Sorare introduce the “COLLECTION BOOK!”

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Craig Douglas

#PlayToEarn #NFT #SoRare

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another so rare video Today I'm gonna give my opinion and Discuss my thoughts on the football Product roadmap updates I know I'm two Days behind but um overall I really like The changes and I want to give my Feedback on them if you guys are Enjoying the content feel free to drop a Thumbs up on the video and if you're new To sober sign up using the uh Link in The description or the pinned comment And upon purchasing five cards from the New card auctions house you will get a Free limited card which of course is Pretty cool so What have so rare introduced for us in The upcoming days it is a May 2023 Update and it is a seven minute read it Says last month we shared a product Roadmap update as part of our commitment To increase communication and Collaboration with the sorrow Community As we have as we head further into May We're excited to relay the latest Roadmap update outlining progress and Priorities below please see updates on Our collection Game launch training Experience upgraded a referral program Kaylee coverage J League launch and Collectible card information Verification And so the collection game this is Coming on the 25th of May which is 12

Days from the time of recording this Video and overall I absolutely love it I think it's brilliant and I think it Adds a really really good Dynamic to creating A collection and so5 tangent I was Always curious as to how so rare we're Going to make collecting cards actually Worthwhile Beyond just saying oh hey I've got them and I think the way that They've done it overall doesn't disrupt So5 hugely it gives some benefits it Kind of We'll get to it Um On Thursday May 25th we will roll out Our new collection game this feature Will rule will reward managers for Building collections involving their Favorite leagues clubs and players Managers because managers can assemble Club collections around specific clubs Seasons and scarcities such as 2022-23 Napoli limited cards or 2018-19 Club Rouge rare cards which of course these Will be rare by name and rare by nature And as you can see here They have got the Napoli limited 2022 2023 collection and the rare so you can Also see here the boosts that it gets Um and the Napoli one 26 out of 26 999 Score four percent boost which actually I think it goes up to five percent Overall which we'll get to momentarily

Inspired by the community's enthusiasm For collecting the new experience gives Sorrow managers a collection score for Each club-based collection album they Build each album's collection score is Totaled based on its player cards with Each card evaluated on its serial number Design Edition acquisition method and How long it's been part of the Collection album why collect aside from The fun of assembling players from your Favorite teams and leagues managers can Compete for bragging rights by climbing The collection of leaderboards for their Favorite clubs will you be your club's Number one collector and I'm interested To see what the Election leaderboard might look like Managers will also earn a collection Bonus for all player cards and albums in Addition to any other card bonuses to Boost their chances of winning rewards In the game week competitions and you'll See here again We have got Merit cover Age Galia osumen uh giving 40 10 and 10 That's four cards it gives a one percent Bonus and you can see rank is top 80 the Score is 80 and you can see the little Bar there as well that progresses up as I guess you get more and more players in The club Collection game rules each license Club Will have one collection per season and

Scarcity aside from common cards which Are not eligible so one collection per Season and scarcity which means there Will be a limited rare super rare unique Per season for each thing imagine Collecting the full unique set cheese Um Each card will have a collection score Based on the criteria share below cards Listed or included in Trend trade offers Will not receive a collection score card Collection scores start again when a Player is unlisted or removed from a Trade and this is again for me a nice Way That's not a Band-Aid like list or play I hope especially now that they've Released this I hope they just remove List or play it's just a ludicrous Ludicrous feature to have What I think this does is actually Incentivizes you positively to not list Your cards rather than incentivizes you Negatively to not list your cards like List or play currently it's basically Like I don't want to list my cards Because I'm going to get punished if I Do whereas collections score collection Bonus is I don't want to list my cards Because I get a benefit I get a bonus by Not listing them Which I think is really good each album Will have a total collection score based On player cards in the album there is a

Maximum one player card per album player Duplicates are not allowed in albums if You have more than one player card Eligible for the same collection the Card with the highest collection score Will count towards your total score each Player card contributing to the Collection score will receive a Collection bonus based on the collection Score of the album and the collection Bonus is an additional scoring bonus on A player's in-game score will apply in Competitions where XP applies and This is uh one of the scoring systems so Or the scoring Matrix for having the Card you get 10 Energy CB collection bonus it looks like An Energy symbol doesn't it we're going To call it energy now just for the sake Of it uh if you've held it for 90 days You get 10 more energy if it's first Owner which counts as winning it as a Reward or getting it off of the auction House You get 20 uh energy if it's a special Edition card you get 20 and Josh and I Were talking about this and what I think That basically means is that we are most Likely going to start getting a good Amount of special edition cards because Otherwise that's a little bit kind of a Nuance or pointless a serial number one Gives you 30 and a jersey match gives You 30 and I also think

