I Can’t Believe EA Have Given Us THIS!

I Can’t Believe EA Have Given Us THIS!

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video It's 6 p.m Saturday With seconds left it's historically a Day of bad content so we're gonna see What we get for today and whether or not It is good Or bad Um we are gonna get ourselves a little Player pick Anthony martial he could be a little fun One couldn't he do you want to be able To afford to complete new spcs and test Out new players if so visit U7 by to buy Your foot 23 coins they are cheap fast And reliable and make sure to use my Code nip at checkout for six percent off And with that being said guys let's have A look at what we've got today It doesn't look like we've got much Today because as I said Generally speaking was that you're in Review player pick we already had that Right Yeah that was from December January February foot 18 already there Market Matchups for 19 and pedry already there But 20 is there and is new A jumbo Premium Gold players pack that's A pretty good pack to be fair I don't mind that as far as the pack Goes an 80 rated team probably an 82 With a brick slot

Uh nine rares 28 chemistry players ten One first stone same country max three So you just build a Premier League team Into that one uh for your pack and uh Outside of that Draft token upgrade is here Oh I like the draft token upgrades An H2 rated squad for the draft token Worth less than the 15K entry fee so I Like that and it's going to be one a day Every 23 hours For 20 days that's good oh that might Mean we have because they've just Changed draft as well that might mean That we have Um That might mean that we have draft Objectives which would be nice we've got A gatuso foot birthday icon five star Skill moves Defending is superb physicals is real Nice Blair passes flare and solid player Great reactions otherwise dribbling's a Bit mere that's an interesting one you Could even go engine or maybe Catalyst And just run him in that DM roll five Segments only with the bronzer to Silver Let's just start it lower eh And 82 with an inform ah An 86 and an 88 I honestly thought I was Gonna be like an 82 and 84 and an 86 or An 82 and 83 and an 84. That's gone from like a this looks


Interesting to where the hell are people Getting this photo from man You know Anyway there's another footbirthday icon There Can he be said about that's an Interesting question actually Let's have a look if you can play Center-back he'll be a legit center-back No just send him in CDM He might be a bit too short for sending Back to be fair Um we have got new objectives I knew it I had a feeling man foot Birthday draft challenge play one for a Draft token just play any game Play one offline or off online draft Match for a foot birthday swaps token Play Two for the winter World cards Kiolini Play four for the centurions Reddit Basics for the future stars kudus Again for King Play 10 games for King Win one for an 80 by five win three for An 80 by five win five for an 81 by 11. When 10 for 584 plus player pack and win 10 20 for 584 plus perfect nice That that in general was like I like Things like this and again much like the Um the play to style and play to ball Objectives we had last week I I genuinely wish there was way more of This I would play this game way more and

I have been playing this game again Because of these things but I would play This game way more If they gave us way more of this I Genuinely would Uh you know this hink happy as well that Can be done in for Champs all of a Sudden it's interesting man like I like it I do like it Um In terms of the objectives I think I've Got Nine of 12 now 284 plus 384 plus so tomorrow we get Push casts 584 85 by 2 and then a 585 And I'm gonna open all of those at the Same time let's go and have a look at The store so as expected there wasn't Much today Um is it generally seems to be the way Oh if you missed my preview pack earlier Guys go to the clips Channel Act a Banger in a preview pack oh you Check the description go to the clips Channel you don't wanna miss it what do We have we have a Birthday wishes pack 125 rare goal players with three Guaranteed to be over 87 or higher One loan for birthday icon player pick Between two and one loan for birthday Player between two For the content guys drop me a like man

