100x 81+ Player Picks!

100x 81+ Player Picks!

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys nepenthes here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video of Course EA release the 81 plus player Picks yesterday so I have got 100 on my Account for some fodder and hopefully Some big trophy Titans if you guys are Enjoying the content and you want to Drop a thumbs up on the video it would Be very much appreciated and uh if You've opened some player picks yourself Show me the best ones that you've done Tweet me twitter.com Panthers or Instagram.com I would like to see them so we are just Gonna delve straight in To 100 player picks obviously there's a Team of the week in at the moment that's Got some nice players that's a great Start for us 18 on all black is nice but I really would love to pick up at least I I think it's I think two trophy Titans Would be nice you know that 86 Fernando Torres pops quite a lot oh 89 Neymar Geez how cheap is He Man 40 000 coins The Neymar and or black will take the 84 Declan rice in there as well Yeah Torres pops a lot I think that Philip Lam has a chance as well Uh quite a lot of like popping out And uh oh I thought I saw something then But it was just an inform and maybe a Goalkeeper you know But we have got a hundred Most mostly I just need fodder for the

Sbcs that are there at the moment Because obviously I had a lot of like Low tier footer a lot of Commons and Stuff to build these but I don't really Have too much High tier fodder To actually complete sbcs I want that Rob up here as SBC on my days Two Napoli players in the same pick There two Chelsea players next to each Other there as well Inform gorilla Vogue From Paris 87 rudiger good bit of folder there come On here man get it just bless me with One early days so we're not sat chasing For the whole time like coming down to That last sort of like 10 picks Desperate for it Maybe not then a maybe not 84 gecko is okay It's not bad for a first little set Couple of massive walkouts in there and Rudiger's oh my days that's our third 89. That is all right you know because Obviously like each one of these is Traded for 10 Commons the commons are Probably what four fifty five hundred so Each one is like 5K Um per pick I'd suppose And so that's quite nice even 83s are Like reasonable I think they're about 1500 coins right now The fact that we've got three massive


89s already but no like 86 Torres is a Bit mad there's another edin gecko 84 Rated will take it Go for 84 vanucci as well 700 coins for Commons now is it Jesus People must be loving these player picks In fair enough You always know how to do it only Comments like you could always bank if You just oh yes I told you guys it would Be Fernando Torres I saw the little Thing above the thing man let's go Unfortunately It is a duplicate untradeable I was Hoping for the 94 Taurus This is a nice card in it finesse shot Tray outside the foot short trait Pace is nice It's actually quite a mid card actually Preferring it it's quite mediocre but We get our first icon our first trophy Yo what on Earth 91 Lionel Messi we've now got Messi and Neymar give me that golden Bape I'll Still take it 87 Robertson will cry baby am I right Guys Um I will take the the mbappe if you Don't mind the a This fodder has actually been genuinely Brilliant look at that as well 90 Neuer Guys if you haven't done any player Picks or if you're sitting there Thinking are they going to be worth it

Just go and build like 10 and see We have got some mental fodder out of These so far another 84 might have been Worth taking the inform again to be fair But 85 all the were held in form Before Azure I saw the little the little Thing pop up over the card again 84 Sergio Ramos we're picking up every Single PSG player there is All right for the Apparently 83 is a Discard as well like 800 coins Crazy for me hey there isn't it I mean Canales I'll take 85 the pie All right we're nearly through the first Set of 50 here we have hit one trophy Titans However we have also just hit in general An absolute mass of high quality fodder And again another PSG player man I'm Gonna pack the whole PSG team at this Rate We've got Ramos we've got variety we've Got Messi we've got Neymar Undoubtedly we've seen Solaire and Fabian and I just ignored them Let's go let's go that's a massive one Landon Donovan's trophy Titans come on Now That's a sick pull is he still well Expensive right like 400k Wait what How is he 40K


I'm actually confused man Four star four-star Outside the foot short tray 91 stem Real nice Pace good shooting At the right chem soul on him and he's a Beast and he gives that link to Gareth Bale I can't believe how cheap he is he he's Like fodder in he I'm actually I'm so sad man Oh my there's another walkout These picks are outrageous Well we've got two trophy Titans we've Got one hero and one icon How much is wow Icon Fernando Torres is 27k I can't believe how cheap Donovan is man I feel like a fool I feel like a fool guys I've done myself Dirty there I got well excited over Something that just wasn't worth getting Excited over All right we've got more to go don't Worry about that Rafael Varan give me um he's coming I Could feel it As Patrick Schick AKA will any Jamal musiala Ah I actually got myself so gassed there Paul goes in for further levels we can't Complain Or vatrogen

88 just look there's Fabian that's Another PSG player Not that we took him but just seeing him Is enough Another rothery there On our way do we get fabinho lost on Didn't we 84 to three in there there is Carlos Soler we'll take Emmy Martinez though 89 Edison as well now I'll tell you what Guys as I said I really needed some Foota for this account And we've just nailed it So many high rated cards and a trophy Titans icon and a trophy Titans hero you Just can't complain about that 86 trap another walkout we're getting Like walkouts on every third or fourth Pick here Hold on give me one more trophy Titans Tease me EA give me Tori give me your Tori come on Annie olmo his informed last week was Pretty sick when it the 89 rated right Wing Oh damn 383 rated Liverpool players all In the same pick that's pretty mad I mean that tonali Doesn't matter I want a Bape as well I Really want a bappy Another walk out there Mindy Duplicate but We don't mind it Probably would do a walkout now it's


Been like four three four picks without One there's Carlos Soler again another Liverpool player in matip It will fold in there Another Liverpool player in uh canate There 85 some air I'll take like a lower as well I Wouldn't mind that Danny omo again All right this seconds this second set Hasn't been nearly as uh Nearly as fruitful as the first set of 50 has it Still got some big walkouts in that but Not what we're looking for really Zuma Foreign Earlier on The reach in there 85 Joe Moreno again a nice uh nice card To put into the club there'll be a club Stocking Our fourth is the edge of the of the Hundred picks 86 Martinez very nice as well Again why Come on man If I get another Donovan as well I'm Gonna be so upset 85 Gunther one's nice A3 John Stones damn I'm getting so many Man City players that yoyo Tori must be Coming Here man

Just do it just hit me with it man just Just hit me with with like like an oh my God kind of player With that top tier player man But not a complaint in terms of gold Cards we've we've picked up absolutely Plenty are these are these like designs Of the actual picks different to normal I swear I don't remember like the almost Puzzle pieces on them 86 Tiago very nice We have H1 around there Oh nice and well we still got a few Picks to go not many I think about about Another 10 or so oh that was it yeah do You know what guys I don't even mind man Like Two Fernando torres's One uh one hero and loads of good fodder For a hundred player picks that was Quite legit if you guys enjoyed watching It drop a thumbs up and I'll see you Next time I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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