get Ourselves a Portuguese Center media we Have Reuben Nevis here I’m not seeing Any colorful promo cards which is like I Said earlier in the video really what I’m kind of looking for right now so if They can just go ahead and step it up And give me something better even from Like my main pack I uh I only get like Cobell and 83 in my Prime gold players Pack you definitely hope and wish that You get something bit better than that But um hey you can’t you can’t win every Single time and uh we certainly haven’t This time around so uh here we go with Uh the odd little player pick I think I Just did this one because I had a Duplicate and I actually end up getting Another duplicate but it’s a really good One it’s an 88 rated Ruben Diaz so uh no Complaints from me right there Um The individual player pick Theory Works Once again uh where if you just do one You get something good but if you do Like a whole bunch of them who knows Maybe it’s going to be trash so with the Extra Reuben Diaz there I thought you Know what I want Dimitri payet I am a

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Gwendozy owner and I like his card and That would be a perfect link maybe we Could I’ll show those guys into the Squad somehow get them on chemistry and Have a nice couple of new players and a New defensive man a new attacking mid in The squad and I had to follow at my Disposal to do it so we went for it and Unlocked ourselves Dimitri payet he uh He has a Christmas hat on a Santa hat on So that’s obviously a big plus for for His card design Um his Dynamic should I say and I there Was a version was it the rule Breakers Player earlier on in this game I Absolutely loved him it was during the Lengthy meta and you could actually make Him lengthy but this one’s just got Really good stats all round four star Four star I think a real nice card on This game I think he’ll play very well As well uh and we still of course have a Reuben Diaz that we can put into an SBC So um Pretty versatile with the cam left wing And Striker available as his positions Uh and just a cool player to add to the Club so yeah welcome welcome uh Dimitri Payet now there’s also like the Tony Cross and uh I don’t think last night’s One was particularly great it was like An English CDM in the Bundesliga might Be might be a good car but it’s probably Not going to be the easiest thing to

Link Um but yeah we’ve we’ve got ourselves Player and I certainly can get a perfect Link to him Um because the idea was I’d love to have Enzo and gwenduzi as my two CMS as my Two cdms whatever you want to call it uh I’d love to have Enzo in the squad here Um so if we go ahead and put gwendusi And pyre in the team so I can actually Start pyre in the striker spot I can I Can change his position to that and he Can he can play there but I think in Game I would probably I’d probably go in this squad right here I’d probably go dinatale and either pay It or Or Di Maria I’m not sure I feel like I’m Wasting Di Maria lately which is kind of Annoying there’s been so many like Uh first team worthy players that I’ve Been getting and unlocking lately that You just simply can’t have them all in One but I thought since we got ourselves At Martinez Um it’s he’s an Argentine he can go in The squad with Enzo with Di Maria maybe We can make some work there and then Also get go and lose the empire in Alongside some of the Mainstays like Alawairandi Natale and Cordoba and that Sort of thing so uh maybe I’m just Trying to get too many players from too Many different leagues in I’m not too

Sure but uh I will I will at the start Of tomorrow’s episode figure out a squad Uh because I could probably do have Playing a few games at some point uh Ladies and gentlemen thank you for Watching today do me a favor smash the Thumbs up button on the video if you’re Feeling kind and generous that would be Great 2 000 likes is what we are looking For here and subscribe to the channel as Well if you’re new thank you uh down Below you can find my social media Links Come and follow me over there have a Great day everyone I will be back once Again tomorrow And we’ll figure out this team shall we Peace [Music]

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About the Author: futhq

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