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If you’re looking to buy or sell any FIFA 23 Ultimate Team Coins you can use You for as a reliable place to do So and using Code Elite elyyt will get You five percent off your order What is going on everybody and welcome Back to a brand new video on the channel My name is Sean AKA Elite and today We’re talking a little bit more low to Medium budget in terms of making coins Because in the last video which you guys Seem to have liked was a little bit more Higher budget though and a lot of people Were commenting I only have 100K I’ve Only got 25k I’ve only got 300K to make Coins I can’t invest in players like Winter wild cards Benzema or Veron or Kimmich can you give me some tips that Are more low budget range So today we’re Going to cover all of the low budgets Going from pretty much zero coins up Into a hundred thousand and hopefully You guys can learn something to make Some coins in the coming days so let’s Go ahead and hop into it I’ll ask in Return guys if you do enjoy the video do Not forget to drop a like on the video And subscribe to the channel if you are New now the first thing you’re looking At right here is a foot bin solution to The New Year’s kickoff SBC now the New Year’s kickoff SBC was dropped into Squad building challenges today uh or Yesterday by the time you’re watching

This video and it had a pretty good Reward it’s one of many of the daily Sbcs that we have seen so far during the Winter wild cards promo and there it is Right there the New Year’s kickoff now It gave you a uh token for the winter Wild Card swaps and a 35k pack for a Squad that only cost a couple thousand Coins and we’ve seen that pretty much Every day or every other day with this Winter wild cards challenge four three Two one all of that and there’s always These low budget gold common cards that Will go up because of the squad building Challenge so right here I’m looking at Just one of the random squads that I Clicked on on footpin Um which I found right here so I just Went to New Year’s kickoff I said squads With gold players only and I just Clicked on one of them right and here’s One of them right here you’ve got just a Bunch of random uh non-rare Golds a Couple rare Golds and the positions I Really focus on for the most part are Right mid left mid sometimes left back Right back just because there’s less of An option to go with somebody else in Your club or on the transfer market so I Clicked on Ansgar canal and you can see He’s only 500 coins right now and that’s What he normally is but every time Squad Building challenges like this come out Well you can see he he’s 500 coins or

400 coins even as low as 350 as we get Closer to content and then he spiked up To 1100 coins because of the squad Building challenge and because Of solutions like these because of Footpin itself those cards go up so Here’s another one right here where We’ve got a left mid balali and a right Mid salai so let’s go and take a look at The lally 500 coins just like canal and He did a very similar thing 400 coins up To 800 coins and remember that that 800 That it says there is just the average Price for the hour while it could have Reached much higher points during Certain minutes maybe upwards of 1500 Coins next we have roll on salai and Again a very very similar thing 400 Coins leading up to content and then Pretty much doubles in price almost uh Even for the entire average of the hour Again you could probably sell that for More than a thousand coins and this is The case for a lot of these spcs I mean You could click on pretty much a random One and most likely find something in This squad uh that one is the same one We clicked on here but let’s click on a More expensive one and see what pops up So we’ve we’ve got this left mid onerot And we can see what his price is now 550 What was he when the content came out uh And you can see he went from 400 spiked To 1500 coins that’s tripling your coins

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Just like that so if you have 10 000 Coins you can easily turn that in to 30k Or more just by making these Investments So the question is how do I find these Players and uh should I invest in them Now well the specific players that I’m Showing you I think yeah they’re Probably gonna work out again at some Point during the week so you could Club Stock them or throw a few on your Transfer list but realistically one way Is to just wait for 6 PM content wait For that Squad building challenge to Drop and then immediately go over to Active challenges on footpin and then Click on that SPC and then just go to The completed challenges and whichever Ones are popping up right here there’s a Lot of times where you can just click on That card or that uh that Squad building Challenges find a player like rolled on Here which is going for 400 coins and Likely those cards will Spike up in the Coming minutes so you’ll be able to buy That card right as this SPC is created On futbin buy a bunch of those gold Cards I would stay mostly away from the Bronzes and Silvers unless you’re Getting in at less than 300 coins Because here’s the thing you invest in a 62 rated Maher and might say 200 but by The time you look at that card it’s 2 000 coins do not buy it for 2K uh don’t Be foolish because then you’re just

