SorareData Football Strategy Show: Predicting Premier League Card Prices

Lairdinho and psufans2 discuss which cards they think will be the most expensive if the Premier League were added to Sorare, and whether they think the prices will be worth it.

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Foreign [Music] Football strategy show I’m Andrew Laird You can find me as lardino on so rare Joined as always by Sean newsham PSU Fans 2. today Sean to talk about the Fact that the Most asked question ever on so rare is Being answered Sean Wen Prem Is today how many cards you’ve bought Already zero yeah me too I’ve been on two that I’m not gonna win Can you guess Yeah you know how how I price check Stuff what two cards do you think I bid On Rodri who I think is Rodrigo on rap via Site and I’m gonna cheat a little bit the other One’s been someone that’s already minted But uh trippier Bingo Laird so the two Cards that are relevant in so5 I have Been on price check we’re gonna get into Those specifically those two more uh Rodrigo in a little bit it also keeps Throwing me off that he that we keep Going between Roger and Rodrigo because They’re other ones uh a few people are Commenting on the shirt that I’m wearing I’m wearing it because there is a Premier league badge on it shout out to Ask develop this is actually A Christian benteke Aston Villa shirt That somebody gave me and it was pretty

Much like benteke’s big season with Aston Villa was like the first year I Really started paying attention to the Premier League and I have bought zero Premier League Jerseys since then my son has a couple But I don’t really wear them but yet those Who are were guessing it was Leon Bailey It’s not for those who are watching Looking up with Laird it’s also not an Abubakar Kamara shirt It is and I was just gonna say it is Also not a Carlos heel Aston Villa shirt Although that would that would be Amazing if that would be fantastic yeah You’d probably wear it more frequently If it was I probably would I wonder if I Can find some sort of shirt shop here And uh and they can change it out for me But anyway The Premier league is here Sean and Everyone’s really excited And I think the biggest surprise for me Is how they announced it Was just like this tweet like oh hey we Have the Prem and there’s that cool Video featuring our friend John Nellis And The It seemed like that video actually Showed what so rare is as opposed to the

Global cup one that just showed a bunch Of people with a so rare app on their Phone Or at least a mobile website on their Phone but What do you think everyone seems happy Right yeah it was you and I last night Were talking and we’re like what’s the Topic of the show and you’re like well I Feel like we need to just talk about the Prem because it’s likely sober just Hijacked us anyways with the Prem so we Might as well do it anyways and that was Pretty much the discussion and yeah you Wanna hide found out about the problem So I wake up first thing I do in the Mornings check my emails and I had an Email that a Christian chulisic was on Auction because when you originally came Onto the site you had to pick a player That was like yeah any alerts on this Player and obviously I picked pilosec And so I woke up to a Christian pulisic Being on auction Um from when I first signed up two years Ago and then Yeah everyone seems happy I mean I think That you and I are maybe not the Target Demographic that would be happy about This person like not not saying we’re Not happy but like we’re indifferent we Don’t really care Um whereas like EV I go into every chat This morning it’s like oh my God the

Prem blah blah like I go in there I see It’s habers looking at Harry MaGuire Cards I get I get Pires Perez is like Talking about becoming useless at so5 And he’s gonna buy those Arsenal cards And then I had the dumbest question ever But this poor guy I’m gonna have to drag Him I told him I would but you saw you Saw the question I had a question from From a listener uh saying wow this this Show how can sell a move uh must be Really good news for Sergio Gomez and I Was just like I hope this is the type of Brain power we get from people coming Onto the platform because Oh and for all those that are uh Wondering who this person is oh you Don’t have to do that I’m going to keep Their name private but it is definitely A long time listener and someone that Definitely says and does dumb Frequently I was wondering why you even brought That up because it’s like it wasn’t Going to uh like it had nothing to do Literally nothing to do with what We were talking about today the job Consolo transfer obviously that Sean’s Referring to is about his loan to Bayern Munich The but then You at least included that like this Could be the new people that are coming In because that’s sort of the big reason

Why a lot of people are hoping the Prem Is coming Are those types of players I I think that well not my thing there are People that I’ve spoken to about so rare Previously that like were not involved Were are now like wow they okay maybe I Will get involved because they have Prem Now which is kind of like what we’ve Been kind of saying and expecting this Whole time like you and I We’re never really interested in the Prem because of the Prem It was about everybody who follows the Premier League we’re now coming in and Being like Oh I’ll I’ll try out so rare Because now they have the teams that I Follow I would have been more excited Personally this is a personal thing and Like like don’t get I need to clarify This because everyone’s going to be like Oh my God you guys hate the Prem you Guys yada yada we don’t we’re glad the Prem’s here like we are glad that the Prem is here but on a personal note I Would have been more excited if it’s Like we renewed the J League license I Would have been like all right awesome That’s good whereas the Prem the Prem Happened I saw it and then I went to Take like my morning poop and was like All right well okay let’s go see and Then go everywhere and I see all this This nonsense definitely happening

Someone uh has referred to that that Definitely was not the question Um in in this chat uh literally word for Word this is the question shouldn’t Sergio Gomez be getting a boost with Cancela leaving so I I’m pretty Confident that that was the question but Anyways uh yeah so like we are very Happy that the Prem is here but in terms Of like so5 and like playing so5 you’re Not really getting tons of cards that at Least we’re not minted at all that are Coming into play here that are like Impactful cards Um which we’ll talk about I’m sure like There are a I would say I’m not going to include goalie because Like it’s goalie I mean it is what it is Like there are some goalies like I mean There’s one that is very Favorable ish and that’s Nick Pope I Think they poke the interesting goalie Option but I don’t really want to talk About those I think like in terms of on Minted players there’s like three to Five players that are like interesting With this and that that’s that’s pretty Much it Yeah I had like a a number of kind of Like immediate thoughts and then I like Looked further on server data and I’m Like all right like the things that I Was considering May Not necessarily be right like