Um They should add and maybe they will Change it but I think they should add The trifecta if you've got a jersey mint And cereal mint Um with the same I'm gonna say age as The card I mean look at kaivagna here So see how Quebec is number 14 but Number 27 and age 25. if I've got 25 out Of 100 and it's number 25 and their age Is 25 I think for that like almost like The perfect card you know I think uh you Should get also a score in there but That's just that it doesn't really mean Much But that's how you gain the um That's how you gain the uh Here we go uh the score your player Cards contribute to your album's total Collection score in six different ways As we've just been through and uh card Scoring does not apply for Unique cards Oh well they ignore I said before about Unix didn't read that before your Album's total collection score Contributes to the collection bonus The Collection bonus only applies to player Cards that have contributed to albums Collection score so If you have 0 to 34 points you get zero Percent collection bonus 35 to 99 is one Percent 100 to 249 is two percent 250 to 500 3 500 to 750 is four percent and 750

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Plus is five percent so start doing the Math on that And basically if you have Like you know 12 13 cards from the same Club But you've also not had listed for 90 Days You've all of a sudden got 240 or you know the 250 points you get Two percent bonus on all those cards Which I think is amazing I genuinely do Um The Collection bonus is an additional Bonus to players game week score Currently the bonus will only factor in Competitions where XP applies the way The reason that says currently is Because I personally believe that your Collection bonus is gonna start being Introduced as a cap 240 bonus I think It's going to be like a hey We're not doing XP we're not doing Captain we're doing collection bonus on Cap240 and it gives that little Edge Again to to hold cards it gives that Edge to have a balance have a gallery You know decades sports fans have Innovated a collectible space we believe This feature further celebrates Sports Fandom and rewards the passionate Collectors in our sire Community we Can't wait to see the collections you Build and so for me personally The biggest collection I've got is of

Course Arsenal Um Current Club Arsenal got 18 Arsenal Players of course I've only got four Limiteds they are all from the same Season uh I don't have any number one Mints and I don't believe I have any Jersey mints no I don't Um however I believe White and Saliba are first owner so Based on this collection score here I'd have 10 points for each 10 points Because none of them have been listed in The the last 90 days so I'd get 80 Points for them and then for the other Two I would get uh 40 bonus points so I'd be on 120 points from these two guys Here when it kicks in Um and of course oh do I have a serial Number one no I don't and um I wonder if these are launch editions I Wonder if this is a special Edition Maybe it's not Um but either way I'd have 120 points From these four and that 120 points Would currently get me a one percent no Sorry a two percent bonus on each of the Cards two percent that's huge because For next season now especially when the Season bonus leaves the 22-23 season Bonus I'm gonna get Extra boost which is gonna either Keep

Me In Contention with new new season Cards which we'll get to in a moment Alternatively it's going to give me an Edge until they get re-minted you know If I've got a and I probably will go out Of my way to to build myself up to the Five percent bonus for the Arsenal Limited and the Arsenal rares the reason Why I'll do that is because you have Five percent season bonus five percent Collection bonus and up to 20 sorry 10 XP bonus you could start getting 20 Bonus on these cards for the first month Or two of the new Premier League season Depending on how quickly they Mint new Cards that is a significant impact on Your score let's say you get 350 points And without Captain's bonus you're Getting Or let's say 350 with Captain bones 20 Is an extra 70 points like that is huge That is that takes you to 420 points Which gets you a reward that is Absolutely huge and then for me in the Rare situation So we've got uh no Jersey mint here No Jersey mint here I have got a jersey Mint Matt Turner And he is also a first owner so for me Matt Turner will get me 30 40 50 60 70 Points from Matt Turner we've got Fabio Vieira Who's not a jersey mint uh Kieran Tyranny who's not Rob holding who's not

