Rank 1 FUT Champs w/ 88 Crouch, 89 Isak, 88 Umtiti, 89 Marquez

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Yo yo let's let's go with isak and Crouch up top Oh my God any other Prim players man oh [ __ ] horse bro should we go with fake Horse to man let's go four three two one With these sock Crouch and veg Horst This is insane man Six six six four and six seven let's Send it bro who cares man I'm about to Be doing flare passes too I don't even Care you will lose I don't really care Man it's about like The Vibes I feel like this is fun You Sock with a hunter Nice Nice Oh we're supposed to do them titty SPC Chat does he fit oh he fits with Pogba Nah there's no way he's ass I don't Believe you wait wait wait wait wait Wait Oh he's lengthy as well wow fake horse Hawk what is his team bro Oh that Byron kit nah we gotta wear that Kit that kid is clean What is this team Crouch come on Crouch Bro vague horse is not lengthy man the Front three is horrible what do you mean What do you like what do you mean bro It's not bad Nah bro we are getting cooked You're like there's got to be a goal Right


Nicey sock Crouch come on man Backhorsed Ah dude I can't hit the ball man Lengthy lengthy oh Yes Oh Wow first half Impressions Um I think home titties very good that's Pretty much it No way what No oh no way Oh that defending was so bad for me man Oh that was some terrible defending man Off Or not you suck We're not That's outside I thought Dude I don't know if I could start vac Course man dude he's so bad like I don't Understand he's not even he's not even Fast like what's up with the lengthy man He's not fast Crouch What a finish Also a yellow but he's just too good he Suck What a ball from Holland as well Oh Nice nice nice nice nice nice Oh Oh man wait Klaus baby mondini Crouch What a hold up

Oh you suck God that's celebration right so bad Now that is a tackle somehow the ball Goes right back to him though I don't Even get that Oh This Crouch looks meta Um I wouldn't say that but he's Definitely fun to use Get him out man get him out Dude L defending L defending man L That's the worst defending I've dude You're totally right yeah we need to use Marquez all right after this game we'll Bench Lucio Let's go Let's go him titty Let's go I knew that too I knew that was Happening All right that was an ugly one Three months I can't use fake horse man I don't know what it is I can't use him Though I just can't yeah TD he's really Good so far he's been really good are You for real with that Marquez bro I Want to try him I packed him yesterday What's wrong with that let's see this Team Al Nassar badge here we go Oh no team leader courtois baby Alberto Wow Prime Chavi wow all right let's go Crouch let's go Crouch Marquez Nice Crouch

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Oh what a tackle from Kim pembe what Oh that is tough That is tough I would not mind missing this penalty to Be honest with you That is not a foul Grouchy let's go Yes sir let's go Grouch That's that ratty pass everybody keeps Doing against me man where they lob it Up like two yards Nah we're getting on the market we gotta Buy this card we gotta buy this card man Our loan is expiring we gotta buy Crouch Man he's too fun Oh wow Marquez bro What a player Hold it up hold it up Crouch nice Crouch Oh my God I'm titty Well done good recovery good recovery Come on Crouch let's go Marquez is something else man Ref ER you suck What's this Team of the Year Benzema Doing that right back man Come back on defensive rat Ah it's gonna cross it Nah that's such an L man EA Sports go Ahead in my twitch cat twitch chat and Give yourself an l That's what happens when you sub in Mbappe

No Bad What Crouchy let's go Crouch Yo Crouch that was crazy What a shot cancel oh oh he suck But we're getting the wins in not pretty But we'll take it we gotta buy Crouch Now we have to buy Crouch he's too good He's too good we gotta buy him how many Coins do we have right now oh God he's Probably like 300 right how much is Crouch chat 290. oh wait what nobody Uses an architect on him no way Should we try them without an architect Because I feel like he might actually be Best with like Something else maybe oh you have it you Have him with an engine Wait why is he sock on two oh it's Because I took out never mind he's been On two how is uh um really good so far Really good man yeah so far really Really really really really really Really good Nice sniping with that team That's crazy man Crazy team of your courtois attacks Man following it I did L2 That's what an elastico looks like with A six foot seven player Crouch Oh it's too funny dude it's like a Lengthy elastico that's what I'm saying

