I Used EVERY FUT Fantasy Hero In FIFA 23

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► FIFA 22 Champs Challenge Playlist: https://bit.ly/ChampsVids22
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► FIFA 22 Player Career Playlist: https://bit.ly/MulletMan22
► FIFA 22 Manager Career Playlist: https://bit.ly/MiurasMen22
► FIFA 22 Draft Challenges Playlist: https://bit.ly/RatingTeams22
►All FIFA 22 vids: https://bit.ly/FIFA22Vids

► Other videos I have made, that I think you guys will enjoy!



The 5 BEST Starter Teams to use in FIFA 21

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ALL FIFA 21 PACK ANIMATION TELLS (Walkout, Boards, etc.)


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These are some of the videos that I will be making for FIFA 21!
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fifa 21 future stars sbc player review

Some info about my channel:
I pride myself on creating unique and original content, all produced by myself (Danny Aarons). I plan to upload daily FIFA 21 content to Youtube, the content I will be producing on FIFA will be wide and entertaining, for example one day I might upload a fifa pack opening, and the next day I might upload a fifa player review.

For every thumbnail of this series (SHOULD YOU DO THE SBC?) I use the following websites to help with the graphics

I use FIFARosters to get the card of the newly released SBC card or the Objective card (depending on what EA decide to release on FIFA 21 that day)

I use FootyRenders to get a cut out picture of the footballer of the newly released SBC card or the Objective card (depending on what EA decide to release on FIFA 21 that day)

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#FIFA23 #FUT23 #FIFA23UltimateTeam

Today I'm going to use every foot Fantasy Hero on the game I'm gonna start Out with a full bronze team and I can Only upgrade it after completing Challenges are you tired of coming Against teams that are so much better Than yours my eyes are bleached if so Visit you seven by to buy your foot 23 Coin they are cheap fast and reliable Make sure you use my code Danny to get Yourself five percent off this would be The first fantasy of the entire Team all Right and it will be rude Lads it would Be rude not to Nation reveal it you know What I mean if I see Saudi Arabia all of You again a cookie first hero of the Team show me Saudi Arabia please Lord Wait why is there two Nigeria I don't Know wait that's danger gotcha I got Jesus gotcha twice hey that's so good They named him twice and I got him twice Eh that's France as well but let's just For reference there is France right a Cut mate that's actually sick now okay Gotcha Cola akocha Cordoba France France Imagine genola imagine starting with Genola Oh I actually thought it was there hey I'll tell you what boy straight away JJ Gotcha will upgrade to his foot fantasy He's well-cut hero he's a million kind He's a mill damn right Lads uh say Goodbye to sing bye boom that's not a Bad start boy isn't it I need a bad

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Start right before we can upgrade to Another fantasy I've got to do a Challenge with Mr JJ Scream Danny you plonka what have I Gotta do with JJ akocha as you can see There is a plethora of options what have I gotta do with Mr JJ we find out right Now Ah I mean no that's fine score a free Kick what's his stats saying freak it 95 95 free kick accuracy easy this is gonna Be a very very simple one I'm going Straight to Moments by the way I'm going Straight to moments oh look at Peter Kraut right Lance we gotta do long Distance it's gonna be a long distance Free kick all right and it's got a bit For reference it's gonna be a 10 out of 10 free kick chat how would you want it You want it outside you want it inside You want it over that's what she said You wanna outside all right I'll put it Outside this is first time by the way Bang We're gonna buy another fantasy hero Baby that was Post knuckleball top right I can back That oh you know what I'll back a Knuckle well you want a top right okay I Got you whatever you want Oh my Jesus Christ I want to Bend It Like Beckham a bit of that That that's mid mid Oh