Rhys Nelson who's not because not Granite Jacka who's not and Gabrielle Martinelli who's not but by one but Again with these guys so I bought I bought Jacker off of the auction house Martinelli not So he's first owner Saka's first owner Nelson's first owner Holding I believe his first owner I know holding's not first owner Um Gabrielle Jesus isn't either oh he is so Gabriel Jesus is so Gabriel Jesus would Give me 40 points Martin erdogard only 20. Um so that's 60. Matt Turner 70 so that Takes me to 130. Abio Vieira gives me 40 more so that's 170. Here in tyranny it gives me 40 more so That takes me to 210. Rob holding only 20 so 230 Rhys Nelson 40 more so 270. Is 40 more Um so 310 Granite Jack are the same I Think No so granny jacket takes me to 3 30 and Martinelli takes me to 350. so off the Arsenal res I've got Right now I'd have 350 points which Gives me three percent bonus but because There are so many cards Um like let's go for By keviore and players like that

I'm not saying it's going to be easy to Get them they're going to be like Relatively expensive for sure but we've Got tomiasu who's going to be Dirt Cheap Because nobody uses him obviously Because he's injured we've got kid Viewer who's 80 pounds I've already got A holding Um We've got Who else is Smith Rowe who's currently 100 pounds georginio who's 90 pounds now Don't get me wrong this isn't cheap Matt Smith who who could be quite uh quite an Interesting player to get Because although it would be hard for me To get him on Auction that have to wait What I would be able to do is Potentially get the mint 72 His number 72 Or or just either way this guy picked Him up for 15 quid either way just go And get a Matt Smith and it adds more Points to the collection score Um And then for me my uh my Arsenal super Rares as well I don't have like an intense amount of These guys yet but it now incentivizes Me to build more and what I have is an Issue here Is I have a Gabrielle that isn't from This Arsenal season so he won't count

Towards it however we have got a number One mint for zinchenko Um he wasn't first owner unfortunately So zinchenko will get me 30 40 50 points and Ben White who I did buy Off the auction house uh will get me 60 70 80 up to 90 points so I only need One more to get into that two percent Bracket and again two percent XP it Makes it it makes a difference it does Make a difference Um Especially when you're playing with like Massive teams and fighting for those top Spots the extra point or two here or There could make a genuine significant Difference so I really like the Collection score Um it's gonna definitely change How I play this game to some degree it's Gonna make me think long about What players I want what players I don't It's gonna now make me think about when I go to the new card auctions for Example I really want a goalkeeper from the MLS That also has a game in the next week Um And that now all of a sudden it's not About uh let me go to Competition eligibility America now it's Not about just picking up someone that I Like the look of

Uh for example who was I looking at Before I was looking at Tyler Miller I Don't know if he has one on here but Like John McCarthy for example John McCarthy all of a sudden is a reasonable Player for me to think about picking up Because I've already got quite a few LA Galaxy players the issue is I don't Really have many from this current Season Um So at that point it makes me think okay Let me go and have a look And and John McCarthy is not a great Option anyway because you know crepo is Going to come back but I would have to Then actually go and find A John McCarthy from the season that I've got the Carlos Villa from Uh which I think is even from before These seasons It's these Seasons here Um and and try and pick one of these up Especially try and get a jersey mint Because it's now going to have an impact So I really like it The collection's got the training update In general is interesting says the Training experience has been a challenge For much of our community and submitting Training teams has sometimes been a time Consuming user experience for the Strategy this year we revamped the Training format and introduce training

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Team expansion items to Club shops Thanks to the updates the end-to-end Training experience requires more Strategic thinking starting gaming 371 Friday May 12th we're taking another Step towards refining the manager Onboarding experience as a training Competition will become the academy Competition In the academy competition the top 500 Managers will win the following US Dollar amounts in each game week three 500 300 200 for Podium and then five Dollars for fourth down to 500. when I First read this I was as everyone was Delighted brilliant Maurice This is in addition to the XP collected By the player cards we are evolving the Training experience and introducing Ether awards for a number of reasons Rebranded Academy becomes the first Competition with XP and ether Awards Exclusively no additional Card Rewards This format provides opportunities to Test new game modes for competitions With rewards this is a test which is Interesting it makes existing and future Collection of items more engaging for Example the academy expansion items and We're Rebrand training to Academy to Avoid introducing new competitions and To make the game Lobby less cluttered And when I read this again at first was Like brilliant now all of a sudden I've

