Significant Upgrades to the Shitters: Can Our Qualification for Champs be Achieved?

I am thrilled to share some exciting news with all of you. In this blog post, I want to discuss the significant upgrades we have made to the Shitters and how they can potentially help us achieve qualification for the champs. Join me as I delve into the details and explore the possibilities that lie ahead.

Title: Significant Upgrades to the Shitters: Can Our Qualification for Champs be Achieved?


Welcome to my review of the latest video by NepentheZ 2, where we explore the significant upgrades made to my team, the Shitters, in our quest for Champs qualification. From updating my goalkeeper to unlocking new player upgrades, join me as I share my journey and strategies.

Heading 1: I Didn’t Qualify for Champs due to my Low Rated Evo Goalkeeper

Sub-heading 1: Struggles in Champs Qualification

I started my journey with the Shitters filled with determination to qualify for Champs. However, my low-rated Evo goalkeeper became a major setback, resulting in repeated defeats. It was clear that an upgrade was necessary to boost my chances of success.

Heading 2: I Replaced my Goalkeeper with Icon SBC Peter Schmeichel

Sub-heading 2: The Iconic Upgrade

To address the goalkeeper issue, I decided to replace my low-rated Evo goalkeeper with the legendary Icon SBC Peter Schmeichel. The difference was noticeable immediately. Schmeichel’s presence and skills between the goalposts gave my team the much-needed defensive stability.

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Heading 3: Upgraded my Player Horam in the Series

Sub-heading 3: Enhancing Individual Skills

In addition to the goalkeeper upgrade, I focused on upgrading my player Horam in the series. By investing in his development and acquiring new skills, Horam became a pivotal player for the Shitters, contributing significantly to the team’s overall performance.

Heading 4: Completed the First Segment of Lang Jik Xan’s Upgrade

Sub-heading 4: Unleashing the Potential

To further bolster my team, I completed the first segment of Lang Jik Xan’s upgrade. This decision allowed me to tap into his exceptional abilities and enhance the overall team dynamic. Lang Jik Xan proved to be an asset with his first touch play style and his ability to score crucial goals.

Heading 5: Have More Evos Available

Sub-heading 5: Expanding Evolution Options

By exploring more evolution options, I opened up a world of possibilities. With a wider pool of evos available, I could adapt my team’s strategy to different opponents and effectively counter their tactics.

Heading 6: Used Pitch Commander for Upgrades


Sub-heading 6: Strategic Enhancements

The implementation of Pitch Commander played a pivotal role in upgrading my team. With this tool, I fine-tuned various aspects of our gameplay, allowing for better control and coordination on the field.

Heading 7: Upgraded Lei Lee and Shan Juanan

Sub-heading 7: Strengthening Defense

Recognizing the importance of a solid defense, I decided to upgrade Lei Lee and Shan Juanan. Their improved defensive skills and solidarity significantly reduced the number of goals conceded, further enhancing our chances of Champs qualification.

Heading 8: Used Das in Midfield Dynasty

Sub-heading 8: Midfield Dominance

In the continuous pursuit of team improvement, I incorporated Das into the Midfield Dynasty. This addition further solidified our midfield presence, providing greater control over the game’s flow and setting up scoring opportunities.

Heading 9: Need to Complete More Evolutions and Build Coin Balance

Sub-heading 9: Investing in Future Success

Although significant upgrades have been made, there is still work to be done. Completing more evolutions and building a solid coin balance remain essential, allowing for the acquisition of top-tier players and additional upgrades to further boost our chances in Champs.

Heading 10: Completed 30 Objectives and Got Maldini

Sub-heading 10: Unlocking Rewards

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By diligently completing 30 objectives, I achieved the milestone of unlocking Maldini. This valuable addition to the team strengthened our defense even further, making us a daunting force to reckon with.


The significant upgrades made to the Shitters have brought remarkable improvements to our gameplay. From addressing the goalkeeper issue to unlocking new player upgrades, each enhancement has contributed to our goal of Champs qualification. With determination, strategy, and continued progress, we are on the right track to securing our well-deserved spot.

Unique FAQs:

Q1: How did you address the issue of your low-rated Evo goalkeeper?
Q2: Which player did you replace your goalkeeper with?
Q3: Did upgrading player Horam make a significant difference in your team’s performance?
Q4: How did Lang Jik Xan’s first touch play style impact your ability to score goals?
Q5: What other upgrades and evolutions do you plan to focus on in the future?

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