I had this weird or I think it’s going To be weird when people come in And they want to buy all these cards Because they know They they think they know the Premier League And People who like really know a league But don’t really know Fantasy games are Exactly the kind of people who like Struggle at Fantasy games like it sounds Weird but like we saw that with DFS and People are like oh no I really know this Team or I really know this league and Like if you don’t really know how to Play the game you’re going to struggle With the game and I realize how like Both simple and stupid that sounds but Just because you know a league doesn’t Necessarily mean that you’re going to Succeed in a game that happens to use Players from that league and so I was Like all right well let’s just look at Who the Who the top players are in the Premier League and It’s like you do see like rodery or Rodrigo whatever I don’t know what he Goes by normally but like you see Trippier like Thiago Silva is up there Uh Laporte when he plays and it’s like I feel like if you were like hey the Premier League is here like oh who are The best players and people are gonna be

Like well obviously it should be you Know Harry Kane and sun and Saka and and You’re just like yeah they’re they’re Good but you probably need Roger to win And people are gonna be like what like Yeah all right like that’s what like if You’re asking us right The most impactful player that is coming On right now that was not minted 100 Rodriguez Not close no like you look at in like From a non-mint of any kind standpoint You look and you’re like the absolute Best card that is here is Roger and People do not understand that that don’t Understand Fantasy games like people That are coming in like when like Literally here’s here’s a good example Of of the Prem and like how things are Going to go I think there is a realistic Chance that the one of 100 Rodrigo goes For less than the one of 1000 Jaden Sancho and Jane Sancho is useless and Like not a good card no matter what and Rodrigo is Really good card like he’s probably he’s Basically the way I would describe him As a more defensive gimmick right he has Way less offense than kimmick and way More defense of work rate probably than Kimmick Um and they just are more dominant Probably I guess but yeah like you look Him up and yeah he makes the first

Similar place and you will probably even Have a higher floor with Rodrigo you Just will get less decisive actually Kick on click on chemical I want to see How many decisives he has like this year So like Rodrigo has uh 11 decisions in Like 50 games this year whereas we’re Gonna see uh so chemek has 18 decisives In 15 years so like between the two like You literally they’re the same player Rodrigo just probably will produce more From an offensive standpoint uh and a Passing standpoint whereas Kenneth is Going to perform more from a He takes set pieces we’ll get some Additional points that way which lives Is better like I’d rather have it from Timix perspective than Rodriguez but Like yeah you look at Rodrigo and like Rodrigo is like one of the most Impactful players uh that are coming in From the Prem and you look at like Harry Kane like I don’t know I look at Harry Kane and it’s like all right he’s fine Like if I win him I will Sell him probably Immediately I I don’t know like or like You like you look at him as like he’s Totally I mean he’s to him like the Reaction that you will have to winning Harry Kane is the same that you had when You won Robert Lewandowski except you’ll Know that Kane is even easier to sell Yeah and he’s also worse than

Lewandowski was he except for he’s Younger so like I’d rather have him from A younger perspective but like yeah like If I want Harry Kane like I don’t know I Could go buy like Victor ocean and get Harry Kane Just a better version or like griezman Griezman’s a better version of Harry Kane so like this is what we’re talking About though like Prem like and I know This is because there’s not very many Mints of them and he’s going to be a Interesting player but like yeah you Look at him and you’re like oh all right He’s probably like a worse Anton Griezmann and age is similar-ish and You’re like all right well Kane’s going For 1.95 and griezmann’s going for point Eight so like in theory I mean like Harry Kane should probably be around 0.7.8 but he’s not because he’s just a New man so people are going to be really Excited about it Um So it’s it’s definitely a interesting Situation but like I don’t know the most Surprising thing to me was the limit It’s like James Sancho limited yelling For 0.9 like that’s crazy to me Yeah I think what’s really important About these cards And when people like see prices Is that these early ones are going to be Like absurd and

I don’t think there’s any Rhyme or Reason for The the one ofs it’s like whoever wants It more gets it and I realize that Applies to like every card But the one-ups tend to Get into this range of like stupid That like they’re probably not worth This and I’m not necessarily referring To this Sancho card But the I wonder what the like I don’t Even know if the rare would go for that Much I mean I mean obviously because the Limited did well you’re fine go from I I Don’t it’s the thing is is like if You’re excited about something you’re Like this card’s a really awesome card To have and you really want it like it’s That’s all that matters I mean we’ll Talk like that’s not for us like I am Not going to be out there like I would Not pay .05 for Jaden Sancho card Because like he’s just not useful yeah So like I’m not interested in buying That card I don’t really ever see him Being a useful or super useful option so Like but I think again it all goes down To like if people are excited and they Want to own a card like hey that’s all That really matters if you are excited To own the card that’s really all that Matters Compared to other other things He’s a Midfield card though I know he’s

Not a Defender he doesn’t uh he should Be a pretty card in theory when he plays But like yeah It’s just he’s the other card’s a bummer Yeah yeah the midfielder card kind of Kind of nerfed now same with like Saka Saka being a Midfield card kind of a Free mediocre Chase just mentioned Martinelli uh super went pretty cheap uh Would Martin only go for Um I know it went for 1.6 but like I’m Assuming he’s pretty terrible as uh you Spelled Martinelli wrong Um I’m assuming he’s like a pretty Unusable card in any format yeah he’s Just not yeah I mean he’s just not good Enough like that’s not that’s one of Those that like he’s not super Collectible yet and the scores don’t Justify going in much higher well yeah I Mean yeah you look at him and you’re Like like so like I look at this card Right and I’m looking at Martinelli and I’m like all right I wouldn’t pay Literally anything for this part No reason for this card Whereas like the fact that it went for 1.6 for a super rare like people are Willing to pay 1.6 for a card you can’t Use in any format I mean he he I think you get the benefit of the Dow With the U23 stuff sure sure she’s got Years left It’s definitely better but I mean yeah

It’s just not a card you’re really going To use which is nothing against him it’s Just some players are just not super Usable Rascal says Sean you’re gonna go For the haverts one of 100 coming in an Hour I would not be caught dead there Sean’s waiting for the unique that’s all Yeah I’m waiting for the unique that Would actually be pretty funny if I do Own the unique of Ty Roberts but uh yeah Definitely will not be there Um at all but like yeah you literally Look at Martinelli Martinelli’s not tons Better than haverts obviously he has Forward card so it’s a bit more Appealing but speaking of havers where Has havert’s a a game came from he’s had Three games with like legit AAA in his Last like five I don’t really understand where that has Come from And he still sucks but I mean it’s still An average of seven oh I guess yeah But like three of those games like legit AAA out of nowhere yeah Andy Black says Sean is waiting for the Jersey man I don’t even know what jersey Number he wears is it still 29 Does he wear 29 I don’t know what he Wears anymore that shows you how much I Care about Kai Harvard’s It’ll be on the card let’s see it should Be yeah 29 look at you you know you knew Merely legendary man you knew we were


