Nick tests NEW 83+ x15 Store Pack

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,

Store store DJ alert digens unite D gents where are You wake up I gotta leave bro these D-gens are they're calling me bro oh Wait is it a lightning round oh my God It's a lightning round it's a lightning Round it's got to be a lightning round I Think right they're gone no man you guys Joking right bro what the [ __ ] yo FIFA Community what's wrong with you guys man Go spend some money on a date or Something bro what are you guys doing FIFA Community are they seriously gone No you frauds you fraud 125k oh these Are not great odds I'll be honest chat Not May the RNG and luck be with us oh That's not a walk out that's not a walk Out Chad that's not oh it is all black Wait father's so high too Oh what a pack what a pack What a pack wait this is a dupe what a Pack what a pack It's untradable though oh man we gotta Send it we gotta send it we can only do Like eight Team of the week walk out German goalkeeper Trap bro there could be something crazy Behind it there could be something crazy Oh my God so many walkouts Go go go so many walkouts go so many Walkouts in this pack Know that again dupe again three times What happened what happened what

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Happened go go go go go go go I'm gonna Be broke on this account after this but But uh don't be surprised if we got a Couple Mill tomorrow all right next up Walk out or no Messy oh that's terrible no walking what Happened I got like six walkouts before That what the [ __ ] man I like this pack I'm feeling it Uh where's the freaking icon though bro Oh man oh man Trent all right all right Chad we done oh one more Trent gives Good luck all right last one last one Then we're gonna do some share plays It's not an eye condo it's gonna be like Perico bro what is that man Laporte oh My God what a good start what a terrible Ending there what a lightning round for Me boys what a lightning No no no no no we can't chat because we Have to save if there's like a freaking Like 50 70 player pack bro we have to be Ready you guys left me with nothing

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About the Author: futhq

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