Making somebody else profit for the gold Cards it might be a little bit more Reliable although the profit margins Might be less you’re gonna make a lot More coins long term and you won’t be Getting fooled by anybody who’s price Fixing a bronze or silver card so you Can just go ahead and buy those Rolled-ons up right at 6 PM UK and then Uh inevitably he’s gonna go up at least A few hundred coins in the coming Minutes and you can just quickly flip Those cards and make yourself 10 20 30 000 coins you could probably make closer To to 100K just on this method if you Really grind out and find the best cards Uh because you still have like tons of Time to get in on these cards after the Squad building challenges are made but If you’re looking at a card and it says It’s 500 coins and by the time you go Look at it on uh the actual market and It’s 1500 don’t buy that card anymore It’s already gone up so that is the First method that we can go with in Terms of squad building challenge uh Solutions now when it comes to lower Budget investing and you are less than 50 000 coins there’s not a lot of cards That are going to be making it in to People’s squads immediately now there Are a few and I want to show you one That has been making me Bank recently Which is Seiko fofana this card I’ve

Been getting for 40 000 coins I’ve done It twice so I’ve gotten uh the cards for 40K he’s gone up to 55 and then today When Bella guard’s SBC came out he went Back down to 40K and then I bought Another 14 of them and he went back up To 55 000 coins so I’ve made a lot of Coins just on this low budget card and I Really do like that range because if You’re investing in a card for 40K You’re only looking at about 2 000 coin Tax after you sell it so there’s a lot Of room for profit there however there Aren’t going to be a ton of cards like This and it’s not every day so what is a Card that could potentially rise every Single day in that range well it’s SBC Fodder fodder cards are the ones that Are of course going to be used in Squad Building challenges uh that are a little Bit higher rated uh in terms of Requirements so Jean rickner Bella guard You’re gonna need 83 and 84 rated fodder For the base icon SBC uh player pick You’re gonna need 85 rated and 87 rated In 86 and 88 rated fodder to do these Squad building challenges so you see Players like dehea like like Mueller or Especially like 84 rated cards which are Definitely affordable going up a ton Each day and then dropping back down Going up and then dropping back down so I invested in three dehes earlier for 15 000 15K and 15.5 and that card spiked to

About 17 17.5 win the bass icon player Pick was released and I was able to buy These three after it was released it’s Rash investing you’re not investing in Anticipation for it to come out you’re Just reacting to what comes out at 6 PM Content and then buying those cards Really quickly so let’s go ahead and Take a look at some of the SBC fodder That has moved today and I’m going to Use the front bin tracker tool Um to show us so if we go to Flat bin Tracker as you guys can see at the top There it says something called top Movers all right and I’ll move it over a Little bit for you guys so you can see You click on top movers and you look Over on the right side here you’re Seeing a lot of players uh that are like 85 rated in this so 85 rated fodder has Gone up today you can see the spike that Happened Yesterday at like 1pm uh content time You can see it went from 6.6 K all the Way up to almost 8 000 coins which are They’re sitting at right now but those Aren’t the only cards that have gone up You can see a very similar thing Happened to 84s so they were at about 2.9 K spiked up to at least 3.4 000 Coins before going right back down so You’re able to buy these cards every Single day sell them on during the Content hype and then just get in on

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Them again the next day you want to try To find their low points uh and we will Look at the cheapest players by rating We can see that 83 rated cards right now You can get for discard price 850 coins Which means that if you’re bidding for 800 you’re getting most of the cards That you’re you’re bidding on and you Can just use those cards set them away You can send a hundred to your transfer List you can even go unassigned if you Want Um and you can just let those cards sit Until they rise now for these it might Be a little bit longer before they go up These kind of cards they Spike up during Promos at certain points they’ll Especially go up during Team of the Year That’s pretty much inevitable so if You’re willing to hold on to these cards For two weeks you are going to see a Spike during team of the year but you Could see a spike at any point during These promos like winter wild cards and Foot centurions as well and we’ve seen It before so if we take a look at the Cheapest card here or maybe let’s go With a a more pure SBC fodder card like Hoiberg uh from Tottenham so we can see On the daily graph during Um Black Friday they spiked up from Discard price which is 800 900 coins up All the way to 2.3 K and then you can See a couple of different spikes in the

