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All right guys just like to say before We get into today’s video I do have a Premium trading Discord pretty much if You don’t know what that is I’ll put it On the screen now Um but in short you pretty much get uh Daily Investments daily snapping filters Mass bidding filters all that kind of Stuff uh from seven plus Um literally very very good FIFA Traders Um so obviously you’re gonna be making Millions of coins which is a big dub uh If that does sound interesting to you Which it does to me to be honest um all You need to do to buy it is go down into The description uh click the buy premium Link and then obviously it’ll take you To the site you pick your membership it Costs eight pounds a month or ten Dollars and then the main thing you need To do once you’ve brought it is join the The Discord benefit Um on the patreon because there will be No tips or anything going on the patreon Website it’ll go straight to the Discord And once you’ve done that you’ll be in You’ve been making coins and yeah if you Do join I appreciate it and uh yeah Let’s get into today’s video right boys If you’re looking to buy the cheapest And most reliable for 23 Ultimate Team Guns make sure to head over to u4gm link Will be in the description and purchase Yourself some FIFA coins from there also

Use code King at checkout for eight Percent off on the Halloween special Right but before we do get into today’s First method just like to say if you Want to join the premium now is probably The best time to join as obviously we Are in the middle of Team of the Year And you know what I mean you probably Want to make some coins Um so yeah the link will be in the Description like I say you will not be Disappointed and maybe you’ll be able to Afford a team of the Year by the end of It who knows but uh yeah Link in the Description get yourself in enough of me Chatting though let’s jump into today’s First method uh we’re gonna have Obviously two low budgets and one high Budget pretty much like always Um so we’re gonna start off one of the Low budgets which is going to be a gold Rare filter uh position you want to Leave it any chem style leave it any Nation you want to go down to Croatia uh Boom and then League going to go down to The Premier League and then finally by Now which is going to be I think they’re About 3.7 K there were Um last time I looked but they may have Obviously gone up or down whatever uh But yeah they’re I mean 54 minutes They’re gonna sell at 3.7 Um but you know it’s one of them you can Sell it three six and they’re gonna sell

Pretty much instantly Um that’s probably gone already at the Transfer targets no it’s still there but That should I’ll probably be gone in a Minute Um but yeah it’s up to you like I say Depends how many coins you’ve got Um I’m gonna sell at 3.7 though Um so pretty much I think you lose about 185 coins or something and so we go down 400 which puts us to 3.3 Um we’re gonna be making about 215 coins to be exact per card you Obviously pick up uh for 3.3 and sell uh For 3.7 but like I always say it is Obviously Team of the Year and they also Are bringing up midfielders today which Means there should be a lot of people I Mean obviously there’ll be loads of People opening packs Um But yeah like I say these literally will Come up under 3.3 left right and Center Especially later on Um when they do bring out lightning Rounds and promos and all that stuff Um and yeah so one thing I do recommend As well is obviously because a lot of Packs are being opened Mass bidding is Very good Um but uh what time is it now it’s about 25 past four Um so when it does pretty much hit 7 P.M UK time

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Um 7 P.M till about probably say about 10 Or 11 uh PM Um yeah Mass bidding should be really Really good and all you want to do is Whatever you’re sniping at like I say Find the new buy now because you know if You do this later on or something the Prices may change so you don’t want to Be listening for 3.7 because I’m doing It uh because like I say later on they Might be going for three point you know 3.2 or whatever you know what I mean so Check the prices find the new buy now Sell and obviously snipe at under Um so you’re making enough profit and Literally does mass bid the exact same Uh as what you’re gonna snipe at uh but Yeah I think we are going to leave that There though and jump into the second Method like I say very nice method it is An 84 one as well uh which means you Know later on they it will work a lot Better just because you know they’re not Like easy to pack but uh just because The amount of packs getting opened uh They should come up quite a lot so the Next one is going to be a uh or the Second method is going to be a high Budget method so it’s going to start off With gold rare position forward can Start any niche Argentina and then League wanna leave at any doesn’t really Matter

