Admitting My Mistake: The Unbelievably Insane Power of This Card!

Admitting My Mistake: The Unbelievably Insane Power of This Card! Hey there, fellow card enthusiasts! Today, I want to take a moment and share a personal story with you. I recently made a mistake, a blunder that I couldn’t believe I let happen. But amidst the frustration, I stumbled upon something incredible – the mind-blowing power of a single card. Let me take you on a journey of discovery as I recount my experience with this extraordinary card and how it changed the game for me. Get ready to be amazed!


I have to admit, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in FIFA. From choosing the wrong formation to missing crucial penalties, I’ve had my fair share of frustrations. But perhaps the biggest mistake I made was underestimating the power of one particular player – Icon Pack number 10. The journey to discovering his true potential was filled with disappointment, frustration, and doubt, but in the end, it taught me a valuable lesson about the unpredictability of the game and the importance of giving players a second chance.

Disappointed with the German player I got

When I first opened my Icon Pack and saw that I had received a German player, I was filled with excitement and anticipation. As a fan of German football, I was hoping to add a high-quality player to my team. However, my joy quickly turned into disappointment when I realized that the player’s stats didn’t match his real-life performance. It seemed like I had gotten a player with fake stats – a far cry from what I had expected.

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Expensive player with fake stats

Not only was this player expensive, but he also had some impressive stats on paper. However, when I played with him, it felt like something was off. His pace was sluggish, his shooting lacked accuracy, and his overall performance left much to be desired. I couldn’t help but feel frustrated and deceived by the hype surrounding this player.

Needed a better striker

As a player who heavily relies on attacking prowess, having a reliable striker is crucial for me. The lackluster performance of the German player only amplified my need for a better attacker. I found myself struggling to create scoring opportunities and convert them into goals. It was clear that a change needed to be made in my lineup.

Playing with a meta dropback strategy

In an attempt to compensate for the shortcomings of my team, I decided to adopt a meta dropback strategy. This defensive tactic would, in theory, provide my team with more stability at the back and allow for quick counter-attacks. While it did improve my defensive record, it still didn’t solve the underlying issue – my inability to score goals consistently.

Müller not performing well for me

As one of the most experienced players in my team, I had high expectations for Thomas Müller. However, he failed to live up to those expectations. His positioning was questionable, his decision-making lacked precision, and his goalscoring record was abysmal. I was on the verge of giving up on Müller and looking for a replacement.

Giving him a second chance

Despite my initial disappointment with Müller, something inside me told me to give him another chance. Maybe it was his impressive track record or the hope that he would shine as a first owner. I decided to stick with Müller for a few more games to see if he could turn things around.

Hoping he plays better as a first owner

As a first owner, there’s a certain pride that comes with using a player who you’ve packed yourself. I hoped that this sense of ownership would inspire Müller to perform at his best. I believed that if I supported him and showed him my trust, he would repay me with improved performances on the pitch.

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Scoring goals has been my main issue

Despite having a strong team overall, scoring goals had become my main issue. My players struggled to find the back of the net consistently, and it was starting to affect my gameplay. I knew that if I wanted to succeed, I needed to find a solution to this problem.

Shooting and passing were problematic before

Müller’s lack of contribution to the goalscoring department had a significant impact on my team’s performance. His shooting accuracy and power were questionable, making it difficult for him to convert chances into goals. Additionally, his passing accuracy often let him down, hindering the team’s ability to create scoring opportunities.

Surprised by his improved dribbling

To my surprise, Müller began to show signs of improvement in the dribbling department. His close ball control and agility were far better than before. It was as if he had rediscovered his confidence and was willing to take on defenders with more flair and creativity.

His finishing is now on point

Not only did Müller’s dribbling improve, but his finishing also underwent a miraculous transformation. Shots that used to go wide or hit the post were now finding the back of the net. It was a delight to witness Müller’s newfound accuracy and composure in front of goal. He had become the clinical finisher that my team desperately needed.

Happy with his performance

As Müller continued to excel on the pitch, my satisfaction grew. His contributions were not limited to scoring goals; he also provided assists and created space for his teammates. It was a joy to watch him play and be an integral part of my team’s success.

Finally found a reliable attacker

With Müller’s resurgence, my team’s attacking prowess skyrocketed. He became the reliable attacker that I had been searching for. His ability to find the back of the net consistently and create opportunities for others elevated my team to a whole new level.

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Had fun using this player today

Gone were the doubts and frustrations. Playing with Müller became a source of joy and excitement. Every game was filled with anticipation, wondering how many goals he would score or assists he would provide. The unpredictability of football was once again at the forefront, reminding me to never judge a player based solely on their stats.


In admitting my mistake, I discovered the unbelievably insane power of the Icon Pack number 10. It taught me to look beyond a player’s initial underwhelming performance and give them a chance to prove themselves. Müller’s redemption story is a reminder that sometimes, all it takes is a little faith and perseverance to uncover a player’s true potential.


  1. Q: How did the disappointment with the German player affect your gameplay?

    • A: The disappointment affected my overall performance, as my team struggled to score goals consistently.
  2. Q: What made you give Müller a second chance?

    • A: Müller’s impressive track record and the hope that he would perform better as a first owner inspired me to give him another chance.
  3. Q: Did adopting a dropback strategy solve your goal-scoring issues?

    • A: While the dropback strategy improved my defensive record, it did not address the underlying issue of my team’s lack of goals.
  4. Q: What aspects of Müller’s game improved the most?

    • A: Müller’s dribbling and finishing saw the most significant improvements, transforming him into a reliable attacker.
  5. Q: How did Müller’s resurgence affect your overall satisfaction with the game?

    • A: Müller’s resurgence brought joy and excitement to my gameplay, elevating my team’s performance and overall satisfaction.

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