You're joking oh that's way too powerful Oh that post is gonna be annoying oh I Didn't aim it that much did I have it [ __ ] it out outside foot cold move on to The second fancy hero Thank you very much cheers thank you Very much boys cheers thank you right we Can use another fantasy hero that's how The team's looking you know what boys it Would be very very rude not to use owl Lorraine so he's getting straight in the Tit how much is he he was 11 mil Yesterday but I think he's about five Now bless him he fell off 5.4 it says is That true yep there he is boys five Million coins owl Lorraine can he play Striker he can I'm not gonna play him Striker right he's now a right wing boys Team's looking 10 times better already What challenge have I got to do with Mr Owl or rare rain I want like a hard one Give me a hard one whatever it lands on We are going to be doing preferably in Foot Champs Oh I mean that's I do that every game About fail mate I do that every single Game mate hit the crossbar with owl Array of rain he's a Paris Sandra Man Fan Right boys how long jacket it takes to Hit the crossbar I'll be used for land For 60 games mate what's the technique I I reckon it's definitely power shots Oh yeah that's definitely the technique

Oh look at this wait look at this look At this look at this look at this No good yay [ __ ] yourself Oh let me just hit the [ __ ] run yes Yes crossbar please Right hit the crossbar hit the crossbar Pull the ball are you [ __ ] why is he Pulls that why is he pulls it Yeah well done out Lorraine please Oh you're a Agreed to on What happens if I don't hit the crossbar I don't know mate please please Get me out of the game now get me out of The game come on we've done it baby We've done it right that's whatever one Do I want to use that was not the post Uh we can use another foot fun to see um I got Garrett at the striker man oh but The thing is wait dinner time is not Extinct yes getting the team baby oh the Teams looking beautiful boom look at That team right let's spin the wheel Again boys before we spin the wheel oh My mum's coming subscribe please thank You I've got jokes he's got a bloody Joke of course she go on why are dogs Good dancers because they have two left Feet Don't get it What you call a dog with no legs it Doesn't really matter because they ain't Gonna come anyway What am I gonna do with Dina Talley

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Please just do an easy one that crossbar Ones rotted me Yes yes easy easy that's a red card with Mr did Italy well that's the most Confusing team I've ever seen in my life Right that's Um not a great start to be fair to you Oh great start Offside offside offside Bro stop it well he just keeps passing The ball Well I got I got an idea boys I got an Idea I have an idea I have an idea he's going Center back Dina Tyler's at Center back Now Oh this guy's so sad mate this guy is so Sad what are you getting from Oh I'm finding someone else to do on I'm Finding someone else to do it on oh yeah It's a good team that that's a cool team Wore a shot He's paused it for me by the way yeah There You're a sad by the way you're genuinely Asado Honestly you can stop pausing it for me Mate more times you pause it the more Times I'm staying fella That's a red card right give me a record At all Surely it could have been killed battle Please please

Yellow cars yellow I went through his Shins Surely blow up blow up Ref Thank the Lord fight finally I can use Another foot fantasy thank you favorite Lazy I even want a defender or genola Yeah let's get you Nola there you go Boys janola's in the team I'll play him Left wing right not bad not bad right I Wanna eyelash give me a bloody old one Man give me like oh no let me score a Green time Power Shot with David genola Come on I like it wait it's gonna be a bit hard Though actually I gotta make my opponent Rage Quit uh I can do that Um uh okay okay No Right he's made that's my opponents made Me rage quit he's good he scored with Gold Moreno just leave come on fine yeah Right it's another mid team that's the Mid team let's be fair come on Foreign We've already scored a free kick with JJ Today what's stopping me doing this by The way you can say you watch this live Or on YouTube even one's a flex you're Welcome Yep can't like I've just came Oh oh my game now he has to go blood No oh you Love it do you want to just quit like do

You want to make my life so easy and Just quit mate no he doesn't he does not Want to do that Nate I was gonna say if I win by three goals Is it a rage quit One of the greatest comebacks you're Ever likely to see ah the game is so Rigged man like the game is genuinely so Rigged anyway you can put some on there That ain't gonna stop me from doing this You've messed with the wrong man Foreign What hero should I go with now maybe a Center mid who's a center mid Oh Park G Song One Mill exactly boom Park G song Hurlit Gang by the way we have got what Six challenges left boys there's still Some hard ones you know what have I Gotta do with Mr Park G's son we find Out right now Oh you're jokes mate can I just have a Stress-free day please Score a skill goal how many skills do You have Right Lads he's got three skills all Right so you've got to take into account I can't be doing any flip-flops and that All right so don't be expecting some Jeremy Lynch skill goal here yep great Absolutely superb yeah I'm thinking ball Roll I'm thinking some step overs Oh it's already starting boys it's Already starting