Last couple of weeks uh where he went From 850 to an average of 1400 1500 on That day went back down to discard then Spiked back up to about 1200 went back Down and inevitably will Spike up at Some point again in the next couple of Weeks but they’re gonna be longer holds If you want something a little bit more Exciting you can try to get in on these 84 rated cards which move a lot more if We take a look at Canales here this card Uh you’ll see a ton of different Movements on him as you can see he gets To a low point of about 2 000 coins and This goes for all 84 rateds you do not Have to just invest in Canales it is all 84 rateds that are the similar price and You can find those by just going to Cheaper ratings uh or the cheapest Players by rating on footbin uh you can Find it by going to the SBC Tab and then Scrolling down to cheapest players by Writing but anyways you can see he goes From you know 2.3 then spikes up to 5K That was during Black Friday he gets Back down to 2.5 spikes up to 4 000 Coins gets back down to 3K spikes up to 4.4 000 coins and then he’s back down to 2.9 and yesterday he spiked to 4 000 Coins and you can see even on the hourly Graph these cards will move so he goes From 2.8 to 3.3 during content And you’re only making about you know 200 coins on each one of those cards uh

But it is only on a two hour flip as Well and if you buy a ton of those cards Then they add up pretty quickly Um with that being said only a 200 coin Rise is not what we’re looking for but As you can see on the daily graph the The cards move a ton so you just gotta Find them closer to their low point and Sell uh every single time that they rise I wouldn’t get greedy I wouldn’t wait uh After they rise and hope they go higher I would just take the profit and go and Of course as you start to get a higher Budget you can start investing in some Of the more expensive cards 88 or only 21 000 coins right now 89s are only 31 000 coins right now and 87s especially When you look at Kevin Prince Boateng That kind of segues us in to our next Method which is lower budget compliment Link investing now we talked about Seiko Fafana we know he’s up because of the Buy esbc being from the Ligon and also Being from Cote d’Ivoire so both of Those made that Seiko fafana rise along With a couple of other league one sbcs But we are expecting to have a couple More sbcs in the coming days uh and we Still haven’t seen these three so we’ve Got fadiga and I don’t think this is Going to move the market too much the Card is okay it could be an addition to People’s league on squads I don’t think People are going out to build around

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This card now if they juice Han enough And give him like four star four star he Does have 99 physicality I could see Some people putting him in their squad Just to try out that 99 physicality Whenever this SPC comes out and then Another SPC from Bundesliga is coming Out which is John Joe Kenny and that’s Going to be one of the better right Backs in Bundesliga you’ve got to Compete with Jeremy frimpong but overall It is a good usable card and plus since It’s English people might make it into a Hybrid with the English players in Premier League and you’ve also got Players like Jude Bellingham you’ve also Got players like that Rhys Oxford SBC Last week so you might see some more People do this squad building challenge Now note what I said on this screen we Still haven’t seen these spcs I don’t Think they’re gonna make the market move Much but for Han and Kenny we might see Something decent uh at least profitable Not expecting anything crazy now don’t Invest in right backs or Strikers Because if you’re investing in Jeremy Frimpong right now he’s only going to go Down when this SPC comes out especially That inform he’s gonna drop in price Because it’s a replacement people will Go out and do the SBC and replacement However if you’ve made it this far in The video the secret comment word of the

Day is happy if you use that word Anywhere in your comment below I’ll make Sure to drop a heart on it I appreciate You watching through all the videos now Kevin Prince Boateng isn’t a perfect Investment because I would say it’s Perfect if he was either English or Germany is Ghanaian but he is also from Eartha Berlin so once they drop that Squad building challenge for John Joe Kenny you might see a little bit of a Rise in price and Kevin Prince Boateng And making him a little bit more usable Now the downside to it is he is in packs And plus I wouldn’t be spending 17K on Him I would only spend upwards maybe 15.5 to 16 18K I think 17K is asking too Much but when you also take a look at The cheapest players by rating like we Were earlier Um When it comes to 87 rated players the Cheapest ones are 16k so he can’t go Below 16k by very much because people Will just use them in their squad Building challenges so he kind of dupes As both an investment for meta and also An investment for SBC fodder so both of Those are pretty safe and that’s why I Think Boateng kind of fits those check Marks now when it comes to these Investments that are a little bit uh Lower priced lower budget you’re not Going to see the returns that you will

On higher budget Investments you’re not Going to see the amount of percentage of Rise on cards it’s a little bit safer It’s a little bit slower but it’s also Still pretty reliable Investments now It’s kind of a game where rich get Richer as you get more coins you can Invest in more things you can make more Coins and it becomes exponentially Easier as you get more and more coins to Make uh even more coins when you start With a low budget it is going to be a Little bit slower but that’s something You’ve got to expect and once you start Grinding to a couple hundred thousand Coins you’re going to see that change And where you’re going to start making Coins so much faster so hopefully this Video guys helped you out with some low Budget trading methods and if it did Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel If you are new and like the video If it Helped you guys out thank you so much For watching and I’ll see you guys in The next one peace out

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About the Author: futhq

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