I Used My TOTS Vote In FIFA 23!

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► FIFA 22 Champs Challenge Playlist: https://bit.ly/ChampsVids22
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► FIFA 22 Draft Challenges Playlist: https://bit.ly/RatingTeams22
►All FIFA 22 vids: https://bit.ly/FIFA22Vids

► Other videos I have made, that I think you guys will enjoy!



The 5 BEST Starter Teams to use in FIFA 21

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ALL FIFA 21 PACK ANIMATION TELLS (Walkout, Boards, etc.)


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These are some of the videos that I will be making for FIFA 21!
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fifa 21 future stars sbc player review

Some info about my channel:
I pride myself on creating unique and original content, all produced by myself (Danny Aarons). I plan to upload daily FIFA 21 content to Youtube, the content I will be producing on FIFA will be wide and entertaining, for example one day I might upload a fifa pack opening, and the next day I might upload a fifa player review.

For every thumbnail of this series (SHOULD YOU DO THE SBC?) I use the following websites to help with the graphics

I use FIFARosters to get the card of the newly released SBC card or the Objective card (depending on what EA decide to release on FIFA 21 that day)

I use FootyRenders to get a cut out picture of the footballer of the newly released SBC card or the Objective card (depending on what EA decide to release on FIFA 21 that day)

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#FIFA23 #FUT23 #FIFA23UltimateTeam

Today I'm going to use my team of the Season vote in FIFA it's very simple Whatever iPhone 4 I will use in the game Are you tired of coming against teams That are so much better than yours my Eyes are bleached if so visit you seven By to buy your foot 23 coin they are Cheap fast and reliable make sure you Use my code Daddy to get yourself five Percent off all right then boys I Suppose we get straight into the left With the goalkeepers it's gonna be yet Another video where I show my incredible Ball knowledge I'm not going how old is Trippier I reckon trippy as what 22 Huh In terms of the goalkeepers I don't know How to do this I don't really want to Speak about every single player on the List because I think there's like over a Hundred people so we make it nice and Quick I'm not trying to waste your time Never Um I don't know if it's just me laugh Maybe I've got bad boneless I don't know The other Daya one of the most overrated Goalkeepers of Our Generation like I'm Not even baiting like uh let alone this Season I genuinely think the last five Years he is absolutely frauded a living So if you think I'm voting him you've Got no chance we've got summer up next Um that's the uh the the the monsoon Glove back bad he plays the Bayern

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Munich he had a really good Euros or no He had a really good um what did he have A good he had a good International Something right I must have missed that saved them Back-based penalty I don't know when That was if that was this season I Should probably vote for him but I can't Remember it uh Lafont never watched him Kick a ball don't know who that is oh This guy uh had a good World Cup I think So you know what liver kovich is in my Team I think he had a good World Cup if He didn't I like an idiot right now but You know what Lads there we go that's my Goalkeeper done I should probably change To four three three as well because That's what the top formation is there You go boys that was nice and simple Right hopefully you are agreeing with me So far I mean Lads I don't know who Ray Or Lewis is but let's move on to the Defenders I don't get how they're doing These ratings to be honest with you like Why is having it 84. relevant is it That's made right let's make it simple And let's just go with a left back two Center backs and a right back I know Some people have like four center-backs Or whatever but let's just make it nice And easy with us all right so at left Back we've got between Robertson Nuno Santos Gaya Benson Who um Jesus Christ how many is that uh

And Davies oh I'm sorry and the Cooper I Like his heirs with that he did Rhymes Don't really think anyone deserves it I've ever been honest Robertson's Had a Bad season you're absolutely bodied by The linesman what what a baby what a big Baby just get on with the game Baby Uh never watch guy a kickball don't even Know who knew no Santos is you know what No I can't go Bena sabani I can no yeah I'm doing it I think Bennis a really Good left back honestly the wait has he Got a special card Team of the week see Robertson's not Good team of the week there we go get Him in the team I knew I knew ball there You go Lads right last match done only Fair boys we go to the other side and we Do the right back the choices are Amit Lads I'll be honest Tavern is done I'm Sorry Lads Rangers are the biggest Club In in England try again Rangers are the Biggest Club in Scotland Tavernier is The ah I could argue Tavernier is the Best English right back right now he's Definitely top two it's either Trent or Tavernier don't come to me with no Reese James talk all right boys we're going Tavernier that in my opinion shouldn't Even be a conversation bang welcome to The teammate up the Rangers but I think This is where we're probably starts Having our first bit of controversy we

Have got two center-backs and I mean That's the choices are stacked we have Got for some reason an 87 rated Danilo Uh that guy Mark Berkshire what I Thought he was a striker Uh ultimate oh you know what Lads I Think straight away like last you can See all the options here I'm not gonna Name every single one I think straight Away yeah I'm gonna go ottomendi I think Ottomendi and I aren't like such an Underrated World Cup I'm going off some Andy boys right and then it's a toss-up Between Kim and Jay and okay it's a Really like close one between them I Think just because I've not got any Premier league right now I've got to go With Nathan okay all right now you know What all amendy's going and I'm burning Kim manjay I'm going with both of them Boys I actually I've done quite well There I think Kim and Jay and AKA as my Two Center back slabs let me clap my Arms and get them in FIFA bang There we Go boys that was completely Magic by the Way no editing's done there if you guys Will see more magic tricks you can Actually click the Subscribe button and It will turn from red TO gray I think I Don't know if it's still like that we've Got the Midfield and attack to go this Is now definitely where I start getting Some dislikes let's go for the Midfield Lads this is like yeah okay we're gone

