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Craig Douglas

What's up guys nepenthes here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video it Is future stars and EA have kicked us Off with another incredible Arsenal Player for the ranks Fabio Vieira do you Want to be able to afford to complete New sbcs and test out new players if so Visit U7 by to buy your foot 23 coins They are cheap fast and reliable and Make sure to use my code nip at checkout For five percent off and so with these Awesome stats guys quality dribbling Quality passing quality shooting and Pace he's got four star four-star you Can play right mid cam right wing and Center mid he has got flare past swerve Pass outside the foot shot long shot and A play maker And how much is it going to cost it's Only two squads and 85 rated and an 86 Rated with a premier league player and Of course team of the year is now over We've also got player of the month or Leash Uh one star two star nobody cares star And player of the month Marcus rashford And I can't lie guys this is wildly Overpriced it is Such a mid card in many different ways Right doesn't have outside the foot Short doesn't have finished shot Terrible physicals generally uh balance Is poor composers poor like Pace Obviously is quite nice and the

Five-star skill which is nice but medium Low work rates three star week for it's Just not a good card Um and it's coming in At an 84 and 85 and an 86 within forms Is wild it is wild Um we have also got so the swaps aren't There just yet The upgrades nothing new Icons nothing new Is it just Fabio Vieira Future Stars challenge one I think they Might have already been there oh there Was TBR challenge wasn't it future stars Challenge run for a token 65 rated team Five rays in your squads and a few other Little requirements but generally Generally easy for a small gold players Pack and we've also got that's it all Right let's go and have a look at the Objectives Do we have some new whole objectives Foot academy stars Jesper Lindstrom So this is going to be one of those ones Where we get the 82 rated Score four goals using Danish players in Squad battles on minimum Semi-Pro Difficulty the path to success gaining Traction play eight matches with 82 Lindstrom in your squad for an 84 Lindstrom The 82 is three star Three Star camon Center forwards God awful uh the 84

Is three star three star Cameron Center forwards They're still God awful And then A few more bits and Bobs here assist for Through balls pay 12 matches with the 84 In your squad for the left mid version Three star three star left mid Cam and Left wing Getting a little bit better but still Pretty damn quite awful Um And then complete it all for the 88. Four star four star right wing left-wing Striker and cam that's half decent to be Fair finesse short trait and flare trait Dribbling's quite nice on this one Reaction is a little bit low stamina Regression of super Fasting's a bit there Pace's really nice Shoe is okay I mean with the right chem Style he could be quite good Um What we what we're asking for for this a 25 matches with the Future Stars Uh 86 in your squads and play 15 Squad Battles or Rivals with him in your squad God damn Um so there you go that's there Anything in milestones No And then in the store now I've got some Packs some League specific packs Just in case we don't make it home

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Tonight We've got a preview Premium Gold pack Nothing in it And then uh Promo pack what is it future stars Corner Store pack Contains 11 rare gold players with one Guarantee to be 85 or higher and a Future style swaps token don't like that Very much uh we've got some bundes League players obviously I'm going to Open a couple of these packs Um we'll start with an inform that's all Right And Maybe we'll pack a future stars maybe we Don't but I've got a good mix I don't actually Know if I've got a good mix here it Might just all be bundles on the front Here We've got some La ligas there I don't Know how many um wow another room form I Don't know how many future stars are From the league and whatnot Has 30 of each pack perfect Eight more illegal players packs Yeah 30 36 matches for the 88 launch From altogether it's bad Um we'll have a look like the reason why It's bad again is because it's you're You're not actually upgrading the player You're doing stuff with a player to get Another player

Um And it's just not really Ideal especially for a four-star Four-star guy with like White average packs sorry quite average Stats so I beg your pardon right I just Want to go have a look really to be got To be honest guys about the uh the new Team Oh definitely gonna need new overlays Now aren't we all right new players so We have got The balagon guys were already there so Fabio Vieira This SPC I quite like it to be fair I mean they've given him a very healthy Upgrade I think an engine chem style boost that Pace boost that dribble and boost that Passing it's got a decent stream from Range Decent ish defensive stats and good Physicals Or maybe a maestro They definitely uh I definitely going to Jail him sorry if you want him Um he's quite nice we've got Fran Garcia Already down to 25k left wing back and Left mid and left back Damn he's not bad Fall back reasonable dribbling all right Passing An anchor gives him decent physicals Decent defending three-star three-star

