Is It Possible to Get 20 Consecutive Dupes? Unveiling the Truth

Welcome to our blog post, where we dive deep into the intriguing question: Is it possible for us to get 20 consecutive dupes? Join us as we unveil the truth behind this fascinating phenomenon.

Is It Possible to Get 20 Consecutive Dupes? Unveiling the Truth


Have you ever found yourself in a game where it feels like the odds are stacked against you? Where no matter what you do, it seems like you are stuck in a never-ending loop of disappointment? Well, if you are a gamer, chances are you have experienced this frustration at some point. In today’s article, we will be discussing the mind-boggling phenomenon of getting 20 consecutive duplicates in a popular video game. We will take a closer look at a video created by Nick Clips, where he showcases an incredible streak of bad luck. So, fasten your seatbelts as we dive into the intriguing world of gaming mishaps.

The Baffling Streak

In the video created by Nick Clips, we witness a truly astonishing feat – the acquisition of 20 consecutive duplicates. It all starts innocently enough, with 36 player picks. As avid gamers, we are no strangers to duplicates. It’s not uncommon to come across a repetitive card now and then. However, what unfolds before our eyes in this video is far from ordinary.

We watch in disbelief as Nick opens the first player pick, only to find that it is a duplicate. Disappointed but undeterred, he continues further. The streak begins to intensify when we realize that he has encountered 8 duplicates in a row. Yes, you heard that right – 8 consecutive duplicates! One might be tempted to think that this is just an unfortunate glitch, but the drought continues.

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As the video progresses, we witness the chaotic journey of twelve additional duplicates in a row. The disbelief grows with each duplicate that is revealed. It becomes evident that we are not witnessing a stroke of bad luck; this is a systematic issue within the game.

Addressing the Issue

Can we go for 16 duplicates in a row? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Nick Clips continues his quest, hoping to break free from this cycle of repetition. To no one’s surprise, the video shows the inevitable – a staggering 16 duplicate players in a row. The frustration is palpable, and the disappointment is immense. It’s terrible to see that the game has failed to provide a fair and enjoyable experience for its players.

With the final player pick, the count reaches 40, and we are left astounded. Every single player pick was a duplicate, resulting in an unprecedented 20 consecutive duplicates. This mind-boggling streak raises several questions about the integrity of the game and the fairness of its mechanics. Time to hang it up for the year, or is it time to address this issue and demand change?

A September to Forget

What a September for me, says Nick Clips, and it’s hard not to sympathize with his frustration. As players, we invest time, money, and emotions into our gaming experiences. We expect to be rewarded, challenged, and entertained. However, when every time we open a player pack, we are met with duplicates, the joy transforms into disappointment. Thanks to Jesus, 4 duplicates again exclaims Nick, further proving the extent of the problem.

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Every time, duplicates – that is bad. The video clearly shows that the game’s system is flawed, robbing players of the enjoyment and excitement that gaming should provide. It is unheard of to encounter 20 consecutive duplicates, but Nick Clips’ video serves as evidence that it is indeed possible. This leaves us wondering how many other players have faced similar situations and have been left disheartened.


In conclusion, the video created by Nick Clips sheds light on a prevalent issue within the gaming community – the ability to receive 20 consecutive duplicates. This staggering streak is a testament to the game’s flawed mechanics and raises concerns about the fairness of the gaming experience. As players, it is essential to unite and demand change. Gaming companies need to address these issues promptly and provide a more balanced and rewarding experience for their users. Let us hope that Nick Clips’ video serves as a catalyst for positive change in the gaming industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can you clarify what constitutes a duplicate in this video?

    • In this video, a duplicate refers to receiving the exact same player multiple times in a row. It is a repetition of acquired cards, which limits the variety and excitement in gameplay.
  2. Is this streak of 20 duplicates a common occurrence in this particular game?

    • No, this streak is highly unusual and uncommon. The video by Nick Clips showcases an extreme case that highlights a broader issue within the game’s system.
  3. Has the gaming company addressed this issue?

    • The video serves as evidence of the problem, and it is essential for the gaming company to acknowledge and address it. However, as of now, there is no confirmation of any action or response from the company.
  4. Are there any potential solutions to prevent consecutive duplicates?

    • Various methods, such as adjusting the game’s algorithm and implementing a system to prevent duplicates, could be explored to provide a fairer gaming experience. It is up to the gaming company to recognize the issue and take appropriate action.
  5. Will the video by Nick Clips influence the gaming community to demand change?

    • It is difficult to predict the exact impact of the video, but it has the potential to raise awareness and unite the gaming community in demanding improvements. The frustration shown in the video resonates with many players, who may be encouraged to voice their concerns and push for positive change.

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