POTM Kubo: A Japanese Sensation Carried Me to Victory 🇯🇵🐐

Have you ever experienced the exhilarating feeling of being carried to victory? Well, let me introduce you to POTM Kubo – a Japanese sensation that will do just that. With his exceptional skills and electrifying performances, Kubo has taken the soccer world by storm. Join me as we delve into the journey of this remarkable talent and discover how he can inspire you to achieve greatness on and off the field. Embrace the spirit of Japan and get ready to be swept away by the brilliance of Kubo – the true GOAT 🇯🇵🐐.

POTM Kubo: A Japanese Sensation Carried Me to Victory 🇯🇵🐐


Have you ever stumbled upon a video on social media that left you completely intrigued? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me when I came across the video created by nickrtfm2. In this captivating video, the renowned FIFA player showcases the prowess of the Player of the Month (POTM) Kubo, a Japanese sensation. Join me as we delve into the exciting journey this video takes us on and discover how Kubo carried nickrtfm2 to victory.


Visit the Twitter, Twitch, and Instagram Accounts

Before we dive into the details of this enthralling video, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the creator behind it. To keep up with the latest updates and more amazing content, make sure to visit nickrtfm2’s Twitter, Twitch, and Instagram accounts. These platforms serve as a hub for all things FIFA and will keep you engaged and entertained.

Check out the Main Channel and Clips Channel

To experience the full array of incredible content created by nickrtfm2, make sure to check out both his main channel and clips channel. Whether you are looking for in-depth gameplay analysis or quick highlights, these channels have got you covered. Immerse yourself in the world of FIFA and discover the secrets to success through the lens of an expert player.

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Use FUTBIN for Team-Building

One of the key elements that make nickrtfm2’s video intriguing is his strategic team-building. For players seeking guidance on constructing a formidable team, utilizing FUTBIN proves to be invaluable. This online resource provides an extensive database of player stats, prices, and squad-building solutions. Follow nickrtfm2’s lead and leverage FUTBIN to create a team that brings out the best in every player.

Consider Using Jude, Barnes, Benzema, or Kubo for the Team

In the video, nickrtfm2 highlights the importance of having skilled players to achieve victory. Specifically, he recommends incorporating players like Jude, Barnes, Benzema, or, of course, Kubo into your team. These individuals possess exceptional abilities that can turn the tide in your favor. Give them a chance to shine on the virtual pitch and witness their impact firsthand.

Put Ente at Fullback or Jude at CAM

As we explore the tactical choices made by nickrtfm2, we discover the effectiveness of specific player positioning. For optimal results, he suggests placing Ente at fullback or deploying Jude at the CAM position. These positioning adjustments optimize the players’ attributes, granting them more opportunities to contribute to the team’s success.

Have a Good Midfield for the First Time

One of the standout moments in the video is when nickrtfm2 expresses his joy about having a strong midfield for the first time. In FIFA, the midfield plays a crucial role in dictating the flow of the game. With a formidable midfield, you can dominate possession, create scoring chances, and control the tempo of the match. Follow nickrtfm2’s example and prioritize building a strong midfield to enhance your gameplay experience.

Consider Buying a Crazy Icon with 225k Coins

Another noteworthy highlight in the video is nickrtfm2 suggesting the purchase of a “crazy icon” with 225k coins. Icons in FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT) are legendary players who bring a touch of nostalgia to the game. They possess extraordinary skills and can truly elevate your team’s performance. Consider investing your coins wisely and adding an iconic player to your squad.

Play Against a Tough Opponent in Division Rivals

As we progress through the video, we witness nickrtfm2 squaring off against a formidable opponent in Division Rivals. Division Rivals is a competitive game mode in FIFA that pits players of similar skill levels against each other. Facing strong opponents in this mode pushes your skills to the limit and allows you to gauge your progress. Brace yourself for intense battles and adrenaline-pumping gameplay.

Experience Frustration with Finishing Inconsistency

In the midst of a riveting match, nickrtfm2 encounters a common struggle that many FIFA players can relate to – finishing inconsistency. Scoring goals is the ultimate objective in FIFA, yet it can often be an uphill battle due to the unpredictable nature of finishing. Watch as nickrtfm2 pushes through this frustration and showcases his resilience in the face of adversity.

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Defend Well but Struggle with Weak Finishing

Despite showcasing excellent defensive skills, nickrtfm2’s gameplay highlights his struggle with weak finishing. The frustration of creating opportunities only to falter in front of the net is one that many players can empathize with. However, this video serves as a reminder to persevere and continue honing your skills, even in times of difficulty.