Actually Talking Larry and I were Talking before the show so I used to Watch Every Premier League game there are a Lot of Premier League games I just don’t Care as much about it anymore and I Don’t really think that this will do Tons actually you know who’s another Card that will be a really good card and It’s James Madison Um his card should be really good Um assuming like he gets back into Action or like even transfer by like He’s a really good attacking Med type Card that is uh that’s productive as you See the spikes are there with him uh Another guy expected to be a bit better Than he was with James Ward Krauss yeah Um I expected him to be a bit better Than he is now he’s he’s still a pretty Usable card and I think he’s pretty Reasonable Um but he’s not as good as I expected I Expected a bit better a honestly Um I mean he’s got a 20 to 25 in some Games so like it’s not like it’s not There Do you think this .79 for Thiago Silva’s Super rare is low No I mean he’s really old that’s the Only thing that I was gonna say like He’s kind of old I’m not gonna say words Are good though the thing is is like They’re bringing in as many people so he

Can’t play as possible and they just all Get injured Like I don’t think they want him Starting every game they just don’t have The option and when he plays he’s fine I Just I mean I I don’t think it’s bad like I think Point Eight’s fine for him like I mean You’re getting a really high-end Producer right and even if you’re out of Him you probably pay that off at point Eight so like I think it’s a totally Fine price like am I interested in it no Um he’s just old like I have so like for Example like I would rather spend Elsewhere than I would on him I think is Basically how I would break it down So I’ve had this like the auction page For those Um Watching it’s just literally the silver Data live market just go to market live Market there And it’s like There was I saw the players who were here and I Was saying to you before that like I Follow the Premier League less now that I have in a long time just because like You get so involved in the silver Leagues that and I don’t have any Premier League players so I like I Struggle to like keep involved and then It was like

I see players and I’m like oh Didn’t know he played for that team but The one player that like popped up on The auctions that I was just like wow so Rare really had the Premier League and This is so Random it was Jamie vardy and I was just like man Jamie vardy’s on Silver like they actually got the Prem And I don’t know I it just It’s cool they finally got it it’s Really cool It’s it’s definitely something that like That is valid like there’s I’ve watched At least five Dutch League games this Weekend I probably watched five Dutch Games this weekend I’ve watched zero Premier League games It’s funny that like you probably have Seen like a ton of Kodi hackbow games And now that he moved you’re just like Yeah there he goes well he’s dead so we Don’t have to watch him anymore Games because I had no code yet I Watched quite a few sangarei games but Like yeah like I probably watched like Three or four Belgian games this weekend I watched like four or five Dutch games Didn’t even consider throwing on a Premier League game I couldn’t even told You who was playing And I I generally know who Arsenal plays Because I have like a lot of Arsenal guys just

By like I have Gabrielle I have uh I have sambi who I hope gets a Loan out um I was gonna say he just uh I Thought I just saw him here maybe it Just went yeah so I I have like quite a Few hours I have Matt Turner so like I’m More so I watch the Europa League games Because these guys like Uh more so than the actual Prem Ium yeah there’s somebody pointed out it Was time this week actually yeah here’s Here’s a good one Laird I literally Watched the wrexham FA Cup game I’ve Watched more wrecks than FA Cup games Than I have Premier League games to see Them there you go there you go Uh shout out to Everton for the side Pose Um I always love a good like different pose So Well done to Everton for that And I did know that Dominic Calvert Woman was still there I think anyway do you think that We’re gonna see Some like I don’t even want to say some Cheaper cards in the other leagues Because it feels like Prices are going down everywhere anyway But it also like it I feel like a lot of people have kind of Mentioned that the market kind of Stalled recently in anticipation of the

Premier League I think or I mean There are a ton of reasons but like I Know of like multiple people who were Like specifically holding eth For the Premier League the Premier League is here Does all of the money that was on the Sideline going to the Premier League Mean that we should be able to get Values on the non-premier leak guys now I think it’s possible like there’s it’s Definitely been I would say that it’s already like sort Of happened like you said it’s been like People have been holding funds for the Prem for a while and we’re seeing those Get distributed today like I’ve seen Some Pretty wild prices on some cards and I’ve seen some other cards go cheap Though too like I’ve seen Um like actual good scores go relatively Cheap uh like the Tiago saw but 0.79 was Was really cheap and then you see like James Sancho limited for 0.9 you’re like Yeah what’s going on Um and so I definitely think that There’s some Merit to that like if You’re out there and you want to go buy Like a doosan tadage right now or like Guys that are not in the Prem I think it Definitely is realistic that you can get Some cheaper options uh out there Outside of the Prem uh in in champ

Europe and Challenger I think America’s Still been pretty stable from a price Perspective like Um it’s not where it was per se but like You still see uh cards like Carlos Gill Is still 1.3 he has gone down a little Bit but it’s not been like I mean I guess he’s gone down a pretty Much down now over the last two weeks But like it’s still American Asia you Still are probably gonna have to pay a Little bit for because their seasons are Upcoming here in the near future but Yeah if you’re looking for cards Especially in Europe you probably are in For a treat right now Yeah sorry I was trying to See what we got here in terms of Completed auctions for Now I’ve broken it oh well it looks like Enzo is going to Chelsea today Laird Um well I’m I’m glad we brought you Brought that up because We’ve got this weird situation where They’re launching the Premier League Mid-season and also like I don’t want to Say mid transfer window since it closes Tomorrow but I wonder if we’ll get New cards Of guys who transferred in like whether We’ll get Enzo no You just I don’t think so I don’t think you get a New card of guys that are transferring

