The Fastest Way to Make Coins in FIFA 23

If you’re looking for a fast way to make coins, this is the fastest way to make coins in FIFA 23!

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In this video, you could expect, FIFA, FIFA 23, FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, FIFA 23 Trading, FIFA 23 Trading Tips, FIFA 23 Trading Method, LE96, LE96z & so much more!

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In this video I’m going to show you the Fastest way to make coins in FIFA 23 and Unfortunately the fastest way to make Coins in this game is by opening FIFA Packs by spending your money but don’t Worry because I’ve got a ton of methods For you to use which will make you Thousands of coins in FIFA 23. let’s get Into it so what we’re actually going to Be doing is something called trading so What we need to do is basically buy Players for cheap and sell them on for a Profit that’s how trading works now with Every buy and sell that you make in FIFA 23 there’ll be a five percent tax you Might be thinking Lewis why the hell is Their attacks in FIFA I don’t know get Used to it there’s a tax on everything Bit of a really nice 6z lesson for you There there’s tax on everything so we Need to buy players for cheap and sell Them on for a profit and I think I found A method which pretty much does this Consistently and easily and if you want To build the best team possible in FIFA 23 make sure to go and buy some coins From mule Factory use that code Le5g and what we’re going to be using is Something called a trading filter so let Me just explain this tiniest bit more About it what you’re going to do is You’re going to go over to Gold row and Then what you’re going to do for the Chemistry style is set it to Shadow now

The reason why we do this is because Players when they’ve got a shadow camera Style applied onto them can actually Sell for a lot more than the normal card Now you might be thinking I have not got A clue what this guy is going on about But don’t worry if you need more help I’ve left a link in the description to My new trading course and in that course I show you how to go from zero coins to 1 million step by step and if you use The code in the description you’ll get a 96 discount go and check it out but back To this filter this is what you want to Go and do you want to go over to the Maximum price and you want to set it to 700 coins you want to set them in by now To 1 000 coins and you want to search up On the market once you’ve searched up on The market what you need to do after That is scroll over to the 59th minute And now we’re over at the 59th minute We’ll be able to see newly listed cards Now for this method to work you need one Card or zero card after the hour mark I’ll explain that in a little bit but Basically what we’re going to be doing Is trying to find players who are Getting listed up on this filter who Actually sell for a lot more with a Shadow on them so take for example this Guy right He’s listed up at 10 000 coins But if I backed out and take a look at This guy’s price with a shuttle on him

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He will go for more than what his normal Card goes for so let’s take a look at His normal card his normal cards going For like 750 coins whereas if we go and Take a look at him with a shadow on him He will be going for a hell of a lot More so 750 coins without a shadow and With a shadow he’s going for about 2 000 Coins so that filter that I’ve just Shown you will show you so many cards on The market who have just been listed up With the Shadow on them and we’re going To use that filter to make some coins so Let’s go back over here and let’s go and Set the filter up again let’s go over to The shadow go over to the max price set It to 700 coins Min by now is going to Be a thousand and we need to scroll to The 59th minute now the way that we’re Gonna get this filter to show is the Newly listed cards is by having one or Zero cards after the hour mark So as you Can see we’ve got around two different Cards three actually in total over the Other Mark so to get those away I’m just Going to bid on these at 800 coins just So I can back out once again set the Filter up again so there’s one card over The hour mark the reason why I do that Is is because if I don’t do that the Market won’t refresh when I use the Method that I’m about to show you it’s Really really annoying I don’t know why It’s the case but it is and we have to

Live with it so I’ve set the filter up Again I’m coming back over to the 59th Minute and if I’ve done this right there Should just be one card over the hour Mark and there is now this is where the Method comes in honestly it’s so good so What I’m going to do now is I’m just Going to press compare price using Squirt or X on Xbox and then I’m going To press back and every time I do that It will refresh the market and you can See here that new cards are being listed Up and now what I need to do is Basically just try and work out what Certain cards are selling for so as I’m Refreshing this I’m waiting to see as Many new cards as possible as soon as I Do that I can either buy the card if I Want to or what I can also do is add it To my transfer tag it’s go and check the Price and note the price down somewhere And that’s what I would recommend to do The more prices you’ve got with this Method the quicker it’ll be for you Making coins making this the fastest way To make coins in FIFA 23. so I’m just Going to sit here and just keep Refreshing over and over and over again Until something pops up and a bit of a Tip as well don’t go for any Strikers Left Wings leftovers no no they’re not In the game anymore like right Wings any Attacking place was basically my point With that because with a shadow on them

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It increases the pace in defending Forward plays don’t benefit from that so There’s no point even trying it out so As you can see a card has just popped up A one basaka at 1 000 coins an unreal Deal so then what I’m gonna do I’m gonna Back out now and I need to go and check What one basaka is going for now I’ve Been really lucky with this one because It’s a cheap card so let’s go and take a Look one basaka we’ve just got him at a Thousand kinds but how much does he Actually sell for is the question one Basaka please be going for a lot he’s Actually selling for around 2 000 coins Not so bad so if we sell on at say like 1.7 K the tax roughly is going to be About 85 coins so we should be coming Out with about a 600 coin profit there Are there adults and we can game list it Up at that but you might be thinking Lewis I’ve tried that method I can’t get It to work but try this one out it’s Better at a higher budget so the method I’ve just showing you revolves around Seeing a lot of different cards and That’s exactly what this next method is Going to be too you want to go over to The Quality set it to special then what You need to do come over to the chem Style and set that to Shadow the same Way that we did previously and then what You need to do is come over to the price And set this to 10 000 coins the max

Price to 15 000 coins the Min by now to 20 000 coins and search up on the market Once you’re on the market you need to Scroll over to the 59th minute now with Specials as it stands currently I can’t Find a way to just refresh specials the Same as gold rose so for this you’d need To just scroll over the 59th minute and Just see if any cards are listed up that Look like good deals for example this For whana at 30 000 coins I’m not too Sure on his price at the minute but it Could be a good deal I’m gonna add it to My transfer tags and check him later go To Soco at 130 you’ve got to look what It’s 65 five not a good deal once I’ve Had a look at anything around the 59th Minute you need to back out and just set The filter up again the exact same way It is a bit annoying because you need to Do this manually every single time but Trust me if you’re able to make coins With this you won’t mind how long it Takes so I’ve just got myself a wine Album of 57 000 coins and it only took Me about two minutes of searching to Find this card so let’s go and see how Much he’s selling for roughly now with These more expensive players they will Fluctuate in price every single day so Some days they’ll be up some days They’ll be down and they also do it Hourly as well now I have put in that Trading course loads of different tools

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That I use to help me find players to Trade with but you may need to find some Of your own as well so let’s go and take A look at how much it’s actually selling For a special card with a shadow on him We’re gonna be around 57k looks like That he’s selling for about 60 000 coins The tax on that is going to be 3K so we Need to hold for an awkward fluctuation To around 65 66 67k to make a profit on This card so I’m pretty happy with that To be honest so I can go and get him Listed up and I’m feeling pretty good Boys I’m feeling pretty good let’s go Over here and go and get enlisted off it Around let’s go for 65 000 coins and let Me list them up for about 12 hours and Hopefully he’ll uptick at some point Today and we can sell him on for a Profit and if we head over to the Transfer market our one basaka is sold On as well so there you go boys the Fastest way to make coins in FIFA 23. And boys if you enjoyed this video make Sure to click here and go and watch Another one you will absolutely love it Each

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About the Author: futhq

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