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#fifa #fifa23 #rtg

What's up guys nepenthes here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video EA Of re-ups the base icon player pick this SBC is coming in at around 150 000 coins at the moment and uh you know It's been generally good the last time Around we're gonna try again we're going To open one of my account see what I get And let me know in the comment section Down below what you guys got subscribe Of course if you are new here and we're Gonna see opening the viewer player Picks as well if these are worth it or Not we got oh oh yes If that's not worthy of a like I don't Know what is Big Boy Eric Cantona it's Only the base But it's a 650k card let's go man five Star four-star super stats that's mine Let me know what you got let's get into Some picks Or some items to deal with We've got the base icon baby EA it's a New day We've got some new icons you know what's Mad CS is the is the best one there after Yasin I assume reaction is untradable But I'm not going to make that decision Just in case he's not he's going Tradable so I would go over the action If he's a tradable duplicate Otherwise I will go with uh Casillas

Tanali oh how's Han doing for him two Games two assists and 99 physical you Know At 99 physical all right I can't play a Pick numero B Rudy I assume Bjorn you want Rooney Oh he wanted Rooney yes please let's go Hey this weather is a All-Star uh weak Foot Sprint snap 82. it's just a nice card Isn't it it's just well-rounded Really well rounded physicals Well-rounded dribbling good composure Reactions decent passing decent shooting Decent pace it's all right I reckon he'd Just be good in game not great or Anything but I reckon he'd be good in Game What's this FIFA 22. What How's my guy Played 1285 games with jinula Jesus the notorious just Wow All right man fair enough Marchesio only 300 Yeah I respect it man I respect it I respect it I respect it All right let's see look man Let's give him Croy to a pair alongside Him why not

Let's give it That Beckham's all right man I'd go Beckham personally Good passing Which is nice Give me the Positive Vibes here next uh Next player pick I have a job packaged in a week too I Think he has there you go he has a job Mate he just likes playing FIFA Oh Rooney I'm starting to notice a trend Here English players Popping up loads aren't they I'm scared to look at this level now Just in case this guy gets abused in Chat as well 138 is that respectable Amount or I don't know I actually envy people That don't make content on FIFA but can Play FIFA right because If I didn't make content on FIFA I would uh That's how he's got to be the one there Any Um I would probably play it Just because I enjoy it and I wouldn't Care about losing it so I'll probably Have played it more I would have probably played the game More now I would probably play the game more now If I didn't make content on FIFA how mad Is that loris Oh yes

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Well you said me it's boring Hamas Milner Why didn't they walk out I will stand by it this is a decent-ish Card man the fact is four star Four Star Pop a shadow on him legit The GM Pellegrini this card's a bit meh Also four star four-star but You can't really play him defensively so It kind of like moves him as an attacker He's just not good enough that's legit Though isn't it That is legitimate 100K pack as well Another walkout oh my dear Tony crows could easily have some more Centurions in here Haven't I don't want to throw away your cards Friend So uh thanks for letting me open those Packs ggs That's it Hey we're talking about Seoul earlier I Don't know I don't mate pick who you Want I'm not you know what I mean here We go It looks like you have some items to Deal with Come on man just hook us up with the big Boys Big boys This is actually interesting there's Three nice players there

First thing that's interesting is If he doesn't have Vieira does he take Vieira Second thing is If he does have World Cup the era Does he take Vander saw It's three dubs but it's always the way With the a isn't it they always give the Good players together I don't want to make the mistake I'm Going to press on Vieira If he doesn't want the error You just gotta take control of the PSN Again I'll give you a few seconds to decide Because this is a big Choice here Is that you Paul do you want do you want The air report Okay I said take video please let's go Mate ETO and Schweinsteiger Bastian Bro you're 38 I know man I'm as amazed As you are every time I'm like I look in The mirror but I tell you what my Beard's really going a bit gray look I Told you man it's English players right Now coming out thick and fast Sanchez I think I'm not gonna pick I'll Pick Ian right because Ian Wright is my Goat right but Sanchez Might be the one This guy loves an icon One of three