At this time like maybe right towards The tail end of the season but I would Not expect it So you’re not expecting kinsello Bayern cards no which is why do you Think there’s some Merit to cancelo Because if he goes to Bayern he should Be pretty good if he plays he should be Really really good yeah and there might Only be like 10 cancelos out there Period Um so I definitely think there’s some Merit to cancelo I don’t remember So Andy was saying remember how they did It in MLB which is MLB is different Because they Get those pictures directly from Major League Baseball and yeah they’re just Like photoshopped I remember there was One trying to think of who the player Was Um He went to the Yankees uh who was it He had really long hair And he cut his hair because that’s what You have to do when you join the Yankees But his Yankee card has like the long Hair because it’s just a Photoshop Jersey like he never the picture of him In a Yankee shirt and hat with long hair Never existed mm-hmm And yet we have all the cards Yeah I mean it’s part of our MLB nerds

In the chat please you know what all Right so it’s possible because it’s the Prem and they might be like Sober might be like we need all new Players to come in on transfer like we Need their new cards Jeremy has said the Orsik uh is getting minted in the pram That transfer was relatively recent yeah Yeah but he brought up that the first uh Southampton ones are minting he started Around 170. well they have to well so That’s why they do it yeah they it’s a Maximum of a thousand cards per player Per season regardless of of teams so That’s why that’s why he started there It happened with um Body of shoelace as well David Taylor Just said mudrick isn’t being minted yet So yeah that’s probably a good litmus Test to this because he came in I think He’s like the latest one that has Realistically came in he is he is in a Chelsea jersey though and so are data so It means they definitely have the the Jersey uh the new pitcher so like I Would imagine David that he probably Will start getting auctioned at some Time here in the near future Um I would I would assume so yes I would Assume so because they clearly have the Jersey and the Pitcher Um Uh so actually Andre asked a good Question this I don’t think we know the

Answer to but it’s a very good question Do you guys know for how long does sewer Have the deal with the Premier League I don’t know the answer to this Um I am going to assume And again you know what happens when you Assume uh but I’m going to assume oh Sam Actually said we do know four years per Aft article so four years is a period a Good length of time for this deal um in My I think that that’s a good range I think That like obviously they’re trying to Get multi-year deals but multi just Means two and I think two is a bit Um a bit low so the four to five year Range a metal gear set of was an Announcement as well Um 40 million four or four years for 30 Million each year from gross boa so I Think that that means that we’re locked In for the near future and honestly like I think McBride in a Discord I was in Earlier today and he’s right he said He’s like they pretty much recoup like Two and a half percent of the 30 you Build for this year today Right like I mean they did like if you Probably look we’ll have a good idea Um like in 24 hours or so we’ll have a Good idea of like what the auction Volume is right on so we’re data if the Auction volume is like 600 Heath you Feel pretty confident so we’re generated

Around eight nine hundred thousand Dollars From the deal today and like we we Haven’t even got to like higher end Uniques the unique cards are what really Yeah fire this up but like coming up You’re gonna have Um some more higher end uniques like James we’re proud is a decent unique Model res a decent unique Um They’re really actually saving a lot of Like yeah they are cards because like if You look Saka Saka will probably be Relatively expensive that’s going to be Sunday right like their big uh um They still do that Or yeah whatever it’s called anymore but Like yeah so sapta should be I would assume Saka goes for a bit but I Will say it doesn’t feel like we have Like the Arsenal whales That are like really jamming for Arsenal Cards Um I I don’t think we’re gonna know until Sunday like You just needs two people to think that They need that card and then it gets to A pretty stupid amount That’s all Um yeah it takes two people I mean I Imagine When moon will be one of them yeah yep

So when wind’s been buying up I think I think you got the one The uh No he got rare which is like 3.2 so if You said the rare is like 3.2 you give The super like 10. I would guess the Unique goes for like 20 to 25. Do you think it goes to like 40 if it Was a forward card Yeah I mean again like you said it only Takes two people Yeah it’s a fun card He’s fine I think how dare you like he’s fine he’s He’s solid it’s really I don’t know That’s not really like the car card I go For if you have again forward card what Would the forward card being change it To four what’s the l40 Yeah so there’s like three three and a Half points better as a forward plus Like you’re just getting things in a the Issue with mids if you lack a lot more 70s yeah if you lack a a as a mid Because you’re a Winger effectively That’s gonna not maintain the ball it’s The same thing with like feature Character failure like I just it’s so hard to have that card Because when he doesn’t get decisive his Game is Just typically going to be poor Yeah and Like you can’t you can’t just sit there And like rely on guys to just rip a

Decisive every single game like it like How what do you think without looking What kviche’s AA is in the last year Eight seven Yeah now guess what his decisive score Is Yeah 57 or something like 55. like so he Has in the last year he has 30 he’s Played 32 games he has 32 decisions like But the issue is is obviously like the Games we get three he’s fine but when You get one you’re at like 60 to seven Some of you some of them he has good AA And then you have other games where he Doesn’t get decided when you’re like 36 34 like it just doesn’t get the job done Fully Yeah how much you’re going in for this Diego Costa super rare Um Once a true story lared I once owned the Unique Unique did you know that well I did not Know that that is very silly I actually I owned the unique of Diego Costa and I Sold it for a significant amount Compared to what the production was After I sold it Um Atletico Madrid shirt uh it is no Let me see Um it is Atletico Madrid and I sold him for and This is when stuff was high it was right

After he went to Monero I sold him for 4.25 And he has not been good since I don’t Even know if he’s like started like five Games since then that’s a lot of money Ederson should be a good goal there I Will say with the Prem there’s some good Goaltenders that are That are Gotta Throw Them goaltenders For for the Prem boys coming in right Gotta throw it in there Um there’s some decent goalies uh so Surface asked a reasonable question do You think Declan rice could become Rodrigo light if he went to a real team Maybe Uh I it’s hard to it’s hard to tell Because like he does have a lot of the Defensive work rate that he has so it Really just comes down to the passing Like Declan rice doesn’t hold a boatload Of passing I wish we could check it from Just statistical category but like so if You look at Rodrigo And you look at Declan rice like look at Declan Rice’s last game Laird how many Passes did uh did Declan Rice have in This 2-0 win against Everton so Everton Is like a bottom team in the league and Declan rice had 48 passes if I go to the Rodrigo game against Wolverhampton he Had 57 uh and if I could look back the Game before he had 97 against Spurs he’s Got a few games at Center back though he