He's not he's not bad he's not bad Um he's common as well so he'll get Packed quite a lot we've got Jed Spence Um now of uh stadney also a common Interestingly enough freestyle three Star can play right back and right wing Back Again much like the other guy decent not Great not bad just decent a shadow on Jet Spence is probably what I'd go for Stamina's good dribble is the right pass He's not the best Crossing is okay Another common though we've got a single Another common on my days seeing gold Can play right back right mid and right Wing back three star three star again And another fullback and again pop a Shadow on him decent physicals very nice Defending little low on defensive Awareness good Pace passing's okay Dribbling's A bit meh Um and I imagine he'll be very cheap Very quickly we've got Diogo Costa A goalkeeper with 77 reactions Are common again that's four Commons We have got kalulu And he is a rare I thought there's another comment there Halulu is a center back all right back Two star three-star up a shadow on him He's decent good dribbling first center Back he's very good good Pace six foot Tall I've probably been playing before Back I'd probably definitely playing

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With Center back Um we got ilanga who is a silver Four star three star decent pace All right stats outside of that like you Know positioning finishing is nice Passing's okay stamina's good Dribbling's okay I'll probably go Maestro on him Get that long shot and shot power up get That The Parting in general up and the Other dribbling stats up that's what I'd Go with four star three star sucks a Little bit Training Financial trade is nice though Can play right mid left mid sorry right Mid left wing and right wing Uh we then got kudus hasn't he already Had a few Stars before he is a rare gold All-Star three star again Uh good Pace other than reactions quite Nice dribbling nice physicals Again I go moisture on him Get those reactions up get the shooting From range up get The Passing up he's Got good Pace that's a quality Cam that Is I think he'll be quite a lot of fun To play with I think it'd be a decent in Game we've got this Lindstrom guy Now obviously the lower rated cars don't Really matter It's the 88 that's the big one right Um It's it's like 25 30 odd games for this Guy four star Four Star

You're going to have to play a micronium To get those reactions up But I'll tell you what that's not awful Pace is nice dribbling is nice shooting From range is nice passing is nice it'd Be a decent cam Frankfurt again some Really nice players for Frankfurt uh 36 Games all together is it yeah so 36 Games to be played for this guy It is a lot of games isn't it especially Because once again they've shoehorned it Into Rivals and Squad battles which I Just don't like so we've got gay he from Palace Players center-back four-star week for Decent dribbling decent uh passing I Suppose with a shadow alright pays very Nice defending and decent physicals six Foot tall Um we've got 89 vitina from PSG you can Play cam Cinema and CDM 4 star 3 star Common again Other than reactions tidy dribbling and Obviously you'd know it again then I'll Go Maestro again Where is it there it is get that uh Reactions up Maestro's actually real Good shooting from Rangers good passing Is good dribbling is very good Physical's okay defensive stats are okay Pace is pretty good as well four star Three star An extra trait long short trait We've got givardio another different

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Damn that's a lot of fenders send it Back and left back on cavalio restart Four Star Shadow cam Style on him gives him great Pace very good defending very good Physicals decent passing station driven And he's quite nice Um he is obviously a rare gold for him We've got adeyemi Upper 90 rated Danny Aaron's will be delighted He is a rare gold by standard Pace his Goods probably give him a finisher A pace those finishing stats 99 of Julian balance 99 dribbling 93 balance Four star four star good composure good Stamina passing isn't the best but him Want to finish will be an absolute Beast Doesn't really have many traits which is Sad Um Lots of good links though and a pretty Good card there as well we've got Moderick from Chelsea Gabby and Alvarez So moderick is five star four star he's In as a silver Probably go finish on him as well you Know where can he play cam left wing and Left mids I'll probably be playing him up front That pays those shooting sounds good Sam And I really were around the passing Good dribbling Maybe in a cam Maybe a maybe an engine

Maybe an artist on him you know Uh don't like that campsite at all Really I'd be open to a maestro pausing's real Good shooting range is real good Dribbling's bit boosted Um five star four stars obviously super Nice Financial trade is nice That's not a bad card and then we've got Gavi can play center mid cam right wing And left wing Um I don't know about this card I just Don't like these cards four star Four-star his dribbling is real nice Pace is all right shooting's all right Passing's real nice I would probably give him a finisher to Be fair Makes him a really good cam These cars are just so weird though It's another non-rare is it yeah it is Jesus there's a lot of non-rez in here And then Julian Alvarez four star five Star two million coins I'd bang an engine on him Reactions are a little low but uh maybe A marksman actually Yeah Mark's been solid for him great Dribbling boost great physical boost Great shooting boost is what good pass Infrastructure good Pace four star five Star outside the foot shot and finesse Shot trait

Uh a rare gold on him I can't lie Oh it's it's generally underwhelming Isn't it Fabio is decent for the SBC the Goalkeeper nobody cares about rashford Upvoted somehow I don't know Um Like Alvarez is good Gabby will be good I Don't think he's met her Modric would Certainly be superb and add the Emmy the Same I think it's fair to say that every Single other player is kind of meh Like really really bang average but Those are the Future Stars guys if you Enjoyed it feel free to drop a thumbs up Let me know what you think about the Future stars in the comments down below Thanks for watching and I'll see you Next time I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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