Mt first F2P Tradable Reward!! – Sorare to Glory Ep 3

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Craig Douglas

#PlayToEarn #NFT #SoRare

What's up guys and the Panthers here and Welcome back to another video on my so Rare Road to Glory so match day one is Over match day two is already underway And Iran have already beat Wales two nil And I believe unless miracles happen Wales are basically out now of the World Cup however Uh this was my lineup obviously it Didn't uh go as intended necessarily uh Stupanam was always going to be like the Flex pick one of those ones where it's Like well I hope Ecuador smash Qatar and He gets involved he didn't really Um de bruyne didn't really deliver for Uh Belgium against Canada Canada were Actually fantastic and quite unlucky to Come Away with the loss uh Messi did all Right in spite of Um you know Saudi Arabia beating Argentina and kimmich did all right in Spite of the fact that Germany lost to Uh um not Korea who did Germany lose to Japan and then Alison bought himself the 60 points but nothing more in Brazil's Two-nil win versus Serbia so what I Thought would be a good team obviously This is all about opinions isn't it uh Wasn't the best wasn't the worst either And where did that leave us With regards to rewards so in the global Cup we finished 71 321st and what that means for the prize Pool is we finished in the top 100 000


Which is amazing because that means Already we get our first tier 3 custom Series which I believe is an nft and Tradable Um This here says one new reward obviously We don't have one new reward we have two Rewards now unfortunately I tried to Stay up for the rewards and I waited up Till about half past three and then it Was about quarter past four that the Rewards came out uh because the match Day was supposed to start at like 8 A.M UK time so I wanted to get my new team In and potential new player into the Global Cup team for match day two Um before uh before the the game locked In case I've got someone good here which I probably won't get somebody Um Uh better than what I already had now I Need to go and send a verification code Here so uh I will be RB all right so Attempt two here we go and uh yes I now Wait What Why is it a tier one common In a tier three common I thought they Were purple cards we get Canada Goalkeeper We get Milan borjan 35 year old national Series common and our tier three common Is going to be Senegalese forward


Christian basagogue Uh age 27 584 out of 2022 I wonder if there's 2022 Of them because of the year or because That's how many people just won him Um but he is our first nft in our free To play uh Series so they have now added Collections as well complete your National card Series so we've got one of Seven forwards for Cameroon did I say Senegal my bad my bad I've not been up Long guys all right Um And I believe yeah so this is a tradable Card Um I don't know if these cards are worth All that much They are not however For our entry point into and for a Free-to-play account this is a good Start and I'm not gonna rush and sell Him now I don't even think people would Necessarily buy him unless you're trying To complete the collections but we've Got to sum up at like four pounds three Pounds and I wouldn't expect them to be Selling for much more because they don't Really have too much utility wait why Are some of them bronze And some of them silver oh that's Interesting Oh that's very interesting does that Mean there's also some gold ones there Is

That's very interesting I'm gonna have To try and figure out what that means And why they're different But there you go guys so that that was My rewards Um for Match day one match day two we have got Ourselves uh Alison Brazil against Switzerland I'd expect the Brazil win And hope for the Brazil clean sheet We've got Ecuador against Netherlands so I'm not really expecting too much from SGP Nan uh this time around Germany Against Spain is going to be difficult For kimmich but Germany half the win to Have a chance of qualifying Belgium Against Morocco hopefully uh de bruyne Does well and then Argentina against Mexico much like Germany Argentina have To win so it's going to be an Interesting one guys how did your Rewards get on let me know down below How well you did and what player you got Or what players you might have got that Were tradable nfts and let me know about Your comment as well but that is the Start for us and uh yeah hopefully match Day two is going to be really good for Us so thank you very much for watching And I'll see you next time I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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