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Does well that that’s helpful honestly If you’re playing Center back it’s Helpful but that game against Tottenham Center mid against man united he had 102 Pass attempts or passes against Chelsea He had 81. so like if you look at Rodrigo Declan rice does a lot of the Defensive work that that Rodrigo does But Rodrigo had And if I look back like five games one Of the games he had 57 passes all the Others were 80 or above so like when I’m Getting 80 or above passes he had 20 final third pass in this game five Accurate long balls uh so you’re talking Like an extra 10 points he’s getting From Pure passing so it is realistic I Guess the Declan rice went to Man City Uh he could sort of put that up but it’s Not as Uh it’s harder to to call exactly what He’ll do yeah yeah I think that’s Ultimately the problem that like uh jono Nesbitt said West Ham are a real team he Did not enjoy your comment that they’re Not a real team leader I didn’t say it you you literally said If he well okay no no no technically Surface said it so please direct all of The um the hate on fashion surface thank You I would never Are they getting relegated though They’re close aren’t they Again Prem

We don’t pay attention to the Prem not The English one not the English one Oh they got up to 16th anyway As Cosmo was here he’d be fired up right Now right Although I think he kind of agrees Rod Has said that uh he’s correct no real Team is managed by David Moyes so fair Ly but yeah like I mean mahrez is really Nice Amara starts I like mahrez I look Through the super Rose earlier today Um Brenton Aronson oh Brandon aaronson’s A forward that makes no sense at all but I mean That’s probably better for him I would Think so I think he was forward in the Um In a global cup he’s got to lose a Boatload I guess he’s been playing on The wing a lot so yeah I guess it makes Sense Um let’s see his four Midfield card Better he has four Ricardo’s like three Points better yeah it’s definitely Better I mean very rarely forward card Worse blue tomatoes asked Are We Now in The when Saudi game I’ve been in that For a while blue tomatoes I I need my Madrone unique back in my life Sean Would you rather the Saudi League or the J League back J League okay the Saudi League does not Exist as of now so like I think you’d Rather have the channels back regardless

Of uh exist if they were like you guys Get one What do you want There’s there’s an easy answer to this Sean I well I I don’t even care if we get the Sodally I just want I just want to get can I get the J League back in coverage of the song and Coverage of Saturday League no no It’s tough The answer is you want the J League Because nobody ever goes to the Saudi League nobody’s in the Saudi League that Then goes somewhere else and actually Works out yeah but you get guys to go to The Saudi League that were like the Alphas and like they don’t yeah they’ll Smash them for sure for sure like Ronaldo’s probably actually you know Another person that’s pretty good and is Pierre Emil hoyberg Um He’s typically pretty decent the issue Is is that he also Lacks sort of the Decisive game that you want I mean again Like he gets it like 20 percent of the Time uh but his his AAA isn’t as strong As what Rodriguez is Right you’re not getting out of him what You get out of Rodrigo from an AAA game You’re gonna it’s gonna be way cheaper Though like that’s yeah I think we all Look at Rodrigo and we’re like oh

Nobody really knows not that nobody Knows him but like people aren’t going To pay up for that because it’s like Rodriguez but like there are enough People who are on the platform that are Going to pay up for that correct Like hoyberg’s a good D2 card if you Have like a super it’s a good D2 card as A rare it’s not the most productive Um But I’m surprised now morons that good He has to have a four he has a Midfield Card and he’s that guy is rolling over In his grave at that He has a Midfield card and he’s that Good I’m Ron’s legit man That’s like he’s been really good mm-hmm How is his AAA game that good as a mid Let’s see here’s 32 AAA In 85 minutes what’s Doing the work man that’s just involved Just doing the work interesting So here’s a question I have for you Laird um with them getting the Prem in Does that mean we’re gonna get the Championship as well Don’t we have it already Not all of it we have some teams I think Right Yeah yeah we got we don’t have everyone So like does it will this lead to us Also getting the championship I don’t think that I don’t think it’s

Connected no I think that’s a different Deal okay because we have some of the Championships like yeah Sam just said we have five Champs uh Clubs So Um yeah we have a lot more to go from The championship we can definitely Increase and it would make sense Are you sure it’s totally different Because it isn’t all within the English FA I wouldn’t think so okay So Mike has said that the championship Has a different management company They’re not linked so I think other Leagues are correct me if I’m wrong but Like the bonus league and Bundesliga 2 Are the same company like they’re Connected right Mike or anyone else Yeah the Premier League is is a its own Monster okay yeah Brock is important Also but the Premier League is different Um yeah I’m curious if you guys think Blue Tomato said the yes he believes That the Buddhist Lee and Buddhist Liga 2 are connected so that’s interesting Dennis Meyer said his girlfriend is Upset that rexham is not covered I agree Yeah Wrexham yet Yeah let’s get an ollie Palmer card out There let’s get All those guys on Rex math they’re

Getting Ryan Reynolds car just plop him Up there get a super Paul Mullen Uh so Andre asks how do you think Enzo Would score in the Prem Um I think that Enzo’s scoring will go down But he won’t be dead assuming he starts Every game uh I think he’ll be Maybe a mid to high 50s type player Um they’re not going to be as dominant So they’re not going to get as much Possession but Enzo probably makes up For that in defensive work right uh and That just comes down to who takes the Sets if Enzo could end up on sets Permanently uh for Chelsea he might go Up a little bit Um sober limited said Enzo is not good Enough I’m gonna disagree with that I Think Enzo is very very good Um and he could definitely be quite Productive for Chelsea I wish he I wish He went to PSG I I wish that Enzo was Going to PSG for many reasons including Me owning one Um but going to Chelsea is just like Chelsea just seems like such a dumpster Fire right now okay I don’t I don’t see How he ends up with like sets at Chelsea Yeah but like it’s Chelsea they’re like A dumpster fighter who’s even on sets Anymore for Chelsea it’s still like Reese James it’s Mount and zetch Recently James has been hurt

