Master the Leaderboards with the Number 1 Ranked Post Patch FUT Champs Strategy

Mastering the leaderboards is an aspiration that drives many gamers. In the quest for dominance, one name consistently reigns supreme – the Number 1 Ranked Post Patch FUT Champs Strategy. With its unparalleled efficiency and proven success, this strategy has captivated the minds of dedicated players across the gaming world. As they dive into the depths of intense competition, they unravel the secrets behind this winning formula, pushing the boundaries of their abilities. Join the ranks of those who have embraced this strategy and let your journey towards leaderboard glory unfold.

Master the Leaderboards with the Number 1 Ranked Post Patch FUT Champs Strategy


In the exhilarating world of FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT), the competition is fierce, and players are constantly coming up with new strategies to dominate the leaderboards. One such player, nickrtfm2, has recently achieved the coveted number one ranking post patch. In this review, we will delve into the video created by nickrtfm2 and explore the strategies and tactics that have propelled him to the top.

They are going to do Foot Champs qualities

One of the first aspects highlighted by nickrtfm2 in the video is the importance of participating in Foot Champs qualities. This competitive mode allows players to test their skills against the best and earn rewards based on their performance. By competing in these qualities, players can refine their strategies and gain valuable experience to improve their chances on the leaderboards.

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They feel like tomorrow is their day for the icon pack

In the video, nickrtfm2 expresses his optimism about obtaining an icon pack. Icons are legendary players in FIFA Ultimate Team, and their inclusion in a squad adds a significant boost in both skill level and prestige. By emphasizing that “tomorrow is their day,” nickrtfm2 exudes confidence and indicates that he believes his performance in the upcoming matches will warrant the acquisition of this valuable asset.

They have a Bremer card that they want to try

A notable point of focus in the video is nickrtfm2’s desire to experiment with a Bremer card. Cards in FUT represent individual players, and each card has varying attributes and qualities. By expressing a sense of curiosity and eagerness to try out the Bremer card, nickrtfm2 demonstrates a willingness to explore new strategies and potentially unlock hidden potential within his squad.

They are considering benching Salah for JJ

In an intriguing twist, nickrtfm2 contemplates benching Salah, a highly skilled player, in favor of JJ. This decision exhibits a willingness to adapt and make tactical changes based on the current gameplay. By showcasing this flexibility, nickrtfm2 demonstrates that even highly ranked players are constantly evaluating their squads and making adjustments to stay ahead of the competition.

They are unsure about the depth setting and whether to keep it on or change it

Continuing the discussion on tactical considerations, nickrtfm2 raises a point of uncertainty regarding the depth setting. The depth setting determines how far back the defensive line positions itself during gameplay. By acknowledging this dilemma, nickrtfm2 showcases the complexity of decision-making in FUT and highlights the importance of finding the optimal balance to counter opponents effectively.

Zola feels good in the game

A positive note struck by nickrtfm2 is the satisfaction derived from using Zola in his squad. Zola is a renowned player and, in this context, is proving to be a valuable asset for nickrtfm2’s team. This acknowledgment shows that player preferences and individual playstyles can have a significant impact on overall success in the game.

The gameplay feels similar to previous versions with some differences

Reflecting on the overall gameplay experience, nickrtfm2 suggests that the latest version of FIFA retains some semblance to previous iterations while introducing subtle differences. This observation underscores the importance of adapting and adjusting strategies to accommodate these changes in gameplay mechanics.

They enjoy using finesse shots and powerful shots

A particular aspect of gameplay that tickles nickrtfm2’s fancy is the usage of finesse shots and powerful shots. These shooting techniques require precision and timing, and their successful execution can lead to spectacular goals. By emphasizing this aspect, nickrtfm2 highlights the potential effectiveness of these shooting techniques in scoring goals and obtaining an advantage over opponents.


They celebrate after scoring goals

Adding a touch of personal flair, nickrtfm2 mentions his celebration rituals after successfully scoring goals. Celebrations serve as a way for players to express their joy and satisfaction after achieving a milestone in a match. This detail humanizes the gameplay experience, emphasizing the emotional connection and the personal investment put into each match.