Last we're gonna move on to the next Fantasy hero we are moving on to the Next third fantasy hero thank you very Much cheers thank you another sentiment Is there such thing as another Center Mid there isn't right is there any other Sense of mid boys Nice and easy let's get stuck kite into The team Posh May the teams that can be Beautiful but seem as they can beautiful Right okay now what we doing five left Five remain just give me a nice and easy One please Lord Oh Jesus score of volley I mean I'm gonna do that Score of volley how are gonna be I'll do That easy I had to win this game yeah May these McDonald's straws how can I Enjoy my milkshake with a paper straw The Turtles I want to drink my milkshake Please keep up that's outside Offside Just north side It's only two nil it's only two now Go on what do you call that Oh Fantastic news fantastic yes Yes Does that count that's you can't tell me No that counts thank you very much we've Scored a volley with kite cheers all Right boys we can finally get a defender In and what better way than getting Probably the best defender on the game

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Mr Captain for one and a half million Coins he's in my team question is boys What challenge am I gonna have to do With him hopefully not like not score a Brace or anything like that let's just Spin the wheel see what we've got to do With the left back oh my that's perfect Wait please stop there that's absolutely Perfect boys I need to not conceived for 45 minutes I mean I've improved my Defense this should be quite easy oh Yeah I need to say I run out of games And Champs uh so I now need to play Division Rivals I apologize don't cry Let's play a game I need this guy to Have an awful attack he can have a great Defense which he does not on my life Okay Um oh wait okay this should be okay Let's just make sure I gotta go a half Of I'll conceding easy I imagine He leaves this counts by the way I don't Know that's that's technically 90 Minutes played oh boys that counts cry Let me get a sense back in the mix now There's two we can either get I can't I Forgot I know one of them's Mark Quest And the other one is called Dobra that's The one I mean that's gotta be called Dover Okay boys this is where it gets a bit Awkward though I can't lie because Cordobra's in the team and the three Challenge is left score a penalty score

A brace and score a green time Power Shot I mean whatever it lands on is Gonna be very very hard it's gonna be uh Oh Jesus Christ oh to now how long is it Gonna take I've got to score a green Time Power Shot with Cordoba right pray For me boys Here we go attempt number one I did I Forgot to time it Just green it I hate myself please oh I Didn't read it good goal though I didn't grinning it yeah Yeah there we go boys I'm done right Let's get the other sense back in the Team Mr Marcus There we go and boys we've got two more Challenges both are gonna be very fun to Do the center-back score a penalty or Score a brace here we go boys let's see Which one we're gonna have to do Okay well you know what that was Probably the I mean no it's definitely The easier option I gotta score a pen With Marquez right here we go we're Gonna make this nice and easy go right Down the middle thank you very much that Was the easiest challenge yet which Means we've got one more challenge left Which as you can see a score of brace We've got a few for fantasies to choose From as the last challenge of the day Halle morientes I think boys is gonna Have to be a birthday Palace you know I Mean boom welcome to the team at right

Back but I've got to score a praise for Him so you know what Dina Tyler can go Right back and we will use palette up Front boys last challenge of the day is The score of brace let's try and do it Oh he's got American badge and he's got An awful team tell you what boys he's Getting slapped He's bloody missed it Oh yeah I mean that would do for the First goal I guess we need one more to Make it a brace this is it this is not It Oh there it is And he's gonna leave now as he should Boys that is the Abate ballet brace Meaning we've completed every single Challenge today to the video is now done Baby watching leave a like And subscribe I'll catch you again very very soon Peace

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