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We've now got some familiar faces all Right this team right now looks a bit Mid but ironically the mid field is Where it's gonna get good A bit like who Even is gerhardt I've never seen him in My life um oh this is a tricky one you Know again boys I scroll along so you Can see the options oh as you know what I've already seen my first pick you know Um Lads without a shadow of a doubt my First midfielder is gonna be good win The question is who is joining him in The Midfield I don't care mate I quite Frankly I just want a full Midfield of Goodwins you wish is my command right Coming at Anderson talesh is a name I've Forgotten about you know what's a man I Love I really really like Bernardo Silva But I just feel like he's had a really Really bad season I said he was the best Portuguese player in the league when Ronaldo was in there all right but I Can't lie boys he's kind of fell off I'd Say the same about Declan rice you know Not had a great season tell you who's Had a good season though boys and I've Definitely watched him play uh Forum to Ram I just know he's got a really good SBC card and to be completely honest With you a team of the season card would Be incredible so that's why I'm voting Him and last but not least boys Um Joe Linton why not we love jolinson That's that's my Midfield let's of

Course Pirates and FIFA starting out With Trey Goodwin mate hey that's when I Win today it will be I'm not even gonna Do that this is not the correct person That is the correct person obviously Boys I'm speaking about this SBC wait is That SB it wasn't spcr I don't know boys I didn't do it so I've got to go with These uh crappy informed but it's fine We'll make do Lads in it here we go Welcome to the team buddy last but not Least wait does jonlinson even have a Sensor mid card this year I know yeah I Mean he actually has got a sensor mid Card love it oh yeah there we go last Mate what a team I'm building I have no Idea what I'm doing in my life okay last But not least we of course have the Attack the beat the highest rated player Is do santadich what what is this no not For me Organo Ramos is there hey Jesus Is there why is Jesus there Easter Sunday wasn't it morata's there boys oh Don just a can of water from Alvaro Morata's actual wedding it's okay don't Look at my ass by the way when I'm Walking backwards Um sorry where was I I was voting for The team of the season Um Ah mate I can't lie boys I've not heard Of any of these but there's anybody in The world know any of these people Um oh Jesus Christ I've really got no

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Idea you know what labs I'm gonna drop My agenda here Manny this is this will Shock a lot of people I'm gonna go Alexis Sanchez I really am I think he's Had a good season from what I maybe can Guess obviously play for Arsenal so I Don't like him but I've got to drop my Agenda boys we'll go with him at striker Yeah yes and then in terms of two more Players Jesus Christ honestly I'll be Here all day Um Gonzalo Ramos because he's got great Finishing And then last but not least boys I think You'll be rude not to go with Rodrigo I Don't think he's done much but he plays Around with Drizzle he's Brazilians you Know what Lads there we go you were Looking at my team of the season vote Lads you've got to let me know what my Ball knowledge is like if my ball Knowledge is good make sure you leave a Like if my ball knowledge is bad make Sure you leave a like Wait a minute the here is the completed Team in FIFA of course and last we're Gonna play one game with it every goal I Concede will be a discard we've got Alexis Sanchez who's over 450k so I Don't really want to be discarding him To be honest with you let's play Football Ah that's a really cool name Mate sorry apologize uh anyway right oh You I just oh mate on it just I just

Want a stress-free game do you know what I mean just want to hop on foot Champs With the boys have some fun mate Jolinson's the goat God good win Never do that again oh we know he loves Uh it's just as it was lucky I didn't Make that joke thank you for taking the Ball from me oh mate my defense is so Slow oh my life Kevin yeah let's just See Trend doing that you gotta shoot Mate you've just gotta make the honestly Foot Champs is so boring surely you just Shoot from there mate why why are you Passing it Trying to play football made this is FIFA Go on Alexis oh I tell you what Lads Alexis Sanchez got A little bit [Music] Never mind [Music] Oh no fight that's my stupid phone oh Dennis better come yeah fair enough Nathan I don't know what I was doing to Be honest with you just don't like car Still play so I mean right come on save Me from getting a Discord ah okay all Right boys that's one discard fine uh Do not oh that post fed up as a postman Oh yeah great news yeah just let Panetta Run through on goal you're awful mate You're generally the worst video player Ever yeah there you go just make it two

Oh my life Nathan the pace on the lads Gone crazy Let me just change something real quick This guy can absolutely do one I'm Having summer in Oh He's doing anything No don't let him run like that Oh this game is Ah I'm finished Yeah no you know what Lads I'm gonna do Something I've never done before I'm I'm Gonna raise quit yet and I know you're Not gonna be like oh Danny you can't Quit because then how are they gonna Score more goals and you can discard Them you know what boys I'll put the old Bloody team in the gold upgrade See if I care less they're all gone into A into a gold upgrade I'm fuming mega Mega Mega thank you for watching today's Video boys as always leave a like And Subscribe if you guys are new and let me Know if you guys agreed with my team of The season but down below [Music] Whenever

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