Um and then we want to finally buy now Which as you know before we did I want To go to the minute by now and go to 10.25 to pretty much to get rid of the Non-walkout so Palacios Simeone uh Correa so there’s quite a few of villa Um as soon as you go to 10.25 they Disappear and they will never pop up Ever again which is obviously what we Want because this is a high budget Method Um and then yeah you want to finally buy Now which looks to me about 15 750. Um or you can sell at 16k but I mean you Know you probably don’t want to because You know you know what I mean it’s just I mean they are selling but you know I’d Probably say sell it 1575 just to get Rid of them quicker uh pretty much at 16k you lose 800 coins so 1575 it’s Gonna be like 780 or something like that Um so what I do recommend is you go down Probably say 1 000 go down a thousand And then you’re making 200 coins Um Uh and then yeah if you want to make More coins you can go down even more but 200 coins per card isn’t bad uh but like I do say it you know they are Um a high budget method and later on Trust me when I say these will literally Come up left right and center and when They do Um you know they’re probably gonna come

Up below 1475 quite a lot it’s probably 13k maybe 12K you know you you’ll get a Lot of really really cheap Snipes um and That’s obviously you know where you want To try and pick them up Uh but yeah we’ll see if we can get a Few of these bad boys like I say I mean Later on 6PM onwards really uh they do Work a lot better Uh come on then one thing I do think as Well Mass bit I don’t I’m not too sure If my speeding is going to work for These maybe I don’t know if they’re you Know they’re too high rated maybe Um or you know they just don’t get Packed as much but we’ll have a quick Look uh you want to get to the Min price First actually 10.25 and then yeah so Probably say bid 14.5 uh yeah so I’m not Too sure the mass bidding is probably Not the greatest just because you know They are pretty high rated uh but yeah Not a bad little filter like I say later On they will work a lot better but we Are going to jump into the final method Of today’s video which is going to be Obviously the other Um low budget method which is going to Be a gold common filler position and it Comes out any Nation any League you want To go to the league one ubereats and Then Club you want to go down to as Monaco these are still really expensive Um I’ve shown this method probably like

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A week ago I think Um but you know they’re still working Which is obviously Um you know a dub uh but they they’re Around around about 2.4k they’re selling As well which is nice Um so yeah I mean there you go loads of Them are gone and they’re boom so yeah They’re around about 2 400 coins um You’re Gonna Lose 120 coins on uh on EA Tax because it’s five percent Um so yeah I’ll probably say go down Maybe 300 coins and then you make it About I think it’s 180 coins per card uh You obviously pick up and sell uh which Is you know pretty decent profit to say Is a low budget method like I say these Should come up Um you know quite a lot I’ve made 350 There you go I mean that’s that’s what You are looking for for this method uh Just because they are gold Commons like The gold rares the Min price you can Snap them for is like 750 Um where gold Commons they can come up Below you know that I think the lowest Buy now is like 350 for a gold coming Um so yeah there’s a lot a lot of room For the profit uh with these obviously Gold Commons Uh one thing I do recommend is I keep Saying it but Mass bid these you know That I mean them probably more this is More of a mass bidding filter than

Sniping personally Um and literally like I say you just Find whatever you’re gonna snipe at and Then bid the exact same Um and then yeah so if I sniped uh if I Bid a 2.1 K in all of these uh you can Only do 50 at a time but I mean there You go 50 players you have to wait four Minutes that’s hardly anything and after That four minutes if you get you know 20 You can literally do it again and keep Doing it and make trust me your coins Will slowly fly up in a way I mean you Know it depends how much you do but yeah There you go that is a gonna wrap up Today’s video though boys three a very Nice method like I say if you do these After six which you don’t really have a Choice Um well I mean it comes out of seven so There you go uh yeah do this then it Will work a lot better I think um but Yeah if you did like the video boys drop A like subscribe and I’ll see you in the Next one peace

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About the Author: futhq

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