How to Unlock an 84+ x 5 for EAFC24 (RAGE) – A Step-by-Step Guide

Unlocking an 84+ x 5 for EAFC24 (RAGE): A Step-by-Step Guide Are you struggling to unlock an 84+ x 5 in EAFC24 (RAGE)? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, he will walk you through the step-by-step process of unlocking this coveted achievement. Whether you’re a gaming enthusiast or a casual player, her expert tips and tricks will ensure you reach your gaming goals. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to unlocking an 84+ x 5 in EAFC24 (RAGE)!

How to Unlock an 84+ x 5 for EAFC24 (RAGE) – A Step-by-Step Guide


When it comes to FIFA gaming, fans are always on the lookout for new challenges and rewards. And if you’re a fan of the popular video creator, nickrtfm2, then you’re in for a treat. In his latest video, he takes on the challenge of unlocking an 84+ x 5 pack for EAFC24 (RAGE), and we’re here to give you a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this feat.

Join the club 3 to get rewards

To kickstart this challenge, you’ll need to join the club 3. Once you’re in, you’ll have access to various rewards and in-game benefits. It’s essential to be part of this club if you’re serious about completing this challenge and reaping the rewards that come along with it.

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The date for the rewards is October 12th

It’s important to note that the date for receiving the rewards is October 12th. Make sure you complete the challenge before this date to ensure that you don’t miss out on the enticing rewards waiting for you at the finish line.

Score with Man City and PSG players

The challenge revolves around scoring with Man City and PSG players in 12 games. It’s not necessary to score with specific cards; having the player in your team is sufficient. So, if you’re a fan of either club or have a few players from these teams in your squad, you’re already one step closer to unlocking the 84+ x 5 pack.

12 games needed for completion

To complete the challenge successfully, you’ll need to play a total of 12 games. These games allow you to showcase your skills with Man City and PSG players while simultaneously progressing towards your ultimate goal of unlocking the coveted 84+ x 5 pack.

Retiring after completing the challenge

Once you’ve completed the challenge, you have the option to retire from the game. Some players choose to retire at this point as a symbol of accomplishment and to prepare for new challenges that await them in the future.

Trying Liverpool and Man City for the challenge

While Man City and PSG players are the primary focus of this challenge, some players also attempt the challenge with Liverpool players. It’s entirely up to you which team you choose to play with, as long as you meet the scoring requirements using the designated players from these clubs.

Opponent has a full 99-rated team

As you progress through the challenge, you may come across opponents with formidable teams. Don’t be discouraged! Remember, this is part of the challenge and adds an extra layer of excitement and difficulty. Take on the full 99-rated team head-on and showcase your skills to defeat them.

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Easy win against the opponent

On the bright side, not every opponent will pose a significant threat. You’ll encounter matches where victory comes relatively easily. These matches serve as a confidence booster and a testament to your dedication and gameplay skills.

Playing FIFA at this time of year is worth it

Some players may question whether it’s worth investing time and effort into FIFA gaming at this time of the year. Rest assured, tackling challenges like the 84+ x 5 for EAFC24 (RAGE) is undoubtedly worth it. You not only gain valuable rewards but also get to experience the thrill of competing against opponents from around the world.

Completed challenge with Man City and Liverpool

As mentioned earlier, players have the flexibility to choose between Man City and Liverpool for this challenge. Regardless of your choice, completing the challenge with either team is an achievement to be proud of. It demonstrates your ability to adapt and succeed in different situations.

Next opponent is sweaty and using meta tactics

In the midst of your challenge, you might encounter opponents who employ sweaty tactics and follow the meta strategies of the game. Don’t let this discourage you. Instead, view it as an opportunity to enhance your skills and find new ways to outsmart your opponents on the virtual pitch.

Facing difficulty with an unbalanced team

At times, you might find yourself struggling with an unbalanced team. This can make the challenge even more demanding. However, it’s during these situations that your tactical prowess truly shines through. Adapt your gameplay, make strategic substitutions, and exploit your opponent’s weaknesses to secure victory.

Leaving the game for another match

If you find yourself in a match where circumstances are not in your favor or the opponent proves to be too tough, don’t hesitate to leave the game and start fresh with another match. It’s essential to maintain a positive mindset and a determination to succeed, even if it means taking a step back momentarily.


Frustration with FIFA 23 release SBC and gameplay issues

As you dive deeper into your FIFA gaming journey, you might encounter frustrations with FIFA 23 release SBCs and gameplay issues. While these challenges exist, it’s crucial not to let them dampen your enthusiasm for the game. Remember, challenges like the 84+ x 5 for EAFC24 (RAGE) are designed to test your skills and keep you engaged.


Unlocking the 84+ x 5 for EAFC24 (RAGE) is a challenge that offers excitement, rewards, and the opportunity to showcase your skills with players from top football clubs. By following this step-by-step guide and persevering through the ups and downs of the challenge, you’ll undoubtedly emerge victorious.


  1. Can I complete the challenge with any other clubs apart from Man City and PSG?
    No, the challenge specifically revolves around scoring with players from Man City and PSG.

  2. Do I need to score with specific cards from Man City and PSG?
    No, you can score with any player from these clubs. Specific cards are not required.

  3. How many games do I need to play to complete the challenge?
    You need to play a total of 12 games to successfully complete the challenge.

  4. Is it necessary to retire upon completing the challenge?
    No, retiring is optional. It is a personal choice made by some players as a symbol of accomplishment.

  5. What if I encounter opponents with superior teams?
    Facing opponents with superior teams is part of the challenge. Embrace the difficulty and use it as an opportunity to showcase your skills.

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