Face icons We'll go Casino really It's just sucks taking a goalkeeper out Of spite I would take Chef shenko Because I'd use him more All right One of three base icon number one like 10 or something 12 something like that Another English player I don't even know who you go there has To be good doesn't it SI might be the best one there But who cares about Defenders man I've always got to go for midfielders or Attackers Next Ultimate English players left right and Center try Steiger I hope he didn't have Workout Schweinsteiger otherwise that's An L for him All right oh that's a nice team man do You remember that I'm too fatty card I I'd like man like for me fatty Was uh was too expensive but That's a nice card isn't it You know I'm not gonna pick I don't even Know who to go with that's the problem About icons these days man there's just So many like bang average icons but I Don't know who's expensive and who's not And I don't know if you'd even care About going for an expensive one rather Than just one that you wanted because They're all basically trash aren't they

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All right the next we're just we're just Grinding through it right now boom So I saw Dutch and I had a little That's a bad set of players in there I'd Probably go van Baston for the rating What are you saying Rakoma is tragic Schweinsteiger had a World Cup icon so if you really wanted Him you'd have got that one so it's Gotta Be van bastard in it I bet he's an actual demon in game A shooting anyway All right yo what a team Yeah What that's the best team I think we've Seen so far 1.2 million coins I like your uh badge Raging Bulls Oh I get told that every night Um right what are we gonna get are we Gonna get Oh that's how birds I just don't know how much of a dog is It like 300K 400k double like 800k dub Yeah it's like 300K dub that's that's Day at the end of the day a dog is the Top is the top in it wins or wins The fact that you've got loads of these New promo cards in your team is just Good that's the whole point of the game And every time a new promo comes out we Should just buy like five of the new Promo cards pop them in a team and just Play just to see how they go

This is Tori oh George best this is Tory Lanez yeah Um George best is the one He's definitely the Best one right So far today 800k something like that oh Dear Wow Wow Gillian Um Packed him as well and I only paid 30 Games with him as well mate now you're Gonna get like and then we're gonna open A pack for you again in like three Months time and you're gonna have like Seven games on Johan Cruyff Here we go one of three bass icons boom Sure she I'd like like Sanchez I don't Even know mate they're all bad aren't They The next one I don't even know how many We're through right now I will say this For this time around The amount of different icons we've seen And that's a shame Zola's owned who do You take there they're just both awful Aren't they Maybe closer for the rating maybe Keen If you're a man united fan I don't even Know Oh I call him Central [Music] Everyone's got like the sickest

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Untradeable players but me I'm like that guy that looks like I just Started my account even though I've been Playing it the whole time Another English player I'd probably take chef shenko just not The greatest though is he three star Four stars six foot tall good Pace good Shooting Everyone is okay physical's A bit mere But six winter wild cards oh he's all Right I haven't played a game with him man Come on bro The goats the goats FC Honestly based on icon packs I suppose you're going to go with rugby Here aren't you because the other two Are just not the ones Actually got a half decent value that's A bit surprising I've got him on the Other account I didn't like him I Thought he was way too heavy that's That's a bit of a small a small W right There He probably wouldn't do it would you You'd probably just like yeah no I'll Pass on now Always the way it is The greatest one of the greatest Football players of all time berkamp and Ronaldinho in the same pick There we go Finally back up back finally we get a

Mad player Next up Shira it's the same players now now the Rotation we now know the rotation Oh look at me I'm flexing Names I'm trash LOL I love you Oh since he's doing all the work here Guys a little bit of uh oh an 83 by 25. Go on lads centurions Info Argentina goalkeeper Ledesma from these Nuts no sorry Cadets he's from Cadiz Here's from Cadiz any centurions in here Move Along come on skip to the end no One cares about this skip to it That's fine oh oh my days awful pack Awful pack holy smokes Oh my Dave Could you buy them or did he pack them He bore them a fair play as well mate Why not they're so cheap AirPlay they're so cheap All right Three to go Same ones now same ones I'm I yawned Because it's getting monotonous All right guys the last icon player pick Is with us today if you enjoyed this be Sure to leave a like rating comment Subscribe to the channel if you haven't Already thank you for joining me with Your with your time thanks for giving me Oh there's a little rubbish in there

That ribbage Um what could we get for the final icon Oh I feel like Roberto Carlos is half Decent that Muller though as well Solid player him Oh I don't even know I don't even know who I take I'd Probably take I'd probably say Muller I'd probably say Miller But that guys it's gonna be the end Thank you for watching I'll see you next Time I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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