“Nick I Just DESTROYED You… Now Open My Pack!”

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,


I think that the teams are so crazy now That it's really random man I don't know I feel like that always ends up Happening towards the end of the year [Applause] Nah man see what I get for animations Shoot it Every game it's like this until somebody Messes up zero zero That was dumb that's my one mistake One mistake all game Yep all mistake one mistake all game he Scored one mistake can't make one Mistake or you're gonna lose one mistake I made all game nice job bro way to Capitalize All right man ggs ggs guys ggs tough Game tough game tough game for sure Tough game Oh it's meat pain no surprises there [Applause] Uh what a byline man what a byline you You got going on bro ggs man oh that was Meat pain we played Capri Sun before That all right let's open let's open Meet Payne's two Prem team of the Seasons after he just destroyed me in Rivals three nothing one game away from Getting promoted to Elite division Let's open his door packs now let's go On his share play that's fun right after The uh the daily battering from him Every single card in this pack is a W For this uh FIFA Player because he will


Make any single card in this team look Like he is the best in the position so Any card he packs is a W for him watch This Harry Kane next time I play Rivals Is gonna drop seven on me so there you Go man GG's to you bro nice pull

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