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Drop me a like on the video because This that just cost me 72 quid Just to be able to get this you know Here we go Make it worth my while here make it Worth my while What's up What's up what's that that's over Oh what Yo what is that Taps over and wait we got like a Team of the tournament or something Europa League man of the match Nice oh new players yo that's a sick Card Case is a bit mayor but dribbling's real Nice defending physicals real nice Jesper Coulson five-star three-star Hi-Lo work rates Reasonable quite another area of easy Card which is nice Oh that's nice Oh give me the El Shara leave for 14 Games 93 Kaka for 14 games Now Did we get football though icon chilling At the back here No we don't oh that's dead in it all Right let's have a look man all right so There's new players there's actually Some some fun things Oh oh don't mind me guys I took an Arsenal at the top of the table

Um New players All right so we'll start with gatuso I mean this is a nice card to be fair Five star three star genuinely pop a Shadow on him pace is superb defending Superb physical superb or I'm not Opposed to a catalyst Because it boosts passing so nice and His pace so nice and his defending is Already very good I think I genuinely Think the two so on a catalyst is like a Legit option Will depend on uh how much his SPC is Costing let's go to easy SBC And uh draft tokens 8K brilliant The two says 400k That's not bad to be fair That's not bad I don't mind that right What have we got we've got 88 car habits 88 million 89 Bruno fernanch 90 Holland A 90 kimmich Oh we got some like domestic man of the Matches so quite habits already 50K 4 star 4 star Yeah it's a bit of a mid card these days Isn't it We've got money on that nobody cares About because you know Bruno fernange 4 Star 3 star Man he's got How has it got less pace But more dribbling yeah Same physical but different

This is actually a good card This is actually a really good card I think if I know it's four star three Star which sucks if you pop an engine on Him dribbling superb Pace good shooting Really really good from range passing And saying physical is nice That really isn't a terrible card We've got Joan Jordan which really is a Terrible card this tap's over man the Star man as well I think this is a sick Card Yeah 93 rated Center back two star three Star but six foot four good physicals Great defending really good dribbling For a center-back really good passing For a center back and pace is nice We've got erling Harland oh this means This one's the watch is about to go up Surely right because man of the matches Count towards Otw's yeah Yeah I mean Holland's obviously A beast in the game this year Pop an engine on that Batman or if you Don't want to lose the uh If you don't want to lose the lengthy A hunter on Holland is like legit Yeah three star three stars a bit of a Pain Zelinski Nobody really cares about Damian send it Back right back all right mids Jesse and again dominance Center back I

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Quite like five star week for good Pace Very good physicals very good defending Very good dribbling that's a cracking Center back that is Pedro Gonzalez what did he get at the Match for goody I don't even watch Football Um Center mid right mid left wing and Center forwards Damn that dribbling is crazy That's a Mad Card you know All staff All-Star With a maestro super shooting super Dribbling really nice passing good pace That's actually a good call man maybe Maybe a bit hard to link we've got Joshua kimmich who also can play right Back A shadow on him is nice I don't know that's not my bag really We've got gonchalo Ramos from Benfica He's already got a much better card in The game which is only 30k so that's Kind of a point it's called we've got Kochu Five-star week for him Not the best cards Jasper Carlson who looks alright to be Fair like I say five star three stars Nice the dribbling initially is good you Pop up my straw on him to be boost the Uh the reactions all the way up passing Is okay shooting from range is really Nice dribbling is really nice good stand

Good Pace good skill moves and lots of Good links in the area division like you Can't build like what I would call a Meta air division squads but you could Definitely build a really good area Division squads Another goalkeeper nobody cares about Tommy Doyle nobody cares about Uh Armani Nobody cares about right he's got pretty Cracked triggers drilling stats to be Fair and uh I'm Dooney Nobody really cares about but that's not Bad man that's some good good stuff Impacts for you guys if you're grinding Packs right now you know if you're Grinding the like um tokens and whatnot The swaps some good stuff in there Gattuso coming in about 350 400k I think It was it's not bad that's a good day of Content I think if uh nailed it for a Saturday for the first time in a long Time guys so that's gonna be the end of The video thank you guys very much for Watching and I'll see you next time I'm Out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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