We NEED To Have More Of This EA!

We NEED To Have More Of This EA!

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video it Is 6 p.m it is Thursday it is the final Day of footballers today we are of Course gonna get Edison footballers but For the loading screen we have caught Nothing again because EA are just great Like that and so here is the Edison Footballers SBC is here he's a 90 rated Goalkeeper There's actually going to be just like Actually usable do you want to be able To afford to complete new sbcs and test Out new players if so visit U7 by to buy Your foot 23 coins they are cheap fast And reliable and make sure to use my Code nip at checkout for six percent off But of course guys Russia's out goal Comes acrosses and long pass so let's Have a look at what his requirements are Going to be an 82 and an 83 with an Inform lovely Um obviously now guys with all of the Footballers being there it is time to Kick in And get yourself the objectives done And those objectives of course include Undo for Champs just yet uh play to Style ball with Luis Score a goal in four matches with Bamford assist across in five matches With kulusevski assist using a throw Ball with ox and you can do all of this It's going to take you 10 Gateway it's

Going to take you five games to get like Six of them and then five more games to Get uh Mountain grealish Noni service from yesterday was for Um assists In oh we're an assistant for super Matches and for Edison it's win five Matches with Edison in your squad turn That's it Um and that will get you the 80 plus by Five which I would of course recommend To save for foot birthday it will also Get you Edison Mount madaweke grealish Chamberlain kurosevski Bamford and Diaz And then of course if you're also Working on play ball Which as you can see there I'm uh I'm working through quite nicely without Even trying actually so I'm gonna have All of that done as well is this the one Is this the one that gives the uh Oh which one gives the played style gets The Yeah there's a roared on 24 3. I wonder If you could still get that pack After the fact it's gonna be interesting I'm gonna get this done now on mind you Uh what else have we got today do we Have anything else today Silver stars and Ramadan Just the pro-league and uh foundations And whatnot the season progress that Genuinely Doesn't interest many people these days


I feel like anyway that might just be a Personal thing for me in the store I Don't expect much today with the foot Birthday primer starting tomorrow Um We got the 10 coin pack again always got To go for the old 10 coin pack you know You never know what you're gonna get in The 10 coin pack mat why is my my Computer's not freezing up it's weird Um But there we go the 10 coin pack Is there we have also got Revisions pack premium New Year pack Elite New Year pack don't even waste Your FIFA points or coins guys it's just Not worth it with nothing impact Supervision items Yeah not for me I do like some of the Cosmetics I didn't think Cosmetics would Be my bag really and I don't think they Should be a purchasable by coins or FIFA Points I think they should be like Moment stars or something like that Um but yeah they're not really for me The football tarot items Also not for me Some Patrick's Day items The badge is pretty cute yeah the badge Is pretty sick the kit is pretty sick Um I know some of these have been here Already and then Saba Saba

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Um yeah oh I think I've got Dust in the nick of time there I think I've got the uh the old preview pack I Have indeed I haven't did come on Icon or Hero please EA No never mind And so that guys is just going to leave Um looking at sbc's I have a feeling it's not going to be a Good day for it We've got Edison We've got I've got to do all of these Myself now We've got the 89 Primal World Cup icon Which is there the 87 base or World Cup Icon which has been there the mixed Campaign player pick which has been There the 85 campaign upgrade which has Been there fgs challenge 10 which don't Forget to do guys you won that token We've got brand new market matchups for A mega pack and has a token Well Patrick Bamford there And that is it okay so it is a Traditional Thursday slow day Um All right Marky matchups Denmark bus Versus Finland for Mark agualdo token And a gold pack Then Michael Finland players one in your Starting eleven and that's it Spain vs Norway France vs Netherlands Italy

Versus England for a mega pack hey it's Decent to put the mega pack together of Course for birthday hopefully you guys Have been saving uh saving forfeit Birthday and let's have a look guys of Course even with the player itself today There's not really a lot to look at is There because it's like Um new players it's only Edison And then sbc's It's only Edison and Market matchups and Edison uh like I will stand by this I Think footballers was a brilliant promo I I liked it a lot didn't like the Upgrade stuff too too much it was a bit Too expensive but the idea of the sbcs Converting them into like upgradable Cards outside of that I quite liked so Compared to Edison's 89 He has got Two diving 11 reflexes they've given him 99 reflexes repositioning two kicking Two handling and three speed I tell you What guys This Is an out Rageous goalkeeper 88 reactions on him As well which is superb with the glove Chem Style on full chem he gets 99 Reflexes and handling 97 diving with 95 Positioning and kicking that is honestly Like full on end the game goalkeeper Like it's not even debatable you will Get 96 and 97 rated goalkeepers that

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Won't be much better than that if at all Better than that so that's pretty cool Um And then Marky matchups with a token in It and that seems to be it now of course We are getting I want to look at the new Loading screen we are getting Um Obviously a whole bunch of Content fed through from What we're expecting from foot birthday We're going to be getting Center forward French player it is going to be Eric Cantonar we're going to be getting a PSG Player I don't know if that's been Leaked yet actually Um what I've seen so far is Emerson Sao Um now the fact that sheriff as well Here says close to hooligang means that This is uh official stats 85 Pace 88 driven 87 passing 87 Defending nine physical seven year Shooting depending on his skills and Weak foot he could be like absolutely Legit but again Emerson we're getting Lafon the goalkeeper lafon we are Getting George best and we are getting Thomas Muller uh among some others Lotham Oh my days Could you imagine lotha Matthias coming As a foot birthday Icon that is I'm I am actually excited For foot birthday because there's going To be loads more unobtainable cards I'm

Going to look at and be like yeah They're going to be well good excuse me That's going to be that but that is it For footballers guys I personally think This was a great promo I really hope EA do more of this during The off weeks you know like instead of Giving us two week long promos now give Us one week of foot birthday and then Another footballer's week then another Promo then another footballers week Different leagues different nations Things like that you know I would be Well happy with that personally Um but that is going to be the end of The video for today I'll see you Tomorrow for birthday thanks for Watching and I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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