Why is Mason Mountain still playing Yeah like you are but better question Guys why is Mason now still playing Uh Sam asked Sean how mad are you that The Premier League only brings to you 23 Goalkeepers and they both score like not fine with it I I’m glad because It doesn’t really impact I mean the Premier League does not in theory impact The so5 game that dramatically as a Whole like there are not tons of Impactful cards Um that are coming out there so it’s Haber has said Sean lost me all my money This week that’s not true I have a Message from Haber saying he just wanted A tier one this week and he won a tier One uh so I did not lose money for its Haver uh Mike basses had re-shamed a constant Injury Red Cross guy that is that’s Pretty accurate I do like Greece James Though so that’s unfortunate but it’s Also true Um yeah so I don’t really think there’s Tons of impact from the Prem into any Game mode like the YouTube country is Pretty freaking what rodri is pretty Breaking raw not breaking he’s really Good He’s really good and cancello would be Really good if he started and then The other guys that are super impactful For the most part all strippier we

Already have trippy a already has cards I Nick Pope seems pretty good but like It’s goalie like I don’t know how much Of that is Um I don’t know how much of that is Just sort of like a run of form where He’s done well but like in theory Nick Poke should be pretty good because his AAA should be good I don’t know like Looking at him he just looks like a Goalie like they just don’t concede Three so he doesn’t really get right Yeah it scores that often like I think They only had They only he committed one penal or had One air led to goal and that game they Gave three and it was in the it was in Like a Nations League game for England Like With Newcastle I don’t know he just is Really solid Because they don’t really give up three And he typically makes saves like he Never has a negative a uh unless he’s Playing for England He was actually decent with Burnley Because I looked at him last year I was Curious like how he did and he uh was Good for Burnley as well he was like a 52 or 53 goalie because he saw a lot of Goals uh Daniel Cooper said cancel was Off to Bayern no and yet we believe that Cancel is off to Bayern but if he starts

Every game at Bayern he’s probably a top Three Champion Europe Defender period Yeah he’s always been he he’s such a Weird case because he was like the goat And then like one game of the World Cup The lot just started and then like Cities benched him too I don’t know like He must have like Did something to piss everyone in the World off because he went from like Being to go and starting every game like Being like first guy on the team Sheet To literally just like not Uh used it all yeah and it’s Haber said Cancelo will be the trippy a competition Is correct I think if you get cancello’s Like a lock-in starter Bayern he would In theory be like it’d be like him and Trippier is like the clear like top Two-ish Um Defenders in Champion Europe which is pretty Impressive Yeah I mean this run earlier is is Pretty absurd I mean if you open it up Longer than you click on all it’s even It looks the same like it’s just as it’s Just like if not better Um it’s like that you don’t if you don’t See those type of scores from Defenders That frequently Right yeah Um

Yeah So one of the things I wanted to talk About was I can’t remember if we Discussed it or not I definitely Discussed with Andy that when they came Out with all the new game modes was that Last week it was definitely last week And my initial response was just like it Was it just got so confusing and It took like the launch of the Prem for Me to realize that I think they can Organize it better but it’s very clear That they just now want to offer Something for everyone and we look at it As we used to try to play everything so Now there’s so much stuff and you’re Just like oh I can’t play Everything But I think there’s like if you just Want to play Premier League there are Ways that you can do that like all the Way up now or at least from common to Limited to rare and I think that’s They’re really starting to nail that the Way the way that like well I think They’re gonna have The pro or something like they’re gonna Have different things That work the the lobby just looks Can just bulky the word I I’m using yeah I think if they like if you only want to See the stuff that includes Premier League like I think you’ll be able to do That at some point yeah and then I think It starts to get a little more

Organized it won’t for us because we Pretty much try to play like the the Bigger meaning the leagues that or the Competition that include like as many Cards as possible but the I think they’re starting to like get it That we’re gonna see like a lot of People who like literally just play Premier league and don’t have to worry About the other leagues like yeah it’s a It was a plus for us and for a lot of People who are on the platform before That like because we didn’t have the Premier League it kind of forced you to Learn other leagues we look at it as a Positive now but there are plenty of People who like follow the Prem now Have absolutely no interest in learning Another league but they it seems like They will be there will be a path for Them to like just play the Premier League from now on and I think that’s fine Yeah I’m totally fine with that I mean I I think that caters to to people uh Rob Just said it looks like chaos for the New user I I agree with that like Looking at the calendar for for the next Few weeks is just like You and I were overwhelmed like I was Overwhelmed looking at the calendar and I was like I can only imagine what someone coming Onto the platform fresh is thinking yeah

But like I actually think The reason why it’s so overwhelming for Us again is because like we look at it And we’re like how much can I enter and I feel like people who just care about One League it doesn’t have to be the Premier League could be the Bundesliga La Liga they could just be like all Right Let me just see which ones apply to me Which are like the Premier League ones And then it’s it’s not nearly like you Take 50 competitions and you get them down to Like five and then it seems manageable Like I think it’s more of a display Issue than it is like a Offering issue if that makes sense yeah I mean that that’s Reasonable Mike Baston said 44 upcoming Competitions next game week and I don’t Think that’s like American HR packing Yeah You’re looking at like 55 competitions It’s just like I mean if you don’t have Places to play your cards I don’t you Have you have so many places to play Your cars in different different areas I Don’t know like I It’s just a lot like looking at the lot There’s some stuff I can’t enter Um Which is confusing but like only some Stuff I can’t enter and then there’s

Other stuff I can enter and then there’s Like all the free play stuff yeah Because also like this midweek there Isn’t even like free play stuff you’re Looking at like So many more when they include that Stuff too it’s just also when is when is The time change coming to the law is it Not till the weekend because I thought It was midweek It is let’s see so because midweek Starts at six tomorrow Easter yeah so It’s a weekend yeah okay because I like I thought it was it wasn’t didn’t you Think it was supposed to be midweek so Like one of the things that drives me Nuts is that they’ll announce something Saying when it starts but it’s like it Starts when the game week opens not I Mean excuse me when the game week closes And now when it like yeah like they Announced it like yeah I would start January 31st which is tomorrow and There’s a deadline tomorrow but they’re Like they actually mean The next game like January 31st at for us 601 a.m instead Of just later but I don’t know So yes it’s the weekend game week where It starts the new deadline And that’s fine I actually I wasn’t sure where I was going to bring This up but I’m going to bring it up now Because I’m speaking