Kind of got what I wanted which is Multi-entry for ethereum Where the problem lies with this is that After tweeting Zoro who Um obviously is a so rare employee works With for so rare Legends count in this game mode and That's a problem in my opinion Um and the reason why that's a problem Is because and I'm Quote unquote testing it this week Um We go down to my Academy teams Here you go so I've got my Academy team One I put Armani in goal from River Plate good game for him should get a Clean sheet hopefully I've then got Beckenbauer and Lal drop who are Basically any Byron Defender and Whatever score kimmich gets and then They've got Cory from Ronaldo I've got reasonable percentages on these Cards uh in terms of like bonuses and so I'm gonna probably hit somewhere close To like 500 points 450 points with this And I was thinking about it and I Thought that's probably not going to be Enough Because maybe it'll be enough for five Dollars which Hey listen five dollars is Five dollars at the end of the day right And you get multiple attempts which is Great but the issue is is the podium is Going to be taken by like whales who

Have Super rare Legends and uniques just Floating around and there are so many of Them And let's have a look at Roxy uh this Week Roxy's obviously got like a huge Gallery Um And let's see if he's got any Academy Lineups I don't know if you can actually Look at the Academy lineups in here No you can't uh so I won't be able to Know until after the fact but Roxy has Got Ridiculous amounts of cards and so when You're able to put a unique goalkeeper Which even if they just get 60 or 70 Points to 50 bonus is crushing And then two or three super errors that Are legends or even four so you could Even just put a full stack of Legends in Right and just match yourself out but There's pointless putting a legend Goalkeeper in you might as well just Have the goalkeeper right Um it's going to be especially the top Three is going to be absorbed Consistently by either whales with Excess super airs and uniques or whales With Legends at that super air level and Other good cards And it kind of made me think It to a degree it's better than what we Had

But it also only benefits a really Specific group of people which isn't Necessarily a bad thing either What I would have preferred is either There is no scarcity bonus in Academy Because then that just wipes out the Whole unique setup and it's like again It comes down more down to skill at that Stage right Um Or no Legends allowed because hey you Can have a unique tadage with Tadich Only bags 55 and you're only getting 80 Points off the bonuses on that and I've Got cherny at limited level who bags 100 And I've got you know uh And most just XP bonus and no scarcity Bonus they're still like eight percent Bonus on him brilliant right So either no scarcity bonus whatsoever And just XP and collection bonus or no Legends at all and that that works the Alternative thing that I thought could Be quite interesting is Instead of having this as a competition As first verse 500 Have it again as a potential Point Scoring system and you can easily reduce The eth amounts there as well and have It as like have it as like against the Game you know so 350 points way higher Than cap 240 because you're able to put Anything in here Like

350 points five dollars 400 points ten Dollars 450 points 25 500 plus points Fifty dollars that sort of incentive There Allows the multi-entry Setup That I personally think benefits more People more and would again encourage People To create big collections to hold on to Cards to have multiple multiple lineups Even if you can't use them because Obviously you know like this week for Example I'm in a bad situation where in Some of my um in some of my Academy Lineups I've got really good players in There like this line up here and I've Just got nothing nothing to do right and What's interesting is like obviously David Gill wasn't going to play I knew That We've got Felipe maziz Chicharito and Robin hack who kicks off in three Minutes as making this video and I Thought if I thought I had a chance at Hitting a points tally I would have gone And bought a goalkeeper But because I don't have a chance of Podium in most likely we'll have to wait For a week or two to to go to kind of See what the podium's saying each week And who's winning it and what strategies Are taking it But because I don't feel like even if

This hits like 450 points I just don't Think it's gonna get even the top 500s Um I was kind of like whatever I'll just Wait and see so I do think that playing Against the gaming Academy would benefit So rare even more I think again it it Would it would be great for the market People would go and buy lots of Goalkeepers lots of extra players to put In there it'd be a mixed scarcity Tournament which means people that have Got like a couple of rares but also a Couple of limiters just left floating About Only one car potentially away from Entering in and I think it would just Overall be good to have another Opportunity to play against the game to Win eth rather than playing against each Other Um hey I haven't thought it through too Much there's probably a lot of reasons Why that wouldn't be uh reasonable Um and so then we've got the updated Referral program and that's for people That are interested in the referrals and You can win tier two limited tier four Rare tier two rare tier 4 super and tier 4 unique for 30 valid referrals I've Already hit the 30 valued referrals so I've missed out on these things here and Got the tier 4 unique Um which obviously was brilliant because


