A Comprehensive Review of Nick’s Testing of the New 87+ Base or Centurions Icon SBC

Are you eagerly anticipating the results of Nick’s extensive test on the new 87+ Base or Centurions Icon SBC? In this comprehensive review, you will discover all the crucial insights and findings gathered from Nick’s meticulous examination. So, get ready to dive into the depths of this exciting evaluation and unlock a wealth of valuable information about this highly anticipated SBC!



Are you a passionate FIFA player looking for an in-depth review of Nick’s testing of the new 87+ Base or Centurions Icon SBC in FIFA23? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the excitement, disappointment, and everything in between that comes with opening packs and testing the luck of acquiring high-rated players in FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT). Get ready to dive into Nick’s journey and see what the FIFA23 gaming experience has to offer!

Heading 1: The Thrill of Opening Packs
Subheading: One More Team Added in a Week

As a FIFA player, you know the joy that comes with opening packs and the anticipation of what lies inside. With each new week, FIFA updates the available packs with the addition of one more team. This adds an extra layer of excitement as it increases the variety of players that could potentially be acquired. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of a particular club or simply enjoy the surprise element, the addition of a new team brings a fresh wave of anticipation.

Heading 2: The Ups and Downs of Pack Luck
Subheading: Pack Feels Heavy with Good Players

Have you ever experienced the exhilarating moment when a pack feels unusually heavy, signaling the potential for top-rated players? In Nick’s testing of the new SBC, he found himself in such a situation. The excitement builds up as the pack animation begins, and you can almost feel the quality players waiting to be revealed. It’s moments like these that make the FUT experience truly thrilling and memorable.

Subheading: Uncertainty about the Players in the Pack

Despite the initial excitement, there is always an air of uncertainty when opening a pack. Will you get a player that perfectly fits your team’s needs, or will it be a player you already have? This uncertainty adds a thrill to the experience, as you eagerly await the reveal of the player’s name and rating. Will it be a player that can propel your team to new heights, or will it leave you wanting more?


Subheading: Disappointment with the Player Received

Of course, not every pack opening will yield the desired outcome. Sometimes, the luck just doesn’t go your way, and you receive a player that falls short of your expectations. The disappointment can be disheartening, especially when you’ve been eagerly anticipating a high-rated player that would have greatly improved your squad. It’s in these moments that the FIFA community comes together to discuss their own experiences and support each other in the pursuit of better pack luck.

Heading 3: The Quest for the Ultimate Team
Subheading: Need to Stop Buying Packs

After a few disappointing pack openings, it’s natural to question whether buying more packs is the best course of action. The desire to obtain top-rated players can be strong, but sometimes it’s necessary to take a step back and reassess your strategy. Spending excessive amounts of in-game currency or real-life money on packs doesn’t always guarantee success, and it’s important to find a balance that aligns with your gaming goals and financial means.

Subheading: Change in Luck for Another Player

While one player may be experiencing a streak of bad luck, another may suddenly find fortune turning in their favor. This unpredictability keeps the FIFA community engaged and creates a sense of camaraderie among players. Sharing stories of unexpected luck and celebrating each other’s successes adds to the excitement of the game and reinforces the connection between players from all around the world.

Subheading: Desire to be on EA’s List of Streamers

For passionate FIFA players, the dream of being on EA’s list of streamers is a significant aspiration. It opens up opportunities to showcase pack openings, discuss tactics, and connect with the wider FIFA community. The chance to be recognized by EA and share the excitement of pack openings with a larger audience fuels the desire to keep testing and sharing the FIFA gaming experience.

Heading 4: Unique Player Experiences
Subheading: Request for a Brazil Icon Player

FIFA players often have specific players they hope to acquire in their squads. In Nick’s testing, he expresses his desire for a Brazil icon player to enhance the diversity and strength of his team. The pursuit of these unique players adds an extra layer of excitement, as the rarity and legacy associated with icon players make them highly sought after in the FIFA community.


Subheading: Excitement for Getting Gatuso

In his pack opening journey, Nick experiences a truly exciting moment when he acquires Gatuso, a renowned player known for his tenacity and skills on the pitch. The joy of attaining such a player amplifies the overall thrill of FIFA pack openings, and Nick revels in the newfound strength and versatility that Gatuso brings to his team.

Subheading: Happiness for Getting Tor Müller, a Spain Striker

Another standout moment in Nick’s testing is when he acquires Tor Müller, a Spain striker. This player perfectly aligns with Nick’s team strategy and brings a sense of fulfillment and happiness to his FIFA Ultimate Team. These moments, when the player received is precisely what was desired, serve as a reminder of the exhilaration that comes with successful pack openings.

Heading 5: Reflecting on the FIFA Experience
Subheading: Jealousy Towards Another Player’s Luck

In the FIFA community, the range of pack opening experiences can trigger a mix of emotions. Seeing others get lucky with high-rated players can sometimes evoke feelings of jealousy or frustration. However, it’s important to remember that luck plays a significant role in these outcomes, and celebrating the successes of others is crucial for maintaining a positive and supportive community.

Subheading: Desire for Bura Orino Player

Throughout Nick’s testing, he expresses his desire for a specific player, Bura Orino. This recurring theme underscores the individual aspirations and goals of FIFA players. The pursuit of acquiring a specific player can become an ongoing motivation, fueling the excitement and determination to keep opening packs until that dream becomes a reality.

Subheading: Contentment with the Luck Received

Amidst the highs and lows of pack openings, there are moments of contentment when the received player surpasses expectations. These instances serve as a reminder that fortune can favor anyone, and achieving satisfaction within the unpredictable world of pack openings is a cherished experience.

Subheading: Questioning the Quality of the Received Player


In the testing process, there may be occasions when the quality of the received player is called into question. This could be due to individual playstyle preferences or an expectation of higher-rated players. These discussions within the FIFA community provide valuable insights and perspectives, fostering an environment of exploration and analysis.


In conclusion, Nick’s testing of the new 87+ Base or Centurions Icon SBC provides a comprehensive look into the world of FIFA23 pack openings. From the thrill of opening packs to the ups and downs of pack luck, the FIFA community shares a passion for the pursuit of the ultimate team. As players strive for high-rated players, embrace unpredictability, and support one another through disappointments and successes, the FIFA experience continues to captivate and unite players worldwide.


  1. Q: Are these new SBCs available in FIFA23?
    A: Yes, these SBCs are part of FIFA23 and provide an exciting opportunity to acquire high-rated players.

  2. Q: Can I improve my pack luck in FIFA Ultimate Team?
    A: Pack luck is primarily based on chance, but some strategies can increase your chances, such as participating in specific promotions or events.

  3. Q: How can I cope with disappointment when opening packs?
    A: Remember that pack luck is unpredictable, and every opening is an opportunity for excitement. Reach out to the FIFA community for support and to share your experiences.

  4. Q: Is it worth spending real money on packs in FIFA23?
    A: This ultimately depends on your personal preferences and gaming goals. Consider setting a budget and evaluating the value you derive from purchasing packs.

  5. Q: Are there any other ways to acquire high-rated players in FIFA23, aside from pack openings?
    A: Yes, there are alternative methods, such as completing Squad Building Challenges (SBCs) or participating in the Transfer Market to trade and acquire players.

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