I heard I’ve heard this like from Multiple people But the one that like that I recently Heard it from was Nellis on his last Podcast talking with uh techers about The time change of the deadline Saying that Part of the reason they moved it was for The US audience Which is like Hilariously wrong like the If you want to know what they’re doing For the US audience go play NBA and MLB But Zero part of them moving the Deadline for football had to do with the US audience and it’s all so that all the New FPL people Can get their news in before the Deadline comes but like it was they must Have said it like five times oh they Moved it for the Americans too and it’s Like they they literally do not care how Many of us play soccer no I mean they I’m not saying they don’t care but yeah That move was strictly the American Audience watches the Premier League That’s it was all based on the Premier League Um in a good fashion setting for the Premier League I don’t think uh I don’t think that there’s much debate On that one if you think it’s for the American audience Yeah it’s not like I don’t know I I let

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It go the first time and then they said It like five or six times and I’m like Guys it is it is not Um completely unrelated I see uh Dario Has joined us I was on Dario’s stream Recently and I added the uh had my kids Add in my AC Milan Um there you go logo here so I like how You have like multiple different parts Of your house you sit in for different Shows by the way Um so my I do this show and so are Andrew’s right here but little known a Little uh nugget here I do this the NBA Show in the same room just on a Different wall Just just turn around There’s a seat on the other side of Where this is set up and you just walk Over there It’s it’s actually even less glamorous Than that and that checks out I’ll show Uh I’ll show it off uh one day Raymond Said Nellis probably said it so he Wasn’t giving away the Prem I will say that obviously Nellis knew About this way ahead of time since the Guy is in the video Announcing the Prem so first off Bravo To John for not giving it away But Also it’s not because of the Americans No definitely It’s anyway that’s

Yeah So You and I are not buying Premier League Cards But you better believe we want to win Them that’s true I I believe I saw a Tweet today in the classic so rare Official announcement on Zora’s Twitter Account that he said that there are the Premier League cards are going to be Rewarded for this current game week That doesn’t make much sense to me but Okay So how do you think actually I haven’t Even checked if they are actually in the Prize pools I will check right now for You Laird but my one fear was like what Tears and like who’s in what tier Let’s see let’s check out the champion Europe a rare Pro and see Bruno Fernandez is in the tears I guys like That are probably easier you know what They’re probably going to do guys that Already have cards maybe they’ll use Some sort of sale price on Um Allison is there but we already had Him Um TAA but we had him Maybe he just meant that they’re in There like it does say Bruno Fernandez Martin Odegaard is in the star tier yeah It’s still like none no one who they Haven’t already had Yeah that’s my only fear

There’s a manga guy And then it’s Gotta Be the goalie Um Leroy or Darwin Nunez we have him Trippier we have him Yeah it seems like only guys that are in Here are guys that they already have but Like trippie is a tier one let me sign Up for that Wow this is in Champion I’m looking at Champion rare still yeah I was like okay Um a bunch of people in chatter thing It’s the only people only cards that Have been minted already yeah so maybe It’ll take a little I don’t know So Liam brings up a question do all Champ your players increase in price as You can now win Premier League players With them That’s kind of an interesting yeah Because you don’t need Premier League Players to win Premier League players Right like you can win Premier League Players with a PSG stack or whatever you Want so it is kind of an interesting An interesting one Uh Levis said would you say that when People realize the 99 of Premier League Players are not the best uh there will Be pressure on sober to temper with the Matrix make them better no Um it’s all right no like like we talked About James Sanchez already know he’s Probably not very good but he’s going For 0.9 I think the people will still be

Interested because they’re the favorite Team but as Laird said I think it Definitely makes sense to have a premier League only League because that will Mean that you can only have Premier League players and if all of them are Pretty mediocre but they can only be Used together in that League then that Makes them better than they are Elsewhere Yeah it also would make like a card like Roderick that much better because it’s Literally like a legit high-end card no Matter what and if you put it into like A premier league only type of spot it Becomes an even better spot yeah Um quick comment here from AJ he said You can already see some players their First Super air on auction or two of ten So you know who’s going to be rewarded That’s a sneaky little That is valid that’s very reasonable Reasonable thought process on that by AJ Chani with a great comment here it’s Basically the ansu Fati thing all over Again with Sancho Yeah but ansu fatty like It has appeared better to me than Sanchez like I don’t even think Sanchez Was ever good at Dorman Oh he was I mean from an s05 perspective I guess he was decent no he was very Good there yeah he went on he had like Some absurd decisive run I think

Yeah no okay he okay all right I retract My my Sancho criticism a little bit he Was really good with good AAA at Dortmund Much better player than I was expecting To see yeah Now to scroll down though scroll down CDA in those games It’s it’s way way better than you were Than I was expecting let me take uh Yeah yeah I didn’t think I didn’t think He was gonna get that yeah Josh I knew He was really good there I just didn’t Think his server score would be That good I knew he was obviously really good at At Dorman but I didn’t think his server Score would be that good Yeah well he almost had the weird thing Where he had so many decisives that you Were just like oh he’s a decisive guy Yeah he wasn’t Um his second all right so you probably Haven’t seen this yet his second limited Went off what do you think the price was Of the second Limited the first one was How much 0.903 Point Three point one six I don’t think there’s ever been as much Of a drop between the first limited of a Card and a second limit of a card than That uh they’re I’m pretty sure there Have been but I’d have to look at look

That up But I I am corrected like he was much Better than I thought I will say iak is buying up I I know iak Is buying up the whole man united Limited scene I did notice that earlier so like I’m Assuming iak is going after every limit He’s also going after rares I don’t know If he’s going after every rare It’s a lot of limited so yo I think he’s Going after the one of 1000 limited for Every single man you player yeah Bruno Lindelof Castle yeah Quicker Hey sort of makes us do a bunch of Different sometimes fun things which was Great No better way to just light money on Fire than to get into so rare And Mike Bass and said 0.16 is too much Mike Dawson said it not me What is the did the rare go yet no I Don’t think rare’s Dawn no we got 11. I Gotta assume a rare would be under Or it can’t be under that like there’s No way the rare is Under The Limited We had some weird Things happen in NBA and I know because It happened to me specifically but like One of the One of the weird things we see with Jersey Mints not with the one up but With Jersey mints is because they tend