I sold in uh ended up buying some nice Players from it and then Kaylee coverage As many of you know we're currently Unable to offer real-time coverage for K League one games a season unfortunately Optical will not score games in real Time with kaylee1 TV starting platform Quality and stability we're frustrated With the situation and committed to Finding a solution with our data and League Partners we're going to stand a Frustration from our community of Kaylee One fans while we progress with our Efforts to find a solution as quickly as Possible we are launching K League one's Special weekly competition at the end of May for details to come soon And then J League launch is next week The week of May 15th we're releasing all J League one card throwing new cards for All J League one League clubs Um we're excited to welcome the J1 League back so rare for a four Consecutive season Scout your favorite J1 League footballers climb the champion Asian leaderboards and win rewards uh Next steps we recognize that a lot is Evolving in short space time as we Continue to build quickly and Efficiently everything we're building is Part of our larger Vision to create the Number one football gaming Fan Experience of the world in the coming Months we'll unveil major features and

Gameplay updates major featuring Gameplay updates to make social so rare A social and Community First gaming Experience this new experience will Onboard New Waves of managers and help Establish product balance and Consistency for the 2324 European Football season we'll keep listening to Your feedback and iterating and Collaboratively build the best football Game as such we'll soon share updates on The new club shop items our progress With the Fiat wallet system and our Commitment to maintaining e-threshold Reward amounts thank you for being part Of the server Community as I said guys I Think overall Um The Academy is it's it's a change I I Don't think it's a change that 99.99 of managers are going to actually See any reasonable impact from However the collection side of things I Am extremely excited about Um it's a sort of thing where I will Probably spend more money than I should Collecting as many teams as I can and Just having that ability to To get the bonus to get the benefit from Them and actually start collecting cards Like it I know it costs money and I know You have to spend for them and however You know there's definitely a lot of Um especially a limited level a lot of Cards they're just like you know cheap

In in in Shore like if we look at the Floor prices of these Arsenal players You can get Matt Smith limited for two Pounds holding for two pounds El Nani For two pounds and what I think happens As well Is I think I can't remember exactly I Did I vaguely think that there might Have been something about it but if I Buy like Matt Smith now And I have them in the Arsenal Collection then he moves Club he still Gets the bonus because he's in that Arsenal collection next season Um so he'll still get a potential five Percent bonus and so picking up all of These guys and especially trying to find The Jersey mints and trying to figure Out a way to get like the most out of The percentage bonuses can be really Helpful because like I say especially Like rare level You know like I say if I if I look at my Arsenal uh res Um so current Club is Arsenal And I look at who's who's like a top Scorer for us like you know Martin Erdogard If I have an extra five percent so I Already have on him five percent Uh season bonus four percent XP bonus Which we're growing massively if I got Another five percent on that that is Massive massive points like huge points

Into his score Every single game week and if I you know Maybe you don't run for Arsenal Stacks Maybe run like horse Stacks or whatever But this current game week I've got in Under 23 Taka erdogard and Martinelli and I've Got 1.95 or sorry you know nine and a half Percent XP on Saka nine percent on Martinelli and eight and a half percent On erdogard now imagine that I've got an Extra five percent on each of those Cards And then guess what happens at that Point I now don't have Soleil and puson As my extras I'll probably go and start Looking at Do I want Saliba Obviously Gokey would have to be someone Different or do I want to start focusing On just another club entirely and almost Like transform my gallery into instead Of having Lots of different players from Here There and Everywhere start focusing on Getting clubs and building half stacks Or full stacks and just picking up Players and again it incentivizes When you win players To hold on to them now now I've got Daniel Edelman he's 19 years old from The Red Bulls he's a super rare he's a First owner uh he's not a jersey Mint or

A first Min and it's not a special Edition card but He Nets me first owner points haven't Sold in points and have him in the club Points it's like why is it 50 points Altogether or whatever I just need like two or three more Super Heirs from The Red Bulls and all of a sudden I've Got myself three percent Bonus on on a super rare that should Also get close to 30 really really Quickly anyway and it it it it kind of Makes you think like I want kirkes as Well and it's like okay I don't really Have many aquamar players I used to have Jesper Coulson But maybe less so for this season with Europeans because you're going to lose That five percent bonus this season at The start of next season getting that Collection ASAP so that you get the five Percent season bonus the five percent Election bonus and then grind as quickly As you can that XP bonus which will come A lot easier because you've got higher Percentages so you'll get more points And especially if you put them in Training and get all the academy and get The double training points it's going to Be a situation where you can very very Very comfortably get 16 17 18 on rares And limiteds uh very very quickly and I Think that's uh quite brilliant but

That's going to be the end for today Guys thank you very much for watching if You enjoyed it be sure to leave a rating Comment subscribe to my channel if you Haven't already and for now guys I'm out Peace

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