“The BEST Community TOTS Vote and it’s NOT Close!”

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Is there a team of the season vote is it The is it the community vote Coleman is An option oh let's go wait can you guys Please all vote for come on please Please please please chat please I'm Like totally just gonna vote chat for Like the the FIFA players probably that I want is that okay I feel like around Team of the season time everybody just Does that though it's that time of the Year where you just want the best Possible players so you can make the Most coins From the team of the season packs you Know what I mean all right now let's see This team of the season vote it's pinned In the chat your vote your voice Community team of season these are all The attackers so we've got the heya Summer wait what summer would be Bayern Though right who do you think would be The most expensive probably dehea right Out of all the fonts in there as well But he's got that five five foot Birthing he's only 50k probably to here Who do we have in the Defenders gotta be Kim The Sassy has that foot birthday SBC Okay will be insane Yeah I'm I'm I'm super happy to vote for Those two center backs Robertson what About that nilo chat what about Danilo Tavernier yo her prices are we are we Against that for being a meta rat and Expensive players oh my and he's gonna


Be a center-back oh dude I feel like I Feel like I'm gonna vote for him all Right Coleman in my midfield for sure You want to vote to Liska yo the ROM Zilinski yeah he's got the is he is he In here he is yeah he's got the five Star weak foot too so Liska what about Bernardo Silva but he already has a Really good car that's the thing Zelinski doesn't really have a good card Right taliska might be crazy I found my Vote to Liska chat for the FIFA Vibes Rodrigo Jesus Oh I might have to vote for de la few chat He he's always op am I doing this wrong You want to vote jota jota he has five Star skills does he come on man it's Gotta be Jesus He does have five star skills though You're right he does have five star Skills Rodrigo as well come on Chad That's a ratty team who are we gonna put In for Rodrigo though you want to drop Delafield Delafield has five star weak Foot though right Or my was it just an upgrade one time no He's 4-4 Sanchez already has a good card Yeah I know but he'll be even better you Telling me you guys just want to do this I know but price wise like Johto doesn't Make sense I feel like I feel like Sanchez would be like a 94 or something Bro and just insane


All right I'm doing this Chad I'm doing This come on man this is team of the Season rewards I want the most expensive Players no it's not about disrespecting Man it's like I'm gonna be sweating for These rewards I need expensive players I Feel like he'll be more expensive than Tavernier because he's gonna have such a Hype card I Think Jesus will be a crazy Team of the season also Chad to Liska is A Ronaldo link that's a really good Shout hopefully if they make the team a Season crazy you know

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About the Author: futhq

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