“We Got a TOP 5 ICON From 20-0 Champs Rewards!”

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,


All right so we've got four Reds Oh Sunny okay listen man Red's going Well so far Ah maybe if we take the French Striker We'll get Benzema in the next one It was it was a good idea Oh my God Whoa That is incredible bro congratulations Surely he is top five because Rio always Over performs his stats and these stats Are crazy wow wow wow wow oh my Well you could say this is going well Uh let's see here okay dude I'm gonna Let you well what do you want to do you Want me to okay you know what I'm gonna Discard this because you have one in the Club you're using you can use one Recovery on that but yeah bro these have Been really good what does he have here Oh he's been doing some of the upgrades You don't have any left One sec let me just call this EA Employee I know [Music] Uh listen I just spoke with Jason he Says that I can loan you one of my Recoveries but it's going to take 30 Days Wait actually you don't have any Recoveries I feel like you're just Trying to like no you definitely don't Have any recoveries damn bro but it's Okay right because you packed Rio so


It's okay or are you still mad listen I Would if I could give you five quicksil Recoveries I would he needed that card For the Hero player pick no it's okay I Packed him Diaz though just just just Just remember like It's all right it was just at 84. that's All that player pick was just an 84. it Was just an 84. look look I just packed Two walkouts for you no it's okay it's All right it's all right I got you Covered bro don't worry two walkouts no I'm not giving them FIFA points though Like should we give him some money Though all right how much money bro 100 For discarding an 89 chats all right They're saying a hundred dollars give Them five thousand for the provisions Pack all right listen bro all right I'm Not I promise bro you you just just go Craft the spcs man I'm not I'm not doing Anything else now we're done here listen I'm so sorry I'm so sorry seriously I'm So sorry

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About the Author: futhq

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