Premier League TOTS Upgrades Have Been Changed!?!

Premier League TOTS Upgrades Have Been Changed?

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video it Is 6 p.m it is Monday and we are gonna See well we're not gonna see we know Something that's coming today and it's Gonna be something nice isn't it we get A team of the season Premium Pack Contains 50 rares 81 or higher three Guaranteed to be 87 or higher five Player picks a moments alone and a 92 or Higher from any team of the season Squad Really so a guaranteed team of the Season pack The 2000 feet was plus a whole wait that Was already there No I would have opened that surely it's Actually already there wait what's my Team of the season then if he's come out I mean Um I'll take teller I suppose Man I did not know Let's take another seven games on the Human son I've got like so many on him Anyway Let's take another seven games on humans On I've got like so many on him anyway Let's take another seven games on humans On I've got like so many on him anyway And then last but not least Take a Bernardo silver why not Yeah for two thousand three points That's not bad was it actually there the Whole time guys oh my days we've got

Trent Navas Neuer in there that's a nice Little pack it's a shame it's Untradeable but we're gonna hopefully Use some of that fodder in the other Things that we get do you want to be Able to afford to complete new sbcs and Test out new players if so visit U7 by To buy your foot 23 coins they are cheap Fast and reliable and make sure to use My code NEP at checkout for six percent Off objectives we of course today Can complete craft Glory All bonus objective what's that play two For a prime gold players pack that's all Right EA thanks very much Very nice indeed very nice indeed Um and then let's have a look at the Sbcs obviously we know one of them is Coming Daily silver and daily bronze upgraded Back they are 100 worth doing Daily login is there again Premier League premium upgrade repeatable I hate this I like it I'll I'll do it Lots But I hate it an 81 by 11 Premier League Upgrades We've got our UEFA Marquee matchups as Well City versus Real Madrid I'm Milan Versinta Tax backer a bit meh but somewhere to Put some photo I suppose for a rare Election players pack

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And I think that's it right Yeah no player today Uh right let's have a look at these then Guys so We've got the 81 by 11 two segments for This An 85 And wait hold on who did I have as the New players Uh I need to go I need to go and get the Uh cards that I had there's I'm not I Have to put these dupes in an 85 and an 83 for that Is oh man that's like Neuer Navas Trent Rodri and then I don't care about the Others oh hold on no this is tradable Annoya Rodri and Trent and then the rest I Don't care Man 85 and an 83. man this is what I'm Saying right like there's some good Stuff here as well right let's let's Make no bones about it the daily bronze Upgrade and the daily silver upgrade are Real nice right Um And uh Wait was not a tradable No Um Yeah the the the the Daily stuff is real good and it's it's Good for getting like loads of other

Fodder and loads of excess stuff Um I swapped him Oh did I well I still use annoyer anyway I don't care And I'll just put the other one in Um I just think An 85 I know I suppose fodder is quite cheap At the moment it's really easy to get Hold of it and there are lots of good Options and lots of good packs available So it's not I suppose it's just that Culture shock because it's like It like in my mind an 85 rated Squad is Really really expensive in reality it's Actually quite easy To get Isn't it Wow we're gonna be able to put oh look At that all 83s in there with those ones And then An 83 rated Squad with an 84 or overall Higher fair enough I'll probably just dump all 83s into This alongside it because I had so many Dupes there Yeah the warm-up ones were really bad Some of the stuff at the moment is Really good Why what I also don't like and again you Know we'll try and find the positives in It and see if there's like a good way to At least grind it the 20 times but the

Fact that they've changed the premium Premier League upgrade now to five Commons and three rares instead of eight Commons and three rares oh sorry nine Comments and three rares It is one of those things where it's Like I know why they changed it Because that lack of Commons it makes a Massive difference long term But come on EA man you could have like We're trading in 11 rares man Like 11 rares And you're giving us back three rares And five comments okay they're League Specific I get it And of course if you hit a team of the Season great But uh yeah it's They do some things Like the daily upgrade stuff the daily Bronze and silver that suggests oh hey You're allowing us to actually upgrade But then they do some things where it's Like man you have just wiped the ability To actually grind this portion of the Game And that's just a bit sad isn't it Because it would have been nice I'll Build two of these to see if we can hit Something Um Yeah it would have it would just be nice To get all of those comments back to put

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Them into the two-player upgrade which Helps with the uh craft to Glory Objective as well which would have been Nice and then you take those two players Back and put them back into the Premier League upgrade and that cycle is just Really nice And now That cycle is just not really there and That sucks but This is a video game at the end of the Day it's it's not the end of the world It is just some pixels on a screen Uh let me get a daily login Team of the season daily login Foreign Yeah what we'll do after as well guys is We'll open those those is that store Packery up the two thousand Point store pack With a guaranteed team of the seasonal Was that there already Log in for a blunders pack Across the glory I've done the next Segment there I'll check again eight Premier League Player pack for that as well 18 of these Now oh it's for the Bundesliga pack We obviously don't care about that But this gives us another eight Premier League players pack It's a re-up If people want to open those I can open Some of those packs

Some of those store packs just send the Share play with a message store pack but Let's get some of these packs opened I will start with the eight prems Oh yeah I've got some items my bad Load in Oh I didn't use K wait oh I was gonna Say I thought Kayla Navas was Airborne he was I was right Button three nil against Brighton wow Right and ball in it right here we go Premier League players number one Lights up Jordan Henderson It's the 81 plus that And I really need to like clear my club Out first before I open this sort of Thing but for the content we'll open These three and just discard the dupes And then I might build like 100 of these For uh for a video How many teams of seasons do you think You'd pack up 100 of these I reckon it'd Be like maybe two Maybe two I don't think there'd be many Oh dear throwing away an 84. Oops my fingers Come on next up I thought we was getting An Allison SBC as well I really thought We'd get some like From Monday I thought it would get a bit A bit better content I can't lie right Eight Premier League Player pack number three yeah I mean

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We're getting some lights up three Lights up out of three packs here not The worst good for like SBC farming Like for like I don't know icon segments And things like that those lower rated Ones But overall Nothing too too much Team of the season lone player pack Can't remember what got there for and Then this the big one for today guys the 81 plus 11 Premier League player pack It's not a team of the season it's it's Crazy expensive Oh my days It's crazy expensive what you get for This Diego Carlos just ain't it All and I sub I submitted an 85 and an 83 rated squad for that We've got the new loading screen okay so Efl team of the seasons available for Another seven days Is that right if I back out of all my Team is it gonna kill me Yeah that was the worst Pac-Man an 83 Yeah it was the worst card I put in it Was the best card I got back This here five days 23 hours so it's There for six more days Damn that's quite nice Six more days of the efl so they they They're gonna cross over the two Um Team of the seasons

So for today That that actually is it other than just Having a little look at the price points This is downvote massively this is up Very massively and it's all right for The craft of Glory but otherwise that is It guys and there you go that is going To be the end of the video for today Go show me what you got in your premium Premier League upgrade packs down below Thank you very much for watching and I'll see you next time I'm out peace

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