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Craig Douglas

What's up guys and the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video it Is a Thursday lunchtime right now and of Course the new season for FIFA 23 is Here it's called into the spotlight Which I guess is for the future stars Theme team of the year is still here Guys and uh apologies for no upload Yesterday uh unfortunately I had to take My daughter's hospital but she's home Now always uh always well and good and Uh hopefully just a viral infection but Before we get into the rest of the Content do you want to be able to afford To complete new sbcs and test out new Players if so visit U7 buy to buy your Foot 23 coins they are cheap fast and Reliable and make sure to use my code Nip at checkout for five percent off and Let's take a look at uh what we've got New this time around so daily objectives The same old same old week one bronze Nothing in there sometimes they put a Token in there don't they Rivals no one Cares about same as that and that and That and that and that and that Oh nice the CEO have been inventive Um in milestones we have got the new Silver stars of course I didn't cover This yesterday it is Marin And uh maserashi the Future Stars swaps Token so it's going to be worth doing That Marin if you're looking to get the Future Stars content uh done and silver

Beast is in there as well no token in Silver beasts just a rare mega pack Um and then nothing else other than Marin and how good is he four star four Star quite nice Ah What positions does he have just Center Mid it's it's all right he's all right For a silver card he's all right Um I need to go and get that first owner Fiesta card as well uh outside of that We've got the brand new season progress So we've got the coin boost the shadow Chem style or the uh hunter or position Modifier an 80 plus rare gold player Into the Stars Stadium theme Smaller electron players pack EA really Push it oh look at the shield badge Animated TFO I actually do quite like The anime tfos I can't even lie uh 280 Plus rated rare player packs uh The Shield TFO All right which one are you going for I Think the purple color is better but the Blue Design is better Oh look at that on the actual badge it's Purple on the cat as well Uh a small gold players pack The cat or the shield badge I'll Probably go for the cat personally Um an 81 plus double upgrade pack the


Powerhouse tifo Oh yeah a bit of maestro the maestro Otifo What kind of content creator would I be If I didn't take the maestro tifo Unbelievably amazing that from EA a gold Players pack The Maestro that's just gonna be my Badges and it for the rest of the game All right Journey to Maestro badge inbound uh Eight Y plus players or 280. 286 plus super lone players now that's Not bad because the super loan which is Something that's brand new this year for EA is 99 games Um so getting two players 86 plus is 99 Games is all right as long as you don't Get like you know milinkovic Savage and Trap or something so long as you get a Special card A 99 game loan on it isn't so bad I'd be Interesting to open some of those when People get them and test them out so if You get level 15 one and you want me to Open it for you just uh hit me up we've Got glove tifo and uh Sentinel tifo A jumbo Premium Gold pack the glove Badge and the Sentinel badge definitely Still the same with maestro Prime electron players pack the Dead Eye TFO and the hawk TFO I'll tell you what About like these are cool you know these

Are all right Um 84 plus rare gold player pack or an A3 plus a double player pack I'd be Going for the 83 plus personally Dead Eye and Hawk badge a mega pack an engine TFO and an anchor tifo A rare players pack Balogun another hat-trick for him or a Hat trick for him last night I think He's the top scorer in the French league At the moment oh when he comes back to Arsenal for next season he's going to be Amazing isn't he the engine badge the Anchor badge the rare mega pack the Hunter tifo or the Shadow tifo the Hunter badge or the shadow badge and Then a striker or a left-wing balogun All right so the striker All-Star 4 star player trait good Physicals no aggressive little no but Otherwise good dribbling's okay Pace and shooting is real nice to that Striker version Can also play Cam and Center forwards And then the left wing version All-Star Four Star as well you can play left mid Center forward and right wing also only The flare trait Passing is really nice I like the other Version better Just because This version's dribbling although it's Supposedly three better so what's he got So the Striker's got seven more physical

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Ten less passing Seven more shooting four less pace and Three less dribbling I just think like This version pace is really good but Shooting is not very good okay 99 short Pass is nice Vision along passing is Okay dribbling's only okay And physicals nowhere near as good you Know the stamina is a fair bit lower With the striker version the like 93 Agility for a striker is solid and then The pace is shooting a solid and like a Hawk chem Style on him Or maybe a hunter for that pace and Shooting max out I think would probably Be the better option Um Personally you know I just much prefer That uh but that is the season pass or The I don't know what they call it these Days let me go and have a look at the Spcs that got dropped yesterday as well Guys obviously georginio came the day Before or can't wait to complete that uh We got Seco fofana Team of the Year Honorable mentions These four-star four-star high high six Foot one Great physicals Good dribbling good passing Good pace Man for for a player that's got like Face card stats that look mad It's actually a little bit underwhelming

Isn't it like maybe you'd put like a Shadow on him To boost the defensing defensing they're Defending in the pace physicals are Superb passing would be okay But it's it's a little bit meh Three segments to complete him an 83 and 84 and an 85 and that's why it's a Little bit mere because it's actually Not that expensive Uh a mixed players pack a small electron Players pack and a prime mix players Pack fair enough right there's loads of Photo out there right now happy days We've got a daily login upgrade the all Of the other the stuff that's already Been there let's see what else we had 83 by five attackers upgrade 85 double Upgrade I think I was already there Team of the Year challenge one I think that was Already there And I think that might be it 83 double Upgrade man that might have already been There that was already there Yeah that stuff was already there Basically Um and then outside of that A store pack potentially yeah just Re-ups okay Um Hey the New Year special pack again or No it's February it's not even a new Year anymore

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Oh of course I'm gonna open it I'm gonna open it right now as well Aren't I I am I'm gonna Pack A Team of The Year I'll be I think You know who opens like 500k packs at 12 30 in the afternoon nobody and that's Why EA are going to be like all right Let's hook this guy up you know he's Obviously like not at work because it's Midday on a what day is it today on a Thursday He's down bad he's at home he's still Spending three points Team of the Year Inbound right It feels like it's guaranteed It feels like it's guaranteed a new year Special pack Three thousand FIFA points give me that Team of the Year Obviously the hero French left me left Mid left me to stop and alone I Don't even know if it's good anymore but I like that virgin a lot it's just like It just has that presence doesn't he he Just has that like I'm David General right I used to be Like stupid op in previous games maybe I'm not anymore but people still think That I am and that's all that all that Matters how much is David genilla worth Oh he is still meta he's 1.4 million Coins I am the sold out a little bit I understood that a little bit David General 1.4 million call is Pat I told

You he ain't like down bad right let's Give him something let's go we've also Got nothing else cool Kyung Min sun or black Allison immobile A Lukaku Financial Di Maria A whole bunch of other little bits and Bobs of fodder And more more absolutely useless photo Oh oh that was literally it Oh damn I was hoping there would be a Cheeky little TV or TV and nominee in Here but we can't be mad at David Jilla Can we Five star five star cam Striker left Wing left mid Lovely stuff lovely stuff All right guys so that's going to be the N4 right now I'll be back at 6 p.m with The 6PM content for tonight hopefully uh You guys enjoy the content enjoy the new Season and uh yeah let me know what you Think down below and I'll see you next Time I'm out

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About the Author: futhq

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