93 Bergkamp ✅ vs Sweaty Elite Division 🤓

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Oh boys I I spent seven hours off stream Last night working on bird camp You know what I'm saying chat boom dude We got our seven wins done so we could Avoid the pain today in the Stream you Know what I'm saying well yeah bird Camp Is here that is sad Well you know what man allegedly Allegedly allegedly allegedly this is Just what I heard chat Alrighty boys slap a hunter imagine bird Camp is horrible I mean I think it's very possible that We could we could discover this seven Engines bro I saw he's got 82 agility Man and 83 balance is that birkham card Worth the grind no I haven't even tried Him my answer is no so much pain bro It's not the Bulls who is it Oh it's a ggmu fan Gold on aruma Lucio Oh that's a squad He's worth the grind he's a sweat I just Played him in draft [Laughter] Oh I didn't even put a camp Style on Capita Oh Oh he's doing tornadoes chat I can't get out Mayday Holy man these Corners are actually AIDS Bro you cannot get the ball dude you're Just helpless


[Applause] What like how That should never go in man maybe it's Just Kaka attacks I don't even know That's crazy that goal That pass was so bad Oh my goodness man All right play Can't do anything there man it's the Best thing I can do because then Bobby Takes a touch 15 yards to the goal man [Applause] Had this guy too bro literally had him Dude Keeper movements too op I feel like man I hate these Corners man they just sort Of defend See if that was a nutmeg too That sucks man that was a tough loss Like not a lot of people move keeper Moving in that driven pass area I feel Like you know Bird Camp man slow me down there Oh my God man this is so sweaty All that man all that to put that pass In Intense zero zero Rivals game Camp thinks he's on the team he's not Bad bro he's just One mistake all game One mistake all game And I get punished one mistake all game I made one mistake 48th minute right Yeah every game

Jesus man Holy Perfect read oh my goodness bro What are these first time freaking Reverse elasticals he's doing What Burger Camp Burger Camp man come on bro Control the football Oh [Applause] I move the keeper I move the keeper I Move the keeper The score right now come on I've absolutely stole this game from the Opponent stole the game welcome to Elite Rivals man roll the dice This is the same dude Oh my goodness man oh my goodness same Guy Oh I feel like I just just just a bit of A prediction I feel like I'm about to be Humbled For a camp come on man that's your Chance bro that's your chance bro come On bird camp that was such an easy goal I feel like do I have to Green that Saw is so broken man I'm so tired of This goalkeeper man he's so broken dude Lovely lovely bounces those are lovely Lovely bounces man that's just such a Great goal man it's like he did so well To get open there himself Burger Camp bro I'm uh bird Camp man Listen I can't deal with you bro there's

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No way you can miss that man how the [ __ ] missing that [ __ ] dude it's Happened man just tap it in Come on gotta green that let's go No [ __ ] Mom has taken the ball for me 15 times In a row just put constant and pray man I'm just gonna put constant and prey now Dude he's gonna cook me right here on Constant I gotta get the [ __ ] off Constant man against good players What the [ __ ] man God man the obvious Him though the obvious outperforming all My because like this is when I know Who's really good in this game When I play these level of games right And the Avi is just clear I passed it two yards away yeah Oh what is going on am I playing WWE Oh man Who is this I know I know who this is I know this team name Capri's son I played this guy in Homegrown full birthday giardino man who Is this is this a doubles automatic too I think this guy's pretty good I lost Against him right double Smurf account Okay Okay Well Jersey no for birthday just went Through my Defender and just scored the Easiest tree fellow of his life Okay I do have to say one thing and

Don't take this as an excuse when I play Against PC players I feel like I'm Actually playing ice hockey why does the Gameplay feel so different it feels so Different It Feels So unstable compared To when I play PS players it has nothing To do with the fact that I totally Should be losing this game I just say Even my build up right now I just felt It it feels so weird Come on man you gotta win that What is this long shots man I feel like This guy is worse than the last two guys I played and I'm just having a really Bad start Just too hard to do anything man there's No base anywhere there's no space Anywhere man It it's so hard to explain but the Intricate dribbles in the box is really Hard to control the ball man I feel like My my responsiveness is like it's the P It's got to be this PC effect it feels So different to dribble Yep yep we're going for the Yeah dude I if he doesn't score in the 48th or the 49th minute I would be Shocked Considering how this goes every single Game at this minute hopefully we just Gotta pray probably gonna bang this top Corner this long shot Merchant Holy He just controls it dead that is insane

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That was so open too Vamos Perez man thank you for the jam Bro Jesus man he is so Jammy dude So Jammy hold it up come on up Heroes Let's go Oh my God Pierce if I green that bro He's going off he's owning captivia Appearance you own him you own him Oh my God just pass the ball to pures Man pass the ball to Puris Come on Alberto Oh Alberto oh Alberto I overcooked I just didn't have it man But what his fear is cooking I didn't Have it though man great job periods Great job great job pures great job Great job man No Dude 402 I don't want to play this [ __ ] Anymore man Alberto is nasty he's really Good he's a little weak but other than That he's sick He's really good Brooke camp out already Chat Oh my God how was that guy 402 chat and How was the first guy we played twice 498 like what yo what did he say Yo Nick it's him The noob doubles it's in him it's him he Sniped me again oh my goodness bro is it Is zoomed out Stadium Oh man Zumba Stadium too What's he saying about the Bulls bro he Called out illumini too in the chat

Illumini catching strays [Applause] Where are you going Oh my God what is that what a hospital Pass Who played the pass yo who's watching The stream who played that pass Why are you reading that why is he Reading that he's pausing too we just Played that pass bro he just left his Don't say that word don't say that word That's a mean word I'm not gonna say the P word you absolute Bro such a Bus Bro what the [ __ ] is that goal man yo Guys did you know the last time I played The Bulls I beat him 6-2 That's right the Bulls suck it move your Keeper the Bulls are losing tonight into Playing they're losing Watch out watch out watch out watch out Watch out kick off What the [ __ ] is that crocodile shot Codex I need you to boot him offline man Nothing man where's my attacking AI hey Tom coleffy what's up man where's my Where's my runs bro No what a chance bro what a chance You owe his periods man look at his Peter ass bro How the [ __ ] does he score there man I hate doubles bro [Applause]


Shut up doubles shut up Shut up the balls I own you Bro look at his pures man how does Appearance run so fast Did I just pass it on the bounce I think I just passed it oh my God I just passed It out of Bounce bro I'll be passing a puppy I love your parents you're so good He's so Elite bro oh he's so good oh Dude I sold that [ __ ] you are finished Doubles we need to focus we need to Focus we need to focus man come on Gotta Have a good half here halfway there Halfway there Sit down Sit down the Bulls you're about to get Cooked Why am I doing in-air elastic holes man Against doubles No he's going Furious All day all day that's right doubles I own you I own you doubles I own you I don't have a voice bro it's Not a voice crack when you don't have a Voice left The Bulls you are getting absolutely Embarrassed on this live stream right Now you better pull it together you are Getting embarrassed doubles don't lose Six two twice don't don't you dare man Cause your legacy will be over if you Lose 6-2 twice

I own you doubles I own you I own you man I absolutely own you now 11 to 4 on aggregate in our last two Matches I own you you fell off man Thanks for the free Sr he's a SharePoint Merchant too Dancing dog three two seven seven please Respond to this message to claim your Prize oh my God man yo guys this is so Sweaty man this division is so sweaty Bro Man what was my reaction when I saw that I was playing against doubles Was it Crazy we gotta watch this chat I was Shaking That's doubles bro that's not the Scariest you could see in rivals

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