They are saving their fodder for a Brazilian icon pack

In a strategic move, nickrtfm2 divulges his intention to save various resources known as “fodder” for a Brazilian icon pack. Fodder refers to excess cards or player items that can be utilized in various ways, such as completing squad-building challenges. By strategically collecting and saving these resources, nickrtfm2 aims to obtain a prized Brazilian icon pack, adding further strength to his squad.

They are having more attacking plays down the middle

A gameplay detail noted by nickrtfm2 is the increased frequency of attacking plays down the middle of the pitch. This observation highlights the importance of adaptability and recognizing emerging trends within the game. By adjusting strategies to capitalize on these attacking opportunities, nickrtfm2 maximizes his chances of scoring goals and outplaying opponents.

Bailey is performing well, and they want to keep him in the team

Nickrtfm2 acknowledges the impressive performance of Bailey, one of the players in his squad. Bailey’s success on the pitch prompts nickrtfm2 to express a desire to retain him within the team. This observation showcases the importance of individual player performance and the impact it can have on the overall success of a squad.

They are struggling to score goals in the game

Despite achieving the number one ranking, nickrtfm2 openly admits to struggling in the area of goal-scoring. This admission demonstrates humility and a willingness to acknowledge weaknesses. Recognizing these challenges is an integral part of self-improvement and the constant pursuit of refining strategies to better compete in the highly competitive FUT Champions mode.

They are planning to replace Bremer with VVD or Vidage in the next game

In an effort to enhance the defensive capabilities of the team, nickrtfm2 plans to replace Bremer, as his performance and animations have proven to be frustrating. By recognizing the shortcomings of certain players and searching for suitable alternatives, nickrtfm2 shows a commitment to optimizing the squad for superior performance.

They are frustrated with Bremer’s animations and performance

Building upon the previous point, nickrtfm2 expresses frustration with Bremer’s animations and performance. In online competitive gaming, even the smallest details, such as player animations, can have a significant impact on gameplay. Nickrtfm2’s frustration further emphasizes the importance of finding players who seamlessly fit into one’s playstyle and effectively contribute to the overall squad dynamic.


They are expecting a rage quit from their opponent

In a display of confidence and anticipation, nickrtfm2 predicts a possible rage quit from his opponent. A rage quit occurs when an opponent becomes frustrated with the match and abruptly ends it, resulting in a victory for the opposing player. This expectation reflects a belief in his strategies and the ability to overpower opponents to the point of causing frustration.


In conclusion, nickrtfm2’s video provides valuable insights into the strategies and tactics he employed to secure the number one ranking post patch. Through his exploration and experimentation with different players, tactics, and celebrations, nickrtfm2 demonstrates the multifaceted nature of success in FUT Champions. By remaining adaptable, open to change, and continually refining strategies, players can aspire to master the leaderboards and establish themselves as the best of the best.


  1. Q: How did nickrtfm2 achieve the number one ranking post patch in FUT Champs?
    A: By participating in Foot Champs qualities, experimenting with different players, and employing various tactical strategies, nickrtfm2 managed to secure the number one ranking.

  2. Q: What is an icon pack in FIFA Ultimate Team?
    A: An icon pack refers to a collection of legendary players in FUT that can significantly enhance a squad’s skill level and prestige.

  3. Q: Why did nickrtfm2 contemplate benching Salah for JJ?
    A: Nickrtfm2 considered benching Salah to adapt to evolving gameplay mechanics and potentially optimize his squad’s performance.

  4. Q: What are the advantages of using finesse shots and powerful shots in FIFA?
    A: Finesse shots and powerful shots can lead to spectacular goals and provide an advantage over opponents when executed with precision and timing.

  5. Q: What is the significance of celebrating after scoring goals in FIFA?
    A: Celebrations serve as a way for players to express their joy and satisfaction after achieving a milestone in a match, adding a personal touch to the gameplay experience.

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