What On Earth Is This Bundesliga Upgrade?!?

What On Earth Is This Bundesliga Upgrade?!?

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video it Is 6 p.m It is I don't know what day is Monday And we're gonna see what Delights EA Have given us for today now I'm on my Road to glory account for today because Oh 10 coin pack because I can't my PlayStation 5 won't turn on which is Really annoying it was on earlier on Today and we again A lights up on Striker said Pogba no Never mind it's just Lamar uh from our 10 coin pack let me know in the comment Section Down Below guys what you got From your 10 coin pack do you want to be Able to afford to complete new sbcs and Test out new players if so visit U7 buy To buy your foot 23 coins they are cheap Fast and reliable and make sure to use My code nip at checkout for six percent Off all right what else did they give us In the uh the packed sexy on Bundesliga team of the season Foundations pack Team of the season Premium Pack oh wait We've seen this already Yeah we've seen these already these are Such bad value aren't they awful awful Value we're not even going to open those Let's see what else we've got Um all right and do objects There's nothing going on here huh Milestones oh pain of still thinking

That I was half decent uh which leaves Just sbc's guys And uh if these spcs are like my stream Is telling me these spcs are like We are in big Big trouble So we have got The 81 by 11 Bundesliga upgrade the Premium Bundesliga upgrade eight man Pack That really is it isn't it So the premium this is the XP one Wait 11 rares for the oh I forgot This is just gross isn't it We'll do two of them Just to see what we get because Sometimes you get what you get and you Don't get upset Posh send that in and that's the XP for That as well which means if you didn't Have already right you should be well on Your way to that Jesus Navas and that Like maxed out pack Uh or all the yeah or is it just that We'll go and have a look at what the Jesus now that stuff is you can Definitely get there like quite Comfortably now Um yeah you can get an ambassy you could Have already got Navas if you like fully Know life grinded everything Uh which some people didn't some people Didn't Um and if you had the uh the season XP

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That got given that also enabled you to Get Navas like straight away as well Um But so there's two of those Bundesliga Things there and then the 81 by 11. Oh my days what on Earth is that This is genuinely horrific I don't even Know if I can afford to do it on this Account But we got we don't care about on here Uh do you know what Kaku can go he was a Means to an end for Luis Gustavo Um chick can go in God damn this that is a horrific Horrific pack Almost guaranteed a team of the season Which means it's not guaranteed to team The season who else do I not care about I'm never really going to use Watkins Again to be fair And I hated him he was Garbo so he can Go in 99 over an 85 Bosch maybe I can bring Down some of these other other cards as Well here At least we've got enough of the 82 raid Squad go me Um I believe I've read There we go right 85 rate goes in I mean Days might have to open a few packs to Get to this pack actually And then the 82 rated Squad Got Leroy sane

Oh man an 85 and an 80. I know like Ford Is like well easy to get like for Example you know look at some of the Players I've just used right like I'm Using like 90 rated SBC and objective Cards because hey that's you know that's What it's there for right All right that's perfect That is our uh Syria team of the season Vote honestly I think the voting for Players thing is like a bit bit boring Now isn't it Um So yeah in terms of what you can get now From objectives Well I've done a bit of season progress Myself to be fair Take the supercharged raw because you Know No one cares Um 4100 XP I'm away from here so oh yeah This here's what I don't understand how Is this a one of three 90 plus FX or 25 84s Or Marcel Desai and then this is just Navas or 585s and without any question Navas is the choice right do not take That photo pack that is a bad idea that Is a bad idea Um right Let's go and uh Open these packs that we picked up here The Bundesliga Right we've got two eight eight wonders

Legal player packs here wouldn't mind a Blue we get lights up on the first one No jubes it's a shame that uh you know There's obviously places to put the Commons but they really need to like They've reworked and changed overall so Many aspects Of wait where's everyone just leave it Back so many aspects of um the way FIFA Works Rewards or the like objectives Milestones and things like that they've Never changed so many other aspects of The game to like keep in line with what They have changed uh let's get rid of That To find this 81 by 11 I'm gonna have to Open some of these uh these smaller Packs here because I don't really have Them I only have the A1 by 11 will open Like two or three four Gabriel Martinelli should have been a blue I mean it was a blue beat yeah I'd open It when it was team of the season it Would have been a blue An 81 by 11. well like wouldn't it just Be cool to like be able to put in 11 Common Golds and I know you can get the Two player upgrade pack but Just change it like 11 common gold for Four rares now like it's just too Expensive 11 Commons for like Um Two res and they do it from time to time They give you some stuff that's like oh

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That's pretty cool you know but overall It's still not there they don't they Don't just just my opinion again of Course they just don't do enough with it Um And like I say like because of so many Other aspects of the game changes The fact that they don't change this one Aspect is is a bit sad uh I don't mind Opening like Gob packs yeah two players pack Remember oh remember what it was what Year was it it was two or three years Ago they introduced an SBC where you put In one silver one bronze and one gold And you just got a player pack back and It could have been anything and it's Like you know what even that That's like legit in here like just give Me somewhere to put my absolute trash And just mix and match that and and just Throw it in put it in the you know into The mix and pop me out something that's An upgrade I hopefully we've got it here now Otherwise we're gonna end up opening Loads of packs I had to save for Friday Oh dear Oh dear it's turning into a pack opening Video Um small electron players pack was it FIFA 18 11 Commons three Commons and Three Reds will be cool I remember what That pack is called

Oh that was tradable Yeah like even just like Or alternatively like I spoke about this In I think in I want to say draft Actually Give us the ability to store everything So the way that consumables get stored And they go and stack let me just store All of this let me store this Timber Right and if if it you know if I've got Seven jurian Timbers and three of them Are traded one four of them untradable Fair enough right who cares Um that that sort of stuff would also be Like quite nice Because then when they release something That actually has value You could be like right I can dump Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Things into this right come on give me This 81 by 11 that's all I'm looking for Ah yes there we go right eight eleven Eight one plus bundles but this better Be worth it man Ah Oh that is the worst isn't it That is atrocious guys that is atrocious Um Let's jump onto bin I don't even think there's anything on Flipping is there really This is davo massively deserving so this Is upvoted because of the XP I think From nothing else and then yeah outside

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Of Outside of deciding The Syria team of the season which we Can have a little Gander at whilst we're Here Who have we got goalkeepers we've got Patricio Vicario Chesney provodel and Merit who's The the winning goalkeeper there for Sure In defense we've got Carlos or Augusto Smoldini scalvini Posh Posh has a bit Brilliant right back bromagnoli Kim Min Jae who Already has a team of the season De Lorenzo deserves to go in there Uh her Hernandez deserves to go in there I think Posh deserves to go in there The fact that Kim and Joe already has One I think honestly you doggy probably Deserves to go in there although he's Playing more like left mid left Midfield This season in Midfield yes for Barella Who else have we got Where is manyan well he's injured for a Lot of the Season wasn't he Um Orsolini's been brilliant as we're also Leaning and Posh together for bologna Down there right hand side have been Good tanalei definitely deserves to go In there And then beyond that it's like damn I Honestly don't even like maybe maybe

Calendar maybe zambar and Giza he's been Good Melancholy Savage has kind of fallen off A little bit towards the back end of the Season I'll go with like zambo and Geezer in there Giza and then up front Uh we have got Varadona for sure Or see men for sure And then probably raphaelio You could put some of the uh either like Oil and or look been in there but that Would probably be my vote I haven't Really put too too much thought into That but that would probably be my vote Guys anyway that's gonna be the end of The video for today thank you all for Watching and I'll see you next time I'm Out peace

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