“Why is EA Getting HATE For These NEW Rewards?!”

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Wait wait oh it is it's a 583 pack no Way is that a team of the week pack it's Only one 1583 plus players for rank one We gotta look at these rewards hold up Team of the week sucks bro let's let's Not sit here and act like team of the Week is some like amazing thing we're Playing for it's been absolutely Shambolic and woeful for like three to Four weeks now it's been so trash so I'm Not gonna sit here and act like they've Removed the greatest rewards of all time But it is 30k so are these gonna be Tradable packs boys 583 plus tradable I Don't know what the odds are on a 583 Plus though that would be interesting You got a promo going in we've got icons Going in right don't you kind of feel Like the ceiling on the pack could be Better though the qualifying rewards are All going to be the exact same so I Think until like the World Cup ends or January we are gonna have different Player picks different tradable picks Now I've seen a lot of people say they Don't like these new rewards I'm gonna Explain why I think they're better than The last one I'm always down for EA to Change stuff like when it's the same Thing every year it's just so boring so This is going to be a one of 384 plus You'll get two of these I'm going to Explain why I like this more because I Think you have a higher chance of

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Getting a relevant promo card or fodder I think one of 384 pluses you know yes There's a lot of those with 384s but I Think you've got a decent chance to get Like a walkout whereas when I do when we Do the normal Reds it's just so bad like You're lucky to get an 86 and then we've Also got one 583 player pack so this is Probably worse in the eyes of many than A team of the week pack because a team Of the week pack is minimum 30k the Problem is the team of the week is just So dead and we've got so many players Below 80. so I don't actually mind this Because while I think that the worst Pack here is 583s and you'll make 5K if You're lucky I get that you don't get That Baseline 30k anymore I like it for The fact that you still play chance and Get guaranteed coins and that this pack Can give you the chance of something Crazy like the ceiling on this pack is a Lot crazier you can get any promo card We're also gonna have the World Cup icon So if they treat the World Cup icons Kinda like how the Marvel hero Euros are You'll have a chance of getting those in These I just like it a bit more that's My personal opinion I think that the Ceiling on these is nice like it makes Me more excited that I can look forward To this we'll see we'll see how that Pans out obviously I think for me like Overall with these rewards the player

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Picks are going to be better 100 I Really believe that and then obviously As you go a little bit further you get One of four 84 plus you'll get three of These I think the most is still one of Four so they didn't make it one of five It's gonna be one of 484 Plus in the Twitch Prime packs it's a one of four I Think it's an 81 plus and for the most Part A lot of people get like 84 to 86s And that's 81 plus so with this being 84 Plus I'm really interested in these I Think this is going to be awesome so Rank five looks really like an OP Stopping point

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About the Author: futhq

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