Rank 1 FUT Champs w/ 91 Firmino, 88 Nuno Tavares, 91 Mbappe

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Guys I bought I bought for Mino to try Out boys I don't really know how I've Done with the price but I just picked Him up for 115 when I was having uh when I was making eggs this morning I don't Know yeah he's like one two maybe nah I Don't know but I thought we would try Him today bro so beautiful man and Bobby Wow The coldest more ratty bro that's what I'm saying man that's exactly what I'm Saying bro look at this team bro let's Try this card let's try this card we got The 88 like not many people have this Card let's let's try them out dude five Star weak foot let's see uh for Kim if We need to do anything here All right let's go Let's go we're ready Oh I need the player of the month nah Nah nah we have to get warmed up I need The player of the month I need the Player of the month Bro what am I seeing what am I seeing What am I seeing bro all these Bots I Have to play with in Papi all the time Man what am I seeing bro why do you have A hunter on for 107 Pace Adam you lemon Bobby find some puppy Bro are you serious man This is the most broken player of all Time man what am I seeing bro just pass The ball and I'm open dude Bro and here's me for 10 weeks defending


Like this against mbappe and aloeiron Just running backwards man that's all I Do I just run backwards I'm Bobby Shot cancel elastico Oh my God man hat-trick in 14 minutes Bro Agent thanks for the pride man Ronaldo Clear of Pesci thanks for the uh 11 Months man appreciate it it's just sad All these people I play with in Pape That like struggle to beat me and they Go to extra time and losing pens man With him Bobby sad wait you said hawk Chat guys are you sure though I don't Know man this just feels right with the Hunter bro I mean ciao he just had a hat Trick bro in in 14 minutes wait one over He has 105 Pace right now yeah we'll Keep the hunter we'll keep the hunter For now Oh This was a hacker Oh we noticed a data mismatch with your Opponent's Squad So we canceled the match thanks EA I Appreciate it until you sad hackers suck It I still would have beat you anyways I Probably would have lost it's very hard To win especially if the opponent is Invisible but data mismatched Theory Maybe it's Vicksburg I don't know that's Kind of crazy I've never seen that I Think it doesn't fix all the hackers

Though I think there's some probably That bro there's probably gonna be a Hack by tomorrow that overrides that Brahim Diaz Luis Hernandez in the team There's gonna be like a new promo for These hacks that like overrides the data Mismatch ten dollars a month [Applause] From you know mbappe and Bape That's a goal thank you and Bobby [Music] Pass the Baltimore we have to bench and Papi I gotta Putra back in zuma it's not Very fun using this card super boring Man it's like how the hell do you need Hacks in this game man just buy mbappe It's the hunter power man just Incredible how fast he gets open From you know [Music] Let's go Firmino mbappe primino giardinho firmino Gerzino Somehow still georginio and papay's Through Somehow we still have the ball Watch this Ah ref Erino shot cancel L1 elastico shot Cancel flare oh no Oh no firmino oh no so close man gotta Green it bro gotta green it Come on firmino we have a hunter on him Yo Twitter's just like weird though man

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Yesterday I was like yo anfield is Actually crazy right and then like Everybody's like oh my God nah like the Bird about is better I'm like bro did I Mention it like I'm literally just Talking about how crazy like I was just Talking like I was just like yo it's it Was crazy bro it was like 2-0 I mean It's so loud like through my TV I mean I Actually like Real Madrid more than Liverpool it's just like weird man People get so defensive on Twitter Like I was kind of saying don't sleep on Madrid though Manny you see I I don't Know man it's tough to say because like Liverpool are not really good this year You know so even though they want 5-2 It's still impressive to win away like That but Gotta See man I feel like this champions League is just so up in the air for Anyone which is like exciting you know How crazy is it though like courtois Made that mistake and Allison made that Mistake bro Like they've been two of the best Keepers in the world for so many years Now man Like in the same match they both make Mistakes like that insane bro No no oh Foreign [Applause] No way the hunter as well

Whoa [Applause] Oh Bro how'd he miss that man Sent Carlos man Capitan Oh ah Give me that Cook John thanks for the one year Nice finish he's got your [ __ ] as well I Think he's got the 91. Bobby with the strength [Applause] Km3 Oh my God bro [Applause] No Oh Dude the nap the nap corner is crazy you Guys gotta learn it bro that power shot Is insane Come on Nuno Sold that pass but no no it's fast Man Nuno is sick I start weak foot Oh Oh Bobby Bro Nuno is really good I don't even Have one three Oh [Applause] Ah bro Nuno is crazy [Applause]

Cooked absolutely cocked Maldini cut oh God yo listen poppy is so crazy but Where is Prime Martini going cheat code Card bro go on Nuno he's got good Passing good physical From you know let's go hold it up hold It up ah Try to hold L2 there man Inside no no let's go man go on go on Nuno go on go on no no go on l101 ah Bobby Oh he's moved it oh he moved it no way Too much messing around we've got Nuno Though the best left back in the game How's the ball just bounced him Bobby There That's the most mbappe tax I've ever Seen bro like why isn't Bobby just Getting the ball they're on a breakaway Like what Good bro God [Applause] Nah you frauds you frauds Jersey no Firmino you frauds both of you frauds Man that's why mbappe and Dino score the Goals and you two don't you frauds man Both of you what is that man Bobby man stop Stop Bobby with these ah these touches Man [Music] The aliba is not it really I love him Bro romino is probably the worst player