Face an Opponent Who Performs Burba Cancels

During nickrtfm2’s journey, he encounters opponents who expertly execute Burba cancels. The Burba cancel is a skill move in FIFA that can be used to deceive defenders and create space for attacking opportunities. Watch and learn from nickrtfm2’s encounters, as he navigates the intricate dance of skill moves and tactical decisions in an attempt to outsmart his opponents.

Concede a Goal and Feel Frustrated

No FIFA journey is complete without moments of disappointment and frustration. In the video, nickrtfm2 concedes a goal that adds a layer of frustration to his gameplay experience. These moments serve as a reminder that even skilled players face setbacks and that maintaining composure and focus are key to turning the tide in your favor.

Consider Quitting Division Rivals for Foot Draft

The frustration of Division Rivals leads nickrtfm2 to consider quitting the game mode in favor of Foot Draft. Foot Draft is another exciting game mode in FIFA that allows players to assemble dream teams out of randomized player options. If the competitive nature of Division Rivals becomes overwhelming, take a break and explore the thrilling possibilities of Foot Draft.

Have a Tough Game with Ratty Gameplay

In a particularly challenging match, nickrtfm2 finds himself battling against ratty gameplay. “Ratty” is a term often used in FIFA to describe unappealing gameplay characterized by excessive fouling, time-wasting, and other unsportsmanlike tactics. Watch how nickrtfm2 adapts to this challenging environment and attempts to overcome the obstacles thrown his way.

Get a Win with Four Goals

Amidst the rollercoaster journey of FIFA gameplay, nickrtfm2 achieves a landmark victory with four goals. Celebrate his triumph and join him in reveling in the joy of a hard-fought win. Such victories are a testament to the perseverance, skill, and determination required to excel in the world of FIFA.

Realize That You Are a Possession Rat

In an introspective moment, nickrtfm2 comes to the realization that he is a “possession rat.” This term refers to a playstyle in FIFA that prioritizes maintaining control of the ball and minimizing risks. Discover the strategic nuances of being a “possession rat” and explore the benefits it brings to your gameplay.

Face a Strong Opponent with Gold Jesus

As the video progresses, nickrtfm2 finds himself up against a formidable opponent who utilizes the Gold version of Jesus. Jesus is a player renowned for his agility, speed, and ability to find the back of the net. Witness the thrilling clash as Nickrtfm2 battles against this dominant force and showcases his ability to adapt to different playing styles.

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Struggle with Lack of Space on the Pitch

In a tightly contested match, nickrtfm2 faces the challenge of limited space on the pitch. The lack of room to maneuver poses a unique obstacle to overcome. Watch as he navigates this challenging situation and seeks innovative ways to create scoring opportunities in the confined space.

Move Near Post to Make the Opponent Miss

While playing against opponents with exceptional attacking skills, nickrtfm2 demonstrates a tactical move that can throw off their shot accuracy. By positioning his goalkeeper near post, he increases the chances of his opponents missing the target. Discover this clever strategy and implement it in your own gameplay to gain a competitive edge.

Feel Tired and Exhausted from Playing Division Rivals

Division Rivals can be an emotionally and mentally draining game mode. Nickrtfm2 expresses feelings of tiredness and exhaustion as he battles through intense matches. This serves as a reminder to take breaks, rest, and rejuvenate when needed. Maintaining a healthy and balanced approach to gaming is crucial for optimal performance.


In conclusion, the video created by nickrtfm2 provides an exhilarating glimpse into the FIFA journey with POTM Kubo. From team-building strategies to tactical insights, this video offers a comprehensive experience for gamers seeking inspiration. Embark on your own FIFA adventure, emulate nickrtfm2’s tactics, and strive for victory alongside the Japanese sensation, Kubo.


  1. Q: Where can I find more content from nickrtfm2?
    A: You can find more content from nickrtfm2 on his Twitter, Twitch, and Instagram accounts.

  2. Q: How can FUTBIN help me with team-building?
    A: FUTBIN is an online resource that provides player stats, prices, and squad-building solutions to guide you in creating a formidable team.

  3. Q: Who are some recommended players to include in my team?
    A: Players like Jude, Barnes, Benzema, and Kubo are highly recommended for their exceptional skills and contributions to the team.

  4. Q: What is Division Rivals?
    A: Division Rivals is a competitive game mode in FIFA that matches players of similar skill levels against each other.

  5. Q: How can I handle finishing inconsistency in FIFA?
    A: Finishing inconsistency can be frustrating, but perseverance, practice, and adapting your shooting techniques can help improve your chances of success.

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