How to Increase Your Goal Tally with This Unbelievable Shooting Technique! #FIFA #FC24 #EAFC24 #Viral

I will help you enhance your goal tally with an incredible shooting technique. #FIFA #FC24 #EAFC24 #Viral.

How to Increase Your Goal Tally with This Unbelievable Shooting Technique in FIFA 24!


As a passionate FIFA player, diving deep into the world of virtual soccer is where I find my thrill. Behind every exhilarating win lies a secret – a technique that has the power to boost your goal tally and leave your opponents in awe. Today, I am thrilled to share with you the ultimate key to success in FIFA 24 – the Power Shot Volley technique. Fasten your seatbelts as I take you on a journey to mastering this extraordinary shooting method and skyrocketing your goal count.
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What is the Power Shot Volley Technique?

The Power Shot Volley technique is a game-changer in FIFA 24, offering players a strategic advantage when it comes to scoring goals. Unlike the regular power shot, the Power Shot Volley elevates your gameplay by providing enhanced accuracy, speed, and power.

How to Execute the Power Shot Volley Technique

  1. Positioning: Pop the ball up from 30 to 50 yards away from the goal to set the stage for the perfect shot.
  2. Charging Up: Charge up the power shot while ensuring accuracy and hitting the green timing for maximum impact.
  3. Shooting: Flick the ball up, position yourself, and unleash the power shot volley to send the ball smashing into the net.

Why is the Power Shot Volley Superior?

The Power Shot Volley is a force to be reckoned with for several reasons:

  • Players equipped with the power shot attribute showcase increased accuracy, speed, and shooting ability.
  • This technique enables players to create and execute shots quickly, catching opponents off guard.
  • The overpowered nature of the green time pop volley shot makes it challenging for goalkeepers to save.
  • Especially effective against opponents who pack the box with multiple players, the power shot volley ensures successful goals in even the tightest scenarios.
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The Joy of Victory with the Power Shot Volley

Executing a flawless power shot volley not only elevates your gameplay but also leads to satisfying and enjoyable goals. The feeling of watching the ball hit the back of the net after a well-timed shot is unparalleled. The technique combines mechanics and accuracy, making it a must-have skill in your FIFA arsenal.


In conclusion, mastering the Power Shot Volley technique is the key to dominating the FIFA 24 pitch and increasing your goal tally significantly. By incorporating this skill into your gameplay and focusing on green timing and accuracy, you are bound to enjoy a winning streak filled with remarkable goals and unforgettable victories. So, gear up, sharpen your skills, and get ready to unleash the power shot volley to triumph in every match you play!


  1. How can I score more goals in FIFA 24?
  2. Why is the Power Shot Volley technique better than the regular power shot?
  3. What distance should I pop the ball up from to use the power shot volley?
  4. Is the Power Shot Volley effective against opponents with a crowded box defense?
  5. What makes the green time pop volley shot so overpowered and accurate?

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