In my team right now I need to try the engine on him [Applause] Oh no way Nuno is unreal like three Times as good as the 86. I like him more Than Nuno uh Nuno Mendes I tried because This version is way better on the ball No no Mensch And ref It's not that big of a deal guys if Somebody leaves and Bobby's so crazy man I'm gonna try the engine on firmino well What's his what's his dribbling though Let me see damn bro We really shouldn't be using an engine I'm vamping with a hunter you rat yeah I'm just trying Bobby out Oh this guy's moving different right now Oh my Sold wow and Bobby tax is insane times Four bro Times four that that's like mbappy tax Times four even the rebound is Zimbabwe Tax Jesus man he's amazing at keeping Possession bro I think I can't over Commit because he's just dribbling so Well Damn bro this guy moves different man Holy We playing FIFA 17 right now or what No he moved it too He moved it to The Far Side that's why I Shot it there bro pain I greened it as Well

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No for me no man selling me so much need Butcher bro Good for Mino Oh my Lord Good ball for me now bro did you see Firmino's price during the uh the match Yesterday I checked like in the Afternoon and he was like 2.1 or Something it was insane but we were Saying that yesterday I was saying like He was going to go up to two mil Probably if they scored first just Insane though to see you know did he go To 2.3 wow that's pretty wild [Applause] Then I have the angle man I didn't have The angle Thought I had the angle Please oh thank you Tony Cruz thank you Tony Cruz can't turn can't move bro God So unenjoyable in these conditions And these conditions bro in these Conditions man no oh Um I think the objective card man would Be better bro this guy was crazy at Dribbling I don't know how he was Dribbling like that crazy man uh Tavarez Is insane insane so far bro he's been Unbelievable compared to the 86 he's Been unreal he's probably a little bit Worse defensively than gold Mendy uh He's way better on the ball going Forward and his passing on both feet is Incredible it's really nice for my

Playstyle I've really enjoyed him so far I don't even have him on three either He's been really good doesn't look that Great to be honest he's really good that 80 defending worries me yeah he's Defending is not the best It's all right though it's not bad yeah Dylan I think you should do like a Little less dribbling man because your Dribbling is so good but I feel like Sometimes you do a little extra in the In the final third that you you just Could go Honestly man because you're really good Nice Bobby [Applause] Laughs I was about to say I kind of deserve to Miss that pin Capitan Kind of deserve to miss that that was Really ratty I'll be Bobby give him all the contracts give Them all the contracts we have it's just A FIFA goal man like I wish you didn't Have the McGee cancel and do all that BS To get open but it's just how FIFA is Man I wish it was more just like less of That but yeah it's a nice goal for what FIFA is Wow Figo with moments Hull it Interesting I would probably use moments Hold it as a strike or two Center Forward

Back post second See you later see you later See you later oh my God I'm bumpy man Really the player of the box foreign [Applause] [Music] These conditions bro EA Sports man Nothing responding no commands working What a finish though from smaller egg Finder that's FIFA gameplay Look at this touch man romino In these green conditions in these Conditions bro Yo Ramos man how do you almost Scored that Dude this gameplay man oh my God this Gameplay what is that bro Bro SMH man SMH what are you talking About man I just won I literally just Won what are you talking about yeah What's this delay man right now this Delay is crazy right two more matches Anders method Uh no we bought for amino we packed him Papa yesterday doing mbappe player of The month why is your squad so outdated Dude I don't really know what you're Talking about man like [Applause] Dude Bobby is I don't know if it's a Gameplay or if it's like bro his Animations take 10 hours man Remember to have fun Oh Rage Quit

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Nice yeah I mean I changed my team a lot I mean Vieira and Cruz are always in the Team courtois and Oliver are always in The team and like gerzino and Dino but I Have like five players I change a lot Ramos is probably gonna be here until Like he has a better card that's Released because he doesn't even get out Ran so I'm like what what could actually Upgrade with this card just it's just That good though you know yeah that's What I'm saying he has 99 acceleration But he's also lengthy right 98 yeah That's crazy that's why he's so good Feels like it go boo I feel like everybody who has vanderstar Is kind of sweaty he is like the best Bro it's actually so heavy Good good so heavy man just gotta get That first goal Give me that nice for me no give me that Let's go Bobby turning it up let's go Man great finish Nice for me though that's what I'm Talking about man I needed that right There tough gameplay today man not too Fun the last five games at all I was Having a lot of fun in the first five Last five was not fun all right let's See if we can make some coins let's see If we can make some coins all right Let's go [Applause] Oh

Yeah so 20-0 last weekend and 10-0 in Qualities but it's just funny because I Couldn't get a 10-01 qualities I had Like hackers I had uh we actually played A hacker but uh EA like quit out the match dude they Said that uh the data didn't match or Something so I think we just got 10 wins In like maybe a little bit over an hour That was very fast Not a walkout oh informed though all Right all right and he's not 10K he's Like 12. all right that's not too bad Got 84 as well that's like 6K all right Come on 100K pack Come on Tip of the week walk out nice Italy Griffo yes I packed him so much this Week bro let's go he is like 30k all Right So right now we're at least at like 50k Total right now come on one more walk Out one more Yo Let's go man Cruz as well dude what a w That's like 56k combined that's seven Dupes as well Pogba wow and an 84. wait oh wait Another informed oh my God I think we Just made like close to 100K I want to Say dude that's sick man very deserved Man we'll take that for sure

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