Is This The BEST Super Sub In FIFA 23?

Is This The BEST Super Sub In FIFA 23?

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video It's 6 p.m it's Saturday And it's day two Of team of this season so we have Nothing in the the store there Um and let's let's hope let's hope the EA bless us with some good stuff not in Anything in objectives And also nothing in Milestones oh damn Is it a traditional Saturday bad look Here do you want to be able to afford to Complete new sbcs and test out new Players if so visit U7 buy to buy your Foot 23 coins they are cheap fast and Reliable and make sure to use my code Nip at checkout for six percent off all Right so nothing in Store or objectives maybe I'll go back Oh we've got Gerard Delafield flashback Damn now that's that Icons no Back Gerard de lafeu Own a flashback Community taught us Gerald delafer who celebrate his 2018 2019 season with Watford one segment All-Star Four Star Left wing left mid Good Pace good dribbling great Pace good Dribbling good physicals reasonable Passing and shooting outside the foot Shot trade one segment I'm gonna go with For a child like this An 85 with an informal team of the

Season 85 with a team of the week or a team of The season and 286 rated cards oh That's ah If it was if the 286s weren't there I Don't think I'd mind it so much but also At the same time It almost doesn't really matter because The 286s will allow you to use loads of Lower rated cards and so that'll Probably be like a whole bunch better That's not so bad that's not so bad it's Not great either oh daily looking is it Guys Do it now if you forget it you will Regret it This bash Can you go or a girl my guy my guy Um I know what else have we got Team of the season challenge one Five Netherlands gold rare players pack For XP as well All right what's this about How much xp do we get for this 22 chemistry 77 rated three rares three Leagues one Club maximum four number of Players in the squad 11. And you could just do like Some uh some one Club kind of stuff Couldn't you go to the pro league let's Do like yeah Bruges Bruges We've got some more Burgers here that's

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What they're called in it When uh I think it was Viera was doing a Champions League stuff and he was like Club and I was like that just sounds Wrong I was the one that was wrong All right they go in there That's three res one Club max four And we can just go and get ourselves now This has to be 77 rated isn't it weird It's a Netherlands thing but it doesn't Require any Dutch players Let's put Trana in there and hanko in Here Hey you don't actually need any Dutch Players that's really strange Find out in there And Hinkle in there Rating 77 is going to be fine chemistry 22 is going to be fine that's our Chemistry done I actually do one uh Some gold left wings You don't need to be too high rated and Too fat you can go in there And Suso can go in there happy days all Right five Netherlands gold rare players Pack but it's how much xp did we get for It didn't just doesn't say We'll see if that took me to the next Level of a season it did Oh wait was this the This was this thing The subjective thing was it

Yes it was So this was for 1250 XP okay Which gets me to level six which nobody Cares about well what we do care about Is opening that pack and seeing what's In it Five it's tradable Okay that's actually all right to be Fair 77 rated squad for a tradable touch Pack I unfortunately only got Dan Juma Or as we like to call him on out Grunerveld That's a pretty dead pack to be fair Um I'm sure a lot of people are getting Some team of the seasons out of this Which is pretty cool now I can't lie It's a little bit of a you would you Would have thought With it being Yeah 60k for him is okay you would have Thought with it being team of the season We'd have a little bit more on a Friday Sorry on a Saturday 5K for that boom this is also thumbed up Which is nice I do think it's a good Good SPC to be fair Compared to his 80 rated six Pace 10 Reactions 12 composers 16 stamina Nine shooting and 12 passing it's a Really good upgrade Um four star four-star which is really Nice as well I I do think a maestro is gonna have to

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Be the one you've got to get those Reactions upright he was in great Shooting from range short passing is Great free kicks is great vision is Great Pace is great yeah Central camp for him For me personally is where where I'd Play him Um obviously he doesn't actually fit Into Central cam He has got outside the foot shot trade Flare trade long shot take a trade which I do think is again quite valuable Um And then let's just take a look at Moments just in case and if there's a Splash screen Uh let me get Twitter up because What's his name always puts the uh The stuff up if there's a splash screen There's no new loading screen so it's Just elefeo and the Team One Challenge And then the team of the season Stars Which at the moment is just the area of Busy stuff for the nine stars that you Can get or eight stars that you can get It's really easy And the star gallery Axel Rainer I I personally am taking the Players every time Yeah nothing and you can do this five Times Um yeah on the season pass I do get Asked it a lot and so of the fact that

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We can have it in a video I suppose Um I keep getting asked is it worth Taking a packs or is it worth taking the Players and the answer is quite simple Right There will be undoubtedly multiple Players as good as or better than Rayna Throughout the course of this campaign Same with payet the same with kaisedo And definitely with kaisado in my Opinion because he's three star three Star of No traits Um Desai is on the market and uh Rooney's on the market I do think Rooney Might be worth taking because he's an Elite card and I also think Jesus Navas Is so good Like I think he's so good that it's Worth taking As well as really nice but as I say There will be cards throughout team of The season in sbc's objectives and Impacts that are just better than or as Good as all of these cards So that is obviously a great argument For not taking the players however In terms of the packs there's so many Folder packs that you can get but It's not like you're also going to miss Out if you take the pack so yeah you Might pack some team of the seasons but There might be dead ones ones aren't Interesting to you or whatever so my my Advice would be if you just won the

Players take the players if you want the Father to do an SBC take the footer and Don't overthink it because it's really Not that deep but that is going to be The end of the video so not a lot going On today but thank you guys for watching Hopefully you enjoyed it and I'll see You next time peace

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