Honestly man I play the ball into it and I just hold L2 Nah man Marquez is just insane Marquez let's go man Crouch The three-star weak foot let us down This guy's got a crazy team That's Golem titty well done Yeah he's gonna score right now Bro the gameplay is honestly so bad like I can't even my controller is not even Working on breakaways man so that could Also just be my opponent has bad Gameplay as well Marquez Welcome to team automatic Marquez is Honestly unbelievable That's probably the best 200k you could Spend that Center back he is unreal This team of the year courtois is so Broken man so broken the Crouch takeover Is happening though He was so good on the loan that we had To buy him yo what Oh this could be a passion is this Inception I feel like this would be Inception team Trying out some tactics is that gold Jota bro this guy's gonna be insane I'm Telling you oh it's a free win I think Or he's gonna be toxic Make sure we agree Matt but we didn't But I know it's so easy you should move here


Bro wait exception was that you was Actually you dude I knew it was you I I'm like there's no one else dude how You do it Nah he didn't want the Crouch treatment Ah dude he's actually really really like He's just fun to use To be honest but he's been pretty good I just hold L2 And abuse it with him Oh Rude And these conditions bro Oh Paul On the green yeah city's been really Good I'm not too sure what Inception thought About him but I feel like he's really Good He disconnected his controller Wow come on man leave Ah He's definitely not leaving nah we gotta Do we gotta do an in-air elastico with Crouch that's what we have to try to do No No Ah stop pressing me bro how are we 15-1 With Crouch dude I don't even know I Don't even know what's happening in the Gameplay today And Marquez carrying Adam titty man him Titty's been great I kind of want to Complete my main it's just I feel like

The chem I mean I could go with like Mike but then I'd have to drop out of Her but he's sick Smalling room titty I Think it's I think I think you can't go Wrong to be honest I think you can't go Wrong Prime could see us oh he's got Stones chat oh and papape Cantona that's A good team Okay move your keeper it's funny because If he didn't move the keeper I don't Think Teo scores I unless I green it Marquez let's go Home titty let's go man I love this card Oh what a two-star skill move the fact That we're open right now Dude that is so random man I had to Cancel Eddie bro Let's go Marquez let's go Marquez my Favorite Center back Hold it up well done Crouch Oh is that a pen what in the DDA bro What did I just see in the Box does Anyone know what just happened yo that Was crazy Um nice um titty well done bro Nice I mean he's boxing out Canton I Like that's kind of crazy Here we go the lick that left back What a touch for you sepio What a touch No Oh my God man vacorst Oh

Oh Okay well we missed a bunch of chances To go up two or three oh No oh that's a goal Marquez let's go man Okay Oh that was so bad that was so Jammy Dude 90 hold it What a tackle Uh honestly honestly 45th and that was All Crouch bro that was all Crouch Well rage quits about today man Right now for me when titty is a must Complete he is that guy yeah he's so Automatic too man and his side to side Is really good from titty or the pie I'm Titty for sure bro For sure oh yeah this is the rank one Match chat let's see come on Crouch all Right let's see we're facing check Lucio Tonali kiesa That's not really a crazy team at all Really we've got the Syria passion there That's mainly it what a giveaway that is Nice nice early goal Why is room titty at half pitch Oh boy driven Yeah that's not what I needed This game is going to end up being way Closer than it should be Nice player lock good good because EA Sports will not make the runs for us We're gonna have to make them Oh my God man EA Sports is keeping this

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Match really close right now If I miss this we're actually gonna lose Thank you so much EA ugliest ugliest Rank one of all time right now man this Has been terrible experience EA except Crouch has been pretty fun and I'm Buying Marquez from my main team that's The thing though if I get marches who am I dropping Alaba or Ramos Can't switch Them titty as well man what a player You suck In these conditions man oh my god dude Yay I just can't even move come on Just focus No way It's very interesting though with this Account man like the matchups are way Easier because the division guys I think Uh I think I would like to Crown this Weekend as the worst gameplay I've seen In FIFA 23. Personally Don't know if you agree or disagree But honestly man titty and Marquez Amazing Amazing Marquez was the difference guys Honestly Crouch was better on the loan But what about you suck he scored like Two clutch goals I don't know what Chad It's so hard to make anything of the Attackers man because of the gameplay But Marquez

And um city were mad I hated veg horse He got benched after like three matches I paid for Twitter verification no way No I didn't Yeah we can open player picks after Messi come on yeah messy Messy come on EA messy messy messy Oh 91. wow 91 rated you know What That's crazy Should I choose foden or Modric I'm Gonna choose Modric Uh that wasn't great and Wow Wow that was pretty good I mean that's Amazing father All right you just have to say what a Rank one

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