If EA Does This, I’m Calling it Quits: An Open Letter to Game Giant EA

If EA Does This, I’m Calling it Quits: An Open Letter to Game Giant EA I’ve been a loyal fan and gamer for years, eagerly anticipating every release from the renowned game giant EA. However, recent decisions and actions have left me questioning my loyalty. In this open letter, I want to express my concerns and frustrations, outlining the one thing EA could do that would push me to call it quits. Buckle up, because it’s time to speak up and demand better from the gaming industry powerhouse.

If EA Does This, I’m Calling it Quits: An Open Letter to Game Giant EA



Hey there, fellow gamers! Today, I want to address an issue that has been bothering me for quite some time. As an avid player of EA games, I have always admired the quality and innovation that they bring to the gaming industry. However, there have been some recent developments that have left me feeling frustrated and disappointed. In this open letter, I want to share my thoughts and concerns with EA in the hopes that they will listen to their dedicated fan base.

Heading 1: The Marketing of Money

To start with, I have become increasingly confused about the role money plays in the gaming experience. It seems that nowadays, the more money you spend, the better chance you have at success within the game. This notion goes against the core principles of fair play and skill that many of us value. I believe that success in a game should be determined by a player’s ability and dedication, rather than the size of their wallet.

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Heading 2: The Front Page Blues

It is not a good sign to see the same players dominating the front page of the game. While it is certainly impressive to see the Team of the Year players showcased, it can be disheartening for those of us who have yet to pack one of these star players. The front page should be a space that represents the diversity and excitement of the game, rather than highlighting only the elite few.

Heading 3: Give Us the Team of the Year Dino or Else

I must admit, I have always had a soft spot for the highly coveted Team of the Year Dino card. The anticipation and excitement of opening packs in the hopes of finding him is what keeps me going. However, it seems that the odds of obtaining this card are extremely slim, leaving many players feeling frustrated and discouraged. If EA wants to keep players like me engaged and interested, they should consider making these rare cards more attainable.

Heading 4: Where’s the Innovation?

As I venture into the store to explore the latest packs, I can’t help but feel a sense of déjà vu. There doesn’t seem to be anything new or exciting that catches my eye. While I understand that certain cards hold great value and are sought after by many, it would be refreshing to see some innovation and unique content. A game that fails to evolve and surprise its players will eventually lose its appeal.

Heading 5: Special Cards, but Not the Ones I Want

On occasion, I have been lucky enough to open packs and discover three special cards. However, my elation quickly dissolves when I realize that none of these cards are the ones I really want, such as Timothy or Dino. It is disheartening to spend time and effort only to end up with cards that hardly make a difference in my gameplay. The lack of control over the cards we obtain is frustrating and contributes to the feeling of disillusionment.


Heading 6: Disappointment in Unused Cards

Continuing on the theme of disappointment, I find it quite frustrating to consistently receive cards that I have no use for. It feels like a waste of time and resources to obtain cards that do not align with my preferred playstyle or current team composition. A system that allows players to have more control over the type of cards they receive would greatly enhance the overall gaming experience.

Heading 7: Opening Packs and the Brutal Reality

Opening packs and having fun should go hand-in-hand. Unfortunately, in this current situation, the experience can be more brutal than enjoyable. The randomness of card distribution and the overwhelming feeling of repeatedly getting low-value cards can quickly drain the excitement. EA should strive to strike a balance between rewarding players’ efforts and maintaining a sense of enjoyment throughout the game.

Heading 8: The Long Wait for Team of the Season

The Team of the Season event is eagerly anticipated by players every year. It is a time when the best players from each league are recognized and celebrated. However, it seems like we will have to wait a significantly longer time for this event to take place. The delay in releasing this event dampens the excitement and leaves players feeling impatient and dissatisfied.


Heading 9: Not Meeting Expectations

In conclusion, I must admit that the recent developments in EA games have not lived up to the expectations of many players, including myself. The focus on monetization and the lack of innovation and excitement have left me questioning my dedication to the games that I once loved. If EA does not address these concerns and make the necessary changes, I may have no choice but to call it quits.

FAQs After the Conclusion:

  1. Will EA consider making rare cards more attainable in future updates?
  2. Are there any plans to introduce new and unique content to the game?
  3. Can players have more control over the type of cards they receive?
  4. Will there be any improvements to the pack opening experience?
  5. When can we expect the Team of the Season event to take place?

In the end, I hope that this open letter reaches the executives at EA and that they take the concerns of their dedicated fan base to heart. We, as players, invest our time, money, and passion into these games, and we deserve an experience that is fair, exciting, and innovative. Let’s hope that EA listens and works towards making their games better for everyone.

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