The Latest Eusebio SBC Unveils an Unexpected Major Issue: Find Out Here!

I. The Unexpected Major Issue Unveiled in the Latest Eusebio SBC: My Insightful Analysis When I first delved into the new Eusebio SBC (Squad Building Challenge), I was excited to see the latest addition to the game. As an avid FIFA player, I am always on the lookout for exciting updates and player releases. Little did I know that this SBC would bring to light an unexpected major issue that has left the community buzzing. Join me as I delve into what exactly went wrong and explore the implications it holds for FIFA players worldwide.

The Latest Eusebio SBC Unveils an Unexpected Major Issue: Find Out Here!


I have recently discovered an unexpected major issue with the latest Squad Building Challenge (SBC) in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team. The challenge revolves around the highly acclaimed player, Eusebio, also known as Uso. In this article, I will delve into the details of the SBC and shed light on the issue that has caught the attention of many players.

Heading 1: Eusebio’s Impressive Attributes

Eusebio’s Squad Building Challenge introduces players to a highly sought-after player in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team. With a five-star weak foot and an outstanding finishing rating of 98, Eusebio proves to be a remarkable shooter. This makes him a valuable asset to any team, especially for those aiming for an attacking playstyle.

Heading 2: The Requirements of the SBC

To acquire Eusebio through the SBC, players must fulfill specific requirements. The SBC demands an 85 rating and 87 chemistry, which some players may find a bit expensive. The challenge comprises 18 squads, with an 86-rated squad necessary for the loan version of Uso. These requirements may pose a difficulty for some players as they strive to gather the necessary players and achieve the desired squad rating.

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Heading 3: The Challenge of High-Rated Squad for Loan Uso

One particular aspect of the challenge that has raised concerns among players is the high-rated squad requirement for the loan version of Uso. Many players have expressed frustration and disappointment with this specific demand, finding it to be an unnecessary obstacle in obtaining the loan card. It can be disheartening for players to face such a challenge, especially when they have their sights set on experiencing the talents of Uso.

Heading 4: Eusebio’s Past Performance

Eusebio’s performance in previous FIFA games has been a topic of debate among the gaming community. While he has had some exceptional years, his performance in other iterations of the game has been inconsistent. This raises questions about whether Eusebio will deliver the same level of excellence in FIFA 23 or if he will fall short of expectations. Players must take this into consideration when deciding whether to embark on the SBC or pursue other alternatives.

Heading 5: Weighing the Choice: Kane vs. Mbappe

The SBC’s introduction of Eusebio as a prominent player forces players to make a tough decision regarding their team composition. The price difference between Eusebio and another highly regarded player, Mbappe, is significant. This adds to the challenge of deciding which player to invest in. Additionally, Eusebio’s finesse shot attribute may make players think twice about choosing him, as other players might have a more powerful shot.


Heading 6: The Debate of Pace and Style

Another factor to consider when deciding between Eusebio and Mbappe is their pace and playing style. Eusebio’s pace in FIFA 23 is comparable to Mbappe’s, but some players may prefer Mbappe’s style of gameplay. This opens up the discussion of personal playstyle preferences and how it affects the player’s choice when faced with this major decision.

Heading 7: Uncertainty about Further Upgrades and Potential

Players have raised concerns about whether Eusebio will receive more upgrades or if he has already reached his maximum potential. This uncertainty may impact the decisions of players who are considering investing in the SBC. Without the assurance of future upgrades, players may be hesitant to commit their resources to a player who may not see any further improvements.

Heading 8: Inception’s Review and the Year of Uso

Reviews such as those from Inception have suggested that this could be a great year for using Uso in FIFA 23. However, players must take these opinions with caution and conduct their own research before making a final decision. While positive feedback is encouraging, it is essential to weigh all factors and evaluate the compatibility of a player like Uso with individual playstyles and team dynamics.


In conclusion, the latest Eusebio SBC in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team has unveiled an unexpected major issue. The high-rated squad requirement for the loan version of Uso has frustrated many players. Moreover, the uncertainty surrounding Eusebio’s performance and potential upgrades adds to the difficulty of deciding whether to invest in the SBC. Players must carefully consider their options, assess the attributes and features of Uso, and balance them against their own preferences and team composition before making a final decision.



  1. Q: How much does Eusebio’s Squad Building Challenge cost?
    A: Eusebio’s SBC requires an 85 rating and 87 chemistry, which can be a bit expensive for some players.

  2. Q: How many squads are included in Eusebio’s SBC?
    A: Eusebio’s SBC consists of 18 squads, with an 86-rated squad needed for the loan version.

  3. Q: Is Eusebio’s performance consistent in previous FIFA games?
    A: Eusebio’s performance in previous FIFA games has been inconsistent, with some exceptional years and others falling short.

  4. Q: How does Eusebio’s price compare to Mbappe’s?
    A: There is a significant price difference between Eusebio and Mbappe, making the decision of which player to choose challenging.

  5. Q: Will Eusebio receive further upgrades in the future?
    A: It is uncertain whether Eusebio will receive more upgrades or if he has already reached his maximum potential.

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