442 to Elite Division w/ 96 Zidane & 89 Joelinton

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I guess we'll Venture into Rivals right Now although this is going to be tough To do in these conditions bro [Applause] Brazil High high three four so where do I play Him the bench is he terrible really he's Not good wait so we're benching Viera For him goodness that feels very wrong Well we're trying them out man I mean I Obviously I don't want to bench Vieira But we're gonna try him out I'm gonna try Shadow first all right Guys we're we're right now guys we're 11-0 with the 442. we literally are 11-0 I'm probably gonna lose this game now That I said that and because the Gameplay today is not great but since we Went to the 442 yesterday we're 11-0 Unless a game crazy Fine with this Uh oh but we're gonna play a five back Now with taram and gwendozi and timidir And Bobby and Alexis so this is gonna be A tough one he's gonna run down the line With Vinnie and jarzino this man is Gonna have the rat tactics I feel it [Applause] Wow Bushra against Timothy or courtois As well very nice pretty surprised I Went in though [Applause] What a tackle that's a great tackle So that pass from zidane oh man that was


Disgusting that ball Lovely yeah Bob that's literally what I've done man I've just done a 442 Everything on balanced Goodness bro [Applause] Oh my God man Alexis Bill different bro [Applause] Kind of happy that driven pass worked I Feel like usually like Otto goes to the AI there and it should work That's probably gonna be a goal Oh Craziest thing I noticed about anybody Who's running a five back as well They are also corner kick Gods man they Know like they have like a whole game Plan of what they do on Corners like Every time It's so op like they must study all These tactics and like everything man They must watch all these videos and Stuff and try to do all like the Jammy Stuff Nice Oh my goodness and cuckoo man that's What I'm talking about bro Oh he's going for it now he's going for It too Oh what the Emerson wants to do some Elastico shot cancel oh man no cancel Read all right Any cooking me

[Applause] Wow It's gonna be a goal All right let's not sell this man we can Been around for like 40 minutes let's Chill out let's not let's make sure we Don't lose this game right now gotta Architect on mbappe Oh my goodness Oh my goodness bro he moved it he moved It to the other corner and courtois Still saved it I swear he moved it to The other Corner Daniel's got an arm Injury now great I guarantee after the Game Dino's not going to be injured I'm Gonna go on the web app and it's gonna Say This keeper is so crazy bro Boy Wait what and that went in I think Gerzino has super powers to be honest With you I was gonna check if Dino has An arm injury Oh no he's injured he's injured he's Injured he's injured so it's fine Baby Vieira bro baby Vieira Guys tips for playing in mud I don't know what to do Pass He's so wrong bro Don't commit I can't move bro come on What's this Stadium I don't know but I Never want to play it again


Can't see my players but we're surviving Butcher let's go come on what a green For me this is not the camera I play on Usually though man it just has to do With the stadium zoom out I can't even See man squinting not gonna lie a couple Of excuses every game all right first of All didn't ask second of all do you play FIFA or no bro it's funny funny those People that like sit there and act like There's some like Angel playing this Game nice goal man What a well-worked goal I was so happy To concede that nah man you just don't Have the passion that's your problem [Applause] Cooked zero passion man like you want to Sit there and concede and be happy to Concede man Wow dude Ramos is him who said Ramos was Outdated earlier No way right chat Oh How much is baby Viera on the market That's it bro 400k 300K wow he's so good For that price Ah that's a thing man I Know I [ __ ] dude I know man but it's Almost like that's what I feel like a Lot of people do man you just vents man You gotta vent through the games man Oh I've been cooked I've been cooked He's gonna score 48th minute my favorite Uh he sold Jo ellenson Fighting can't say his name

[Applause] No Bro do I take a touch there or do I Green it I'd probably take a touch right [Applause] What a goal for EA Sports in the end What a goal brilliant liquid football There you saw you saw the stretch Dino Was stretching the hamstrings bro is There a reason you don't attempt to Green all the time I time most of my Shots Um I time late Just to get the white because the white Is always better still than normal like Days like today less greens because it's Really there's a lot of Animation Delayed today the gameplay has been a Little heavier the white um time you Don't know what I'm talking about like It it will uh It'll like flash white on top of the Player Oh What the nah EA shut it down Shut it down man shut it down shut it Down what did I just see man that was Such a bad goal dude The fact that you green the header I Know gotta make sure you know what I Mean Oh my God I really just did that I Really just did that [Applause]


The hey uh see what I mean bro it's got That trait saves with feet trait he Stops all the low drivens [Applause] She died John thanks for the resub Med No periods no purists we're safe he Doesn't have piras this is a huge match 13-game win streak and we're facing Doubles No don't crumble don't crumble don't Concede first don't crumble Oh no he's got a break too Chat bad bad [Applause] Nice nice nice Nah man nah nah nah he's got us on the Tactics what's doubles running for Tactics Ah I played terrible man come on come on Come on Oh man he's up for it he's up for it he Is up for it today You can see the passion that tackles From doubles Oh he's defending Jam Dino jam oh my Goodness gameplay oh my Dino Cooked oh we're cooked Daya the goat Come on vamos Nah Putra come on bro can't be selling Me with that pass Putra Ah gameplay man No he owns me

Ah We red timed it what was that jam man Jam oh my God the jam going on get the Ball I can't get the ball I can't get The ball Look at the champ get the ball nice I can't move Holy he's Greening that hip move man I Have to change my formation He's cooking me right now we go back to Four three two one nah man we're we Can't man we can't wait to play too well Jerzino I don't want to take your Xeno Out though put the Avi is he playing 442 Right oh he's playing four three two one Interesting interesting tactic changes From doubles you're so bad if FIFA Didn't ask you bro Harris didn't ask you Man What the [ __ ] man this gameplay today is So weird the amount of DDA how's that Ball doing that right there I don't get That Did I even have a shot this half I don't Even think so chat Ah halftime ref great time for half This gameplay man oh What do we do man it's so slow chat and The Bulls bro we're both ass this is the Battle of mid right now man we're not Cooking bro either of us this is Terrible you need five back I don't know What I need man I can't attack right now Battle of mid we're both finished


There's no way EA Auto passed what am I Seeing this smells like a 48th minute Goal Doubles great defending from doubles Why did I just cut back there bro I just No he's getting so lucky he's selling Gameplay man that's why this game is so Bad though both me and him are selling Keeps destroying me on that Nah what a ball oh some DDA almost From EA So old man I can't move No way Bro [Applause] No he read that too oh my God man I'm Choking Bro I'm choking man I had two goals this Game already bro and I read time both Shots oh I'm choking man Oh my God he's so lucky I'm cooking him This game too Nah man I'm cooking him bro I'm pissed I'm gonna lose this one Of course of course man of course of Course now he's gonna score this too Course man of course of course Man Oh my God he didn't move him I had him Bro he didn't move him What happened what happened weapon Oh bro what a choke this game Man ah what a choke bro I had like six Chances man

I I should have scored the one shot I Green time with him kunku He throws my game He throws my game nah All right but the other two chances I Sold man I read time toots happens man Pain not Tammy is crazy bro oh I lost my Streak too Oh man I had to Bulls bro I had him dude I beat him last time Chad would I beat Him last time six two six three I think The servers are down the servers are Down damn man I almost had him dude I I I can't believe he didn't move it

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