To get to The Limited Jersey men’s first Those go for more than the rare Jersey Knits Yeah and so this is my thoughts too with Like the when I said I don’t I don’t see Us having like an Arsenal whale just Buying up the Arsenal collection because Like Migo spent point four one seven on Saka limited and then the next ones were 0.246.261 I just don’t think anyone’s Coming in hot at Arsenal I don’t know if Anyone’s coming in like hot at Spurs Either Um or any like man you we definitely are Seeing it like Iak is definitely going for man you guys But I don’t see it with these other Teams yet Well I don’t know maybe maybe gamble Will be going in for Tottenham he went hard after Harry Kane The that’s the only one he’s bought Though So far Yeah I don’t I don’t know And gamble actually so gamble has not he Literally sold his entire gallery except For Cristiano Ronaldo cards This is the only card in this gallery Now that is not a Cristiano Ronaldo the Kerry came one Ronaldo and Kane yeah Oh I I don’t think so Mike Babson said Nepentes will be that way old for

Arsenal I don’t think the pentez is Going to do that I think nepenthes likes to win too much So Somebody who was ZM star asked sorry I’m Late but did ciao Felix hit 100 East Jeff Felix did not hit 100 East Though We I would I would accept 99 only Because he’s currently suspended Um We have new Joe Felix picture but not New cards So this kind of falls into that same Category with uh mudrik true uh Johnny Said that NEP wants to have ramsdale Ben White Odegaard Saka I don’t don’t Necessarily counter that but it’s clear That he doesn’t want or care about the One of one hundreds Um because he did not go after sack of One of 100 unless he did and he just Gave up on it but like I’m talking about like I’m positive that Iak for example is just going to go Plowing and limited on the the man you Guys because Um Yes like the Panthers wasn’t even in Here uh so I’m not saying that doesn’t Want the guys yeah so Johnny said he Doesn’t care about the one of a hundred So yeah Johnny or the Panthers will come In here at like number 23 and pick up a

Sack of card which is fine I did it’s a Lot more cost effective to do that How much do you think the Saka 7 goes For the Jersey men’s soccer I don’t know less than the one people on Platform seem to care way more about the One than the seven yeah and actually Have we seen that actually reminds me Have we seen any Jersey mints go yet I Guess some of the goalies Probably yeah And like so it’s the same thing and I Don’t think people really care about Goalies like you’ve said before yeah I Only I only brought that up because like The with NBA they do like a special Like symbol when it’s a jersey mint but They also do for the one of and there’s Clearly nothing for the one else I mean Check out let’s check on Nick Pope and See if there’s anything on Nick Pope but I’m assuming they don’t they’re not Doing anything yeah Um I also think that the seven is gonna go For more than Nick Pope’s 22 he’s not Even number one And Anderson doesn’t wear one either Um Ramsdale wears one no there’s nothing Special with it The only thing I think I think Saka Seven goes for more than I want to bet That if Haber does some dumb in

Regards to man united cards where can I Bet that Like it’s haber’s gonna do something He’s gonna like not do it today but like In a few days he’s gonna have like fomo Or get Upset about it and and uh And think that it’s it’s gonna happen Actually funny fomo story Laird my Father-in-law thinks that I created the Term fomo My wife has like absurdly bad fomo like True story We Were Once on our honeymoon In the Barbados sitting by the pool Relaxing getting like drinks and stuff Brought to us and my sister-in-law and My uh my father-in-law mother-in-law They were getting breakfast Like at just a normal place in our Hometown and they texted my wife and she Was incredibly upset that she was not There I’m like just by being like in Barbados yeah well being in Barbados by Pool on your honeymoon she was upset she Was not there and I’m just like I was like wow that’s interesting so Anyways Her she brought up the term fomo to her Her dad and her dad had never heard it Before and she’s like yeah Sean thinks I Have a lot of fomo and then explained to Her or him what fomo is and he’s like oh My God you do have a lot of film that’s A great term he came up with

So anyways funny funny fomo related term Is this true my wife’s fomo is absurd The sorry to go back on topic here uh Rob in chat was saying that he noticed That they’ve gotten rid of the different Backgrounds and that they only have now They have just one uniform design Which is true Yeah but but could that be like the Launch edition I I assume that’s what it is Um Like we had for like we had this kind of Leathery one and then all right so Here’s a question for you are they going To use the Premier League as like the New like new season design card thingies No I don’t think these are the new these Are not the new designs for the new Season but I do So I was I was wondering if they were Going to do this like launch edition for All new cards But maybe the I don’t know if they will They’re not that many like nobody’s Gonna get excited about any any other League that comes on and need like a Launch edition one correct I feel bad For Andy saying he was collecting Triangles that’s a bummer Poor Andy Black Rip

Uh you got anything more to say on the Prem No no I mean I’m happy it’s here I’m Happy that like It’s here yeah yeah I’m just I’m not the Market’s been in Rough shape the last few weeks and I’m Definitely intrigued to see if this Impacts it positively because if not Then that’s a little concerning to me Like if everyone’s just buying Prem Cards only no one cares about anything Else outside the Prem that’s rough Um we’ll have to wait and see if that Hat comes but I think that’s that’s What’s gonna happen Here you’re going to see a huge Market Increase and everyone’s like I don’t Know how I’m not selling any cards I’m Like oh it’s all the Prem cards I think For the near future we might see it that Way and then It might change up after that I think as Soon as people realize that they can win Premier League cards with non-premier League players yes including some that Are cheaper and score better I mean That’s that’s the foundation of the game Yes is used cards of players in leagues Or teams you’ve never heard of and Win cards that you have heard of correct Simple as that All right thank you to everybody who has Joined us live we’ve got a ton of people

Watching today which is always fun but Also as normal more people watching than Have liked the video so if you guys Could please like it that would be very Helpful if you Haven’t subscribed to the Channel please Do so and Yeah Welcome to the Prem